Send Us Your Photos & Documents

We are always looking for photographs to add to our online history of Omega Chapter. Any donations of photographs (i.e. composites, house shots, parties, etc.), Omegaphones or other records would be greatly appreciated. 

You can send us photos (jpgs and pdf files) by email or by regular mail. All images and documents mailed to us will be returned in a timely manner and in the same condition as they were received (unless you have indicated your want to donate them to the chapter).

When sending photos please include who, what, where and when, if possible.

If you have prints, slides or documents you can mail them to..

If you have digital files, click button to send them via email…

Please include your return mailing address.

All photos will be returned in a timely manner and in the condition they were recevied.

Any questions, please let us know.

Thank you very much for helping us retain and grow our growing chapter history.