Spring 1978 Omegaphone

Below are excepts from the Spring 1978 Omegaphone, to read the entire issue, please download the pdf to the right

Alumni Corporation President's Message

Within the past year, we made a concerted effort to contact every Omega Alumni to request his participation in the Emergency Fund Drive. A letter received from your class coordinator explained the crisis nature of the physical needs of the old Chapter house. 

Since the cost of the emergency repairs was originally estimated at $20,000, we had hoped that we could raise at least half of this amount from the alumni. With a base of approximately 900 alumni, a contribution of $10 to $15 from everyone would have achieved this result. 

I am pleased to report that the response to date has been encouraging. A total in excess of $5,300 has been received from approximately 770 brothers producing an average contribution of $30. individual contributions have ranged from $5 to $250. A listing of all of the contributing alumni is enclosed for your information.

If you have contributed to this very important cause, I would like to person-ally thank you for extending a "helpful hand." If you have not, please find it in your heart to make some contribution, regardless of the amount. During the years, Omega served as a home away from home for each of us; we took our toll on the physical structure. In establishing a goal of 100% participation, we are expressing the belief that each of us owes something to help bring the house back to top physical condition. 

Please act now. Send your check. Indentify your graduating class so that we can add your name to the summary listing. Thank you for your support. 

I hope you have noted Founder's Day and Homecoming on your calendar. The actives promise that this 60th anniversary of Omega will be a year to remember. 


James C. Stalder,'62

Financial Advisor's Report

Brother Keller reports that the per term house bill is now $540 compared to $503 in the dorms. The figure is based on 33 "live-ins" during the Spring Term. It now looks like there will be 34. Based on the anticipated house occup-ancy for the school year, the actives should be able to pay the Alumni Corporation the required annual rental of $10,800. All improvements are about completed as planned--but now the downstairs wiring is beginning to become a problem. 
Edward W. Keller '53 

Active Chapter President's Message 

It is with great pride that I can report that the active chapter is in its best shape in several years. Omega will undoubtedly continue this upward trend in the future. This optimism stems from the fact that the thirteen men brotherized ir. the Fall and the one man recently brotherized this Winter are all low in term standing. This strong young base is one which the Chapter can build upon.

While we have been building the Active Chapter in terms of membership, we have also done a great deal this year to improve the physical structure of the House. Our Fall pledge class dug out the old side steps and replaced them with very attractive steps made out of railroad ties and bricks. The Winter pledge class repainted the dining room ceiling. The most obvious improvement, however, was the installation of new drop-ceilings and lights in the living room and foyer, project undertaken by the entire Brotherhood. 

Due to economy moves made under the direction of our financial advisor Brother Ed Keller, the actives have been able to make these large-scale improvements, while at the same time slightly lowering the house bill. By lowering the house bill, we are now in a better competitive position when it comes to rush. 

We are sure that our rush effort will continue to be successful. We already have three acceptees for Spring term and we have yet to hear from a number of good prospective pledges. 

On behalf of all the actives, I would like to invite all of you to our Founder's Day celebration. I am sure you will be very proud of all the new Brothers and pledges and the way the House now looks. We hope to see you then. 

Robert A. Coleman '78 

Alumni Notes  

Robert L. Miller '75, who recently had a baby daughter, is working with Union Carbide and living in Knoxville, Tenn. 

Larry Bell '73 is working for DuPont Photo Products selling computer output microfilm in the San Francisco area. 

William R. Jenkins '75 is a media planner for R.M.I. Advertising in Cincinnati and living in Fairfield, Ohio. 

David Doan '46 is now back in the U.S. doing Consulting work as a professional geologist in the Washington D.C. area. 

Howard Alter reports that the George W. Chapman Library is nearing completion. 

Robert Mausser '75 is an accountant for Exxon and is living in Houston Texas. 

Thank you to all those brothers that shared their news.

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Download the Spring 1978 Omegaphone