Installation of Omega Chapter - The Rattle, April 1919
As appeared in The Rattle - Vol. VII, No. 3 - April 1919
Installation of Omega Chapter
The Installation Committee arrived at State College about noon on March 14th, and was met at the station by a delegation from Phi Tau Alpha.
After the introductions and a visit to the chapter house, a sight-seeing party was organized for a short trip around the beautiful campus and the nearby town.
Upon returning to the house, which is very pleasantly and conveniently situated about two blocks from the main entrance to the campus, the Committee got down to business. The necessary paraphernalia was checked over and the remainder of the afternoon spent in preliminary arrangements.
Shortly after dinner, the hall was prepared and the ceremonies started at 7.30, with Fred Ladue, Iota, chairman, assisted by the following committee : Earle Scraford, Delta; Herbert D. Leary, Gamma; W. Howard Gottlieb, Kappa; Dr. Anderson, Pi.
After the opening exercises the ritual for installation was followed and in due course the ceremony performed. New officers were then elected and installed and a short meeting held. The meeting closed in the regular form shortly after midnight.
Omega Chapter and Installation Committee, Penn. State College, PA. - March 14, 1919 - as appeared in The Rattle on April 1919
Back Row L to R: Robert Ockford, Murrell McKinstry, John Skeen, Theodore Smith, Imil Petzold, Fred Bastian; Second Row L to R: TK Shaw, George Chapman, Anthony Pickard, Robert Stauffer, Walter Petzold; Third Row L to R: Fuchs, William Thompson, Walter Segl, Clifford Beaven, Walter Shaw, Albert Schoeppe, Hugo Zetterlof ; Forth Row L to R: Nesbilt, Kesley, TK Smith, Ladue, Anderson, Rowe, Frederick Vansant; Bottom Row L to R: Donald Magill, William Sowden, William Seltzer, Charles Frederickson, Ellwood Cassel, Ellwood Rittenhouse
Saturday morning, the committee instructed the officers of the chapter in the minute details of their various duties. After lunch, the committee put the brothers through the initiative degrees for new members and the chapter installation was complete by five o'clock, in time for the initiatory banquet.
The following brothers were initiated and now compose our Omega Chapter:—
Alumni—Winfield F. Smith, of Philadelphia; Maurice E. Kressly, of State College; Joseph E. Rowe, of State College; Russell B. Nesbitt, of State College.
Albert F. Schoeppe, of Philadelphia; Ellwood B. Cassel, of Philadelphia; Ellwood B. Rittenhouse, of Philadelphia; William C. Thompson, of Philadelphia ; George W. F. Chapman, of Philadelphia; Charles Frederickson, Jr., of Philadelphia; Murrell D. McKinstry, of Hatiboro, Pa.; Raymond B. Poeppel, of Philadelphia ; Frederick T. Vansant, of Philadelphia ; Clifford E. Beavan, of Philadelphia; Frederick J. Fuchs, of Philadelphia; Emil A. Petzold, of Philadelphia; Anthony V. Pickard, of Philadelphia; Walter E. Segl, of Philadelphia; William W. Seltzer, of Coatesville, Pa.; Walter B. Shaw, of Philadelphia; William J. Shaw. 3rd, of Philadelphia; John R. Skeen, of Philadelphia; Ralph D. Stauffer, of Reading, Pa.; Theodore G. Smith, of Philadelphia; Fred F. Bastian, of Berlin, Pa.; Donald E. Magill, New Hope, Pa.; Robert E. Ockford, Philadelphia; William L. Sowden, Jr., of Philadelphia; Hugo E. Zetterlof, of Philadelphia.
Omega Chapter House - as appeared in The Rattle on April 1919
The banquet table was set for 5.30 and by this time several more visiting brothers had arrived, among them being Capt. James Beazly. Kappa. and Brother Harris, Pi. The banquet hour passed very pleasantly, the college and fraternity songs being given with great enthusiasm and spirit.
The post-prandial exercises immediately followed with Albert Schoeppe of Omega acting as toastmaster. The members of the initiatory committee were called on for a few remarks, followed by visiting brothers, alumni and active members. The banquet closed with the singing of the Omega Chapter song:—
COME OMEGA! - Words: George W. Champan '20 and Music: Walter B. Shaw '21
Sheet Music to Omega Chapter Song - Come Omega!
Come Omega let us all join
In the highest praise
Singing of thy wond'rous fame
And of the joy of college days.
Ever to thee we'll be loyal
Honor we thy name
Every faithful loving brother
Helps to swell thy fame.
Loyal brothers of Omega,
Whereso'er we be
Whether home or on the campus
Let us think in joy of thee
We shall ever be as brothers
Steadfast to the core
One for all and all for one
Now and evermore.
When life's brightness, fair Omega,
Turns to shadows deep
We shall cherish all thy teachings
We shall then thy glories reap
Ever hon'ring ever praising
Till Life's span is past Keeping foremost Theta Chi's
Teachings to the last.
Following the custom of the institution, a smoker was held at the Chapter House, after the banquet. All the fraternities on the campus were invited to attend and become acquainted with the new chapter, its alumni and visiting brothers. The smoker was a great social success and lasted until the wee sma' hours.
In concluding the report of the installation, the committee wishes to say for the benefit of the fraternity at large that Omega Chapter enters upon her career as a member of Theta Chi with as brilliant prospects for the future as any chapter ever installed. They have the college, the location, the house, the members and the spirit, and should make one of the best chapters of the best fraternity in the country, and we assure the members that Theta Chi is s proud of them as they are of Theta Chi.