The Rattle - July 1955 - Omega Proves Second Best U.S. Hurdler

by John Starkey, Penn State as appears in the July 1955 Rattle of Theta Chi

Proves Second Best U.S. Hurdler

Most conspicuous name in Penn State news and ever prominent in national sports news is that of track-man William Youkers '55. One of the smoothest running hurdlers in the country, he broke the Penn State record for the 120-yard high hurdles with the fantastic time of 14.1 seconds at the dual meet with Pitt, May 17.

William Youkers '55

Three days later at the Coliseum Relays in Los Angeles, Calif., Youkers tied for second place in the same event. This was an invitational meet, featuring the greatest condemn in the country. Thus Youkers proved himself to be at least the second best hurdler in the United States.

On May 7 Bill had tied the old Penn State 120-yard high hurdles mark of 14.2 seconds as a prelude to his breaking of in the the 17th. The old record was made in the triangular meet with Michigan and Navy.

Youkers, who coaches say possesses perfect for, was on the Penn State variety tracks teams for four seasons. The veteran hurdler was the state class B 220 low hurdles champion while in high school at Smethport, his home town.

Bill is married and has one son.

Omega chapter will have four variety football players on the 1955 team: Robert Urban, '56, guard; James Caldwell, '57, end; Jay Livziey, '57, halfback; and Francis "Bucky: Paolone, '58, halfback.

Lamont Smith, '55, is another well know Penn State chapter athlete. Though not competing this year, he is an eight-letter man and has been considered by many as one of the greatest cross-country runners in the East.

Yet the chapter's athletic prowess does not lie entirely with varsity athletes. Theta Chi is becoming known as a growing threat in the Penn State intramural sports domain under Athletic Chairman Robert Hammel, '56 and former Chairman Ronald Hansen, '56.

The basketballers, led by high scoring Jack Miller, '56, picked up four wins in seven tried, and prospects for a real championship ball club next fall look very promising since practically the entire team will be returning.

The track and field prospects look even better. Eugene Griffin, '56, led the track team to a solid third place among he 52 Penn State fraternities. It can be seen that the chapter will be in the battle for first place next spring by the fact that the track team consisted almost entirely of pledges, there being only one brother participating.

Griffin tied for first place on q rain soaked field with a jump of five feet, nine and one-quarter inches, only one quarter nice from the intramural record. He also ran a leg in the relay race.

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Annual Get-togethers

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