Chapter Eternal - Howard Alter ' 41
Howard R. Alter Jr. '41
Brothers and Friends:
I am sad to tell you that our Brother Howard Alter (1918-2009) joined the Chapter Eternal this morning (May 9th) at 5:30am at his home. The passing was gentle and no struggle. He simply ceased breathing and his life force slipped away. For some reason, I anticipated this – in fact, I think we all did – because it was simply a waiting period until he was called home.
We will implement our notification plan and announcement on Monday. The funeral is planned, as of now, for Saturday at 1pm. Viewing and visitation will be at the farm on Thursday and Friday. Again, all those details and others will be sent on Monday.
I would appreciate it if you could indicate to me if you plan on attending and when you would arrive. That would simply assist in planning (Dale Taylor with copy to Cindy). There is a reception, following the burial, at Oakmont Country Club.
May God grant our loved Brother rest from his journeys and reunion with all those he loved and who loved him.
Dale Taylor '69
Executive Director of Theta Chi Fraternity
Alpha Phi/University of Alabama