Remembering "Giffy" by Bill Youkers '55
Emanuel 'Giffy' Gifford
In the fill of 1951 all Freshmen had to live in on campus dorms. One of the exceptions wax for Track & Field Scholarships which was why Lamont Smith ( Smitty) and I were set up as room mates at a home around the corner from Theta Chi and given jobs to earn meals working for "Giffy" - the well known cook at the fraternit house. What a wonderful frosh year being with and learning from Emanuel T. Gifford - great cook, friend, and integral part of Thcta Chi! Who can ever forget his latest big Chrysler sedan pulling into the alley or hit coay inner sanctum office/nap- room off the always busy kitchen. I still rank him with my teachers it PSU for learning a bit
about life in the world of college freshmen. The fact that Smitty and I became pledges and brothers in our Soph year confirms our high tegard for the Thcta Chi fraternity family, its brothers and GIff's great meals and feeling of belonging.
Somewhere in the photo archives there may still be photos of Smith [miler/x-country] and Yourkers [high&low hurdles) from 1955. Back in those days house athletes were often hung on the wall. Here is an excerpt from the July 1955 "RATTLE - wish Giff could have seen it!
Bill Yourkers '55