February 1949 Loudspeaker

Below are excepts from the February 1949 Loudspeaker, to read the entire issue, please download the pdf to the right

Guess we didn't turn the dial far enough in our December issue because a lot of people didn't seem to hear what the LOUDSPEAKER was saying---or if they heard they forgot before they got ahold of a fountain pen. are somewhat disappointed by the response to our plea for funds for the Active Chapter. The only encouraging note is that many of our old stand-bys haven't sent their checks in yet---so we guess they just haven't gotten around to it. So tie a string around your finger and get the old check book out and send us a check. 

Active Chapter

The boys are going ahead with chapter house improvements as well as they can with the limited funds which have been received. They are all putting a lot of personal time on the repainting-redecorating project and the general lack of financial response is ununderstandable to them. 

Thirty-Fifth Anniversary

Plans are going ahead for our Thirty-Fifth Anniversary Celebration and spring Alumni Day. Your calendar is supposed to be marked, but if it isn't, draw a circle around APRIL 23, 1940 That's a date to remember. The next issue of the Loudspeaker, out about the last of March, will give full details and program. So save the date for a trip to Penn State and Omega Chapter and we'll do the rest. 

16% Fraternity

With the last Omegaphone the Active Chapter sent out address cards and asked that the Alumni fill them in and return so that the Chapter records could be brought up to date. Joe Jackson, active chapter secretary, has only gotten 16% of these cards back. We don't blame Joe for being discouraged. Did you send your card back? Joe asks us to insert the following in the Loudspeaker: 

"Have you ever heard of a 16% fraternity? It is our belief that a group of men bound by ties of brotherhood can operate only on 100% cooperation. We know our Alumni Corporation is a 100% organization; so let's cooperate and send in those address cards which you received with the last issue of the Omegaphone." 

Let's help Joe out. 

Regional Conference

The Theta Chi Assembly, the Conference of Region 3 will be held at our Lafayette Chapter on Saturday, April 2. The program include chapter clinics in the morning, fraternity school and discussion groups in the afternoon and a dinner and dance in the evening. If you're in the vicinity, plan to take this in. You'll find it interesting. 

News Briefs

Harry M. Stutzman passed away on February 21, 1948. Mrs. Stutzman wrote us of this and we were sorry to hear that Harry had joined the Chapter Eternal...Sam Baxter is now in Buffalo and is Archdeacon and Diocesan Canon of the Episcopal Diocese of Western New York...Pete Marvel is practicing medicine in Northfield, N. J....Jack Seymour, '48, was married at State last summer and the reception was held at the chapter house. Jack is now assistant manager of Allenbury, one of Pennsylvania's famous old Inns, at Roaring Spring, near Carlisle. If you're in the vicinity it's worth a visit...Bill Thompson, '19, after a long stretch of Naval service is now back in circulation and living in Strasburg, Pa. Thats where Dale Kaufman gets his mail too...A. K. Knoizen, '46, is a midshipman at Annapolis...Phil a Lieutenant in the Marine Corps now stationed at Quantico, Va....Harry in Detroit with the Fulton Sylphon Co. selling controls and valves... Ralph Stauffer lives at Belmont, Mass. and is Chief Engineer of the New England Gas and Tic System with offices at Cambridge...Sam Sinclair is now living in New York. 

Fund Contributions

The following have contributed to the Omega Fund for a total of $347 as we go to press. These contributions have all been acknowledged but we are happy again to publicly thank these men:

Fill Manbeck, Gerry Karver, Norm Horner, Ed George, Ted Smith, Forrest Thompson, Joe Jackson, C. A. Korn, Jr., Boyce Morgan, Phil Garm, Abe Doan, Ed Osterhout, A.Y. Smith, Jack Seymour, A. K. Kncizen, John Doty, Dick Geuder, Charley Newman, Phil Marvel, Bill Thompson, Al Frey, C. H. Maize, Henry Carver, Ray Poeppel, W. G. Suter, Charley Zink, Jake Davis, Bill Logan, Al Kagn, Dan Kreider, Walt Reckenberg, Walt White, Pat Stauffer, Harry Osgood and Sam Sinclair. 

Active Members

The Loudspeaker is going to all active members in addition to alumni. We are not soliciting contributions from actives, although some have already contributed. Were not returning any contributions either. 

National News

There are now 83 active chapters, Nebraska and West Virginia having been activated. We have only one inactive chapter now, North Carolina U. and steps are under way to being it back in the fold. Our 84th chapter, Gamma Fi, was installed on February 19th at U. of Buffalo, Buffalo. N. Y. (Sam Baxter was on the Installation Committee)...Our 85th chapter will he installed March 5 at Florida State Univ., Tallahassee, Florida...Petitions from groups at Duke Univ., Durham. N. C. and Bradley Univ., Peoria, Ill, are now being voted on by our chapters...Petitions from groups at Randolph Macon College, Ashland, Va.; Drake U., Sea Ioises Iowa; Col. of Puget Sound, Tacoma, Wn.; Vanderbilt U., Nashville, Tenn.; and U. of Georgia will be sent to our chapters for vote In the next few weeks. We should be well over the 90 chapter mark by the end of the school year The 1950 Convention will be held in Minneapolis, Minn. the week after Labor Day.



Thank you to all those brothers that shared their news.

Checkout past issues of the Omegaphone by clicking here.

Download the Feb. 1949 Loudspeaker