The Alumni Association of Theta Chi of Penn State

by John A. Irwin '16
As written for the March 1933 The Rattle - Vol. XXI, No. 6

After the Omega Chapter of Theta Chi Fraternity was well established, with its natural and normal growth and advancement came thoughts of a new Home affording better living conditions, better club room facilities and a house to be comparable with the other National Fraternities on the campus of Penn State. These thoughts soon grew to demands and the aid of the Alumni was enlisted. The Active chapter had purchased a parcel of land fronting 85 feet on Allen Street at the Northeast corner of Prospect Avenue and Allen Street, title of which was held in Omega Chapter Theta Chi Fraternity.

During the years 1924-1925 a parcel of land in State College, known as the Locust Lane section, was developed by the local businessmen into a fraternity section and the tendency of Theta Chi was to get on the bandwagon and obtain a lot in this group. Brother Boyce Morgan '24 then president of the local chapter negotiated with local real estate men for the purchase of a lot and endeavored to arrange with local builder for the erection and financing of the house. However, these negotiations did not materialize and there was some sentiment among the Alumni not to dispose of the lot at Prospect Avenue and Allen Street.

During these times various meetings were being held in Philadelphia where a majority of the Alumni members were located. These meetings were well attended and enthusiasm was running high. Brothers Maurice E. Kressly '15 and Ellwood B. Cassel '19 were preparing plans for a new house and Brothers Walter E. Segl '21 and Raymond B. Poeppel '20 were very active obtaining subscriptions for bonds with the hope that their efforts would lead to the starting of the construction of the hew house. The plans for the new house were completed and presented to the Active Chapter as well as the Alumni group and were well received, but the plans for financing could not be consummated and the long hope for start was postponed indefinitely.

As a result of all these events however, the Alumni group soon realized their lack of organization and the necessity of forming a body properly incorporated under the Laws of Pennsylvania so that the property held by the Active Chapter together with any property which might be acquired at a future date might be vested in a legal body, and that business could be transacted in a business like way.

Up until this time the Alumni Association, through lack of organization, had not been able to properly function. Started February 1, 1920 as the Omega Alumni Association, it had progressed more or less as an inactive organization, all action that was taken representing the work of a few individuals rather than the association as a whole. The presidency was honorary rather than elective, each active chapter president becoming president of the Omega Alumni Association upon graduation. Winfield F. Smith '20 was the first president, followed is succession by George W. Chapman and Ralph D. Stauffer. This arrangement was than changed and the president and other officers were elected.

Late in 1924 a committee was appointed composed of Brothers Walter E. Segl '21, Clifford E. Beaven '21, William B. Shaw '21, Frederick T. Vansant '20, Albert F. Schoeppe '18, and John A. Irwin '16 to petition for a charter. This committee sought the counsel of Brother Frank Sehrenk of Kappa Chapter, then counselor for the Grand Chapter. Brother Sehrenk advised immediate action along the lines mentioned and owing to pressure of business at the time Brother Sehrenk turned the committee over to Brother H. R. Faries also of Kappa Chapter, to prepare the necessary papers, who is due course of Law procured the charter of Theta Chi of Penn State.

As a matter of interest and record the CharterDegree and Recording is herewith included.

Theta Chi of Penn State, a Corporation (see Article of Incorporation) of the first class under the laws of the State of Pennsylvania became a reality on the 29th day of April 1925, with the principal office located at 813 Bailey Building, Philadelphia, PA.

On May 18th, 1925, the first meeting of the Corporation was held at which time officers of he corporation were elected as follows: Directors,  John A. Irwin, Walter A. Segl, Clifford E. Beaven, Walter B. Shaw, Frederick T. Vansant, Albert F. Schoeppe, W. Boyce Morgan, Russell B. Nesbitt, Marshal M. Drake

The first meeting of the Board of Directors was held on the 2nd day of June, 1925 at which time the following officers were elected for the ensuing year as follows: President, John A. Irwin, Vice President: Clifford E. Beaven, Secretary, Walter E. Segl, Treasurer, Raymond B. Poeppel.

The first meeting of the members of the Corporation was held the 17th day of September 1925, when approval of the action taken by the incorporation was obtained and the regular routine of Theta Chi of Penn State was inaugurated.

In the Autumn of 1925 Brothers Marshal M. Drake '26 and Otto P. Meyers '29 became members of the board of Directors by virtue of their office, replacing Brothers W. Boyce Morgan '24 and Marshal M. Drake '26 respectively.

The demands for the new house were ever present and Brother Anderson of Pi Chapter and member of the faculty, cooperating with the Active Chapter, learned that Phi Sigma Kappa Fraternity would be willing to sell 40 feet of their property adjacent to ours if a figure agreeable to both parties could be arrived at. As a result of this information a special meeting of the Board of Directors was called on the 29th day of January 1926 and after discussing the matter the President was authorized to negotiate with Phi Sigma Kappa for the purchase of this 40 feet on Allen Street, the purchase price not to exceed $1500.00, including all improvements. As a result of this authority the President consummated negotiations with Phi Sigma Kappa Fraternity and received the necessary approval of the corporation at the regular meeting held on the 23rd day of October 1926. The Fraternity was then in possession of a parcel of ground with 125 feet frontage on Allen Street, and with both Phi Sigma Kappa property and our property carrying restrictions for erection of buildings for the club house purposes. These restrictions being placed for a period of 25 years. This assures the Fraternity of having only two buildings in the entire block between Fairmount Avenue and Prospect Avenue, and with the Phi Sigma Kappa Fraternity house already erected there was no about the immediate conditions in this block. At this regular meeting of the Corporation officers for the ensuing year were elected as follows:

President: John A. Irwin
Vice President: Elwood B. Cassel
Secretary: William C. Thompson
Treasurer: Frederick T. Vansant 

The following directors remaining in office
Walter E. Segl
Russell B. Nesbitt

Elwood B. Cassel
William C. Thompson
Watrous H. Irons

The following by virtue of their office became directors
John A. Irwin
Ralph L. Yanish
Frederick T. Vansant
Otto. P. Meyers

The year elapsing between October 1926 and October 1927 was quiet except for the demands of the Active Chapter for better quarters.

At the regular meeting of the Corporation on the 22nd day of October 1927, the Board of Directors obtained authority to have plans and specifications prepared for a new house. These plans and specifications were prepared and at a regular meeting of the Board of Directors on the 27th day of October 1928 it was voted to proceed with the construction of the new house in accordance with the plans and specifications as prepared. It was therefore resolved that the President appoint a Building Committee whose duties it would be to make the awards, negotiate contracts for the furnishings and its equipment. Approval of this procedure was obtained at the regular stated meeting of the Corporation held in State College the 27th day of October 1928. At this meeting officers for the ensuing year were elected as follows:

President: John A. Irwin
Vice President: George W. Chapman
Secretary: William C. Thompson
Treasurer: Norman C. Horner

Ellwood B. Cassel
William C. Thompson 
Watrous H. Irons

Directors remaining in office were
Albert F. Schoeppe and Russell B. Nesbitt

Directors by virtue of office were:
John A. Irwin
Norman C. Horner
Richard A. Geuder  
Maxwell C. Suerken

During the years of 1928 and 1929 the house leased by the active chapter was sold to a local fraternity and the active chapter was given notice that they would be without a house at the end of the college year. This information was transmitted to the officer of the alumni corporation, and a special meeting of the members of the corporation for the purpose of gaming their sent to increase the bonded indebtedness of the corporation from nothing to $30,000, and at the same time to obtain the approval of the changing of the principal office of the corporation from 813 Bailey Building, Philadelphia, Pa., to State College, Pa. This special meeting of the members of the Corporation was called for the 15th day of July, 1929, at which time the members of the corporation authorized the Board of Directors to increase the bonded indebtedness from nothing to $30,000. With this authority the Corporation was in a position to proceed with the erection of the new house, and its construction began in August, 1929. 

At the regular stated meeting of the corporation held the 215th day of October, 1929, the members gave their approval of increasing the bonded indebtedness; of the corporation from $30,000 to $50,000. Officers for the ensuing year were elected as follows:

President: John A. Irwin 
Vice President: George W. Chapman 
Secretary: William C. Thompson
Treasurer: Norman C. Horner

John A.  Irwin
Norman C. Horner
Walter B. Shaw 
Russell B. Nesbitt 

Directors by virtue of office were
Maxwell C. Seurkin and Devere B. Decker

At the regular stated meeting of Theta Chi of Penn State held in State College, Pa., Saturday, October 25, 1930, the following officers were elected:

President: George W. Chapman
Vice President: Richard A. Geuder
Secretary: John A. Irwin
Treasurer: Norman C. Horner

John A. Irwin
Ellwood B. Cassel
Frederick P. Greiner

Directors remaining in office were
Walter B. Shaw and Russell B. Nesbitt

while those by virtue of office were
George W. Chapman
Norman C. Horner
Devere B. Decker
Kenneth Page