Omega News - The Rattle, Oct. 1932

As appeared in The Rattle - Vol. XXI No. 1 - October 1932

Alumni Return to Omega 
Founders' Day of Theta Chi at Penn State was voted by visiting alumni the most enjoyable ever conducted by Omega Chapter. Omega Chapter has three outstanding Theta Chi alumni, John Irwin, Norman Horner, and George Chapman. Through the efforts of these three and others whose efforts are not so direct, Omega has progressed steadily on the Penn State Campus. A formal banquet was held Sunday noon, April 11. John Irwin, Norman Horner, George Chapman, and Peter Smith, first president of Omega Chapter, gave short talks which were beneficial to the chapter. John Carson filled the post of toastmaster with a great deal of success. Other visiting alumni were Ellwood B. Cassel, Jack Seymour, Clyde Maize, J. L. Sprague, Russ Nesbitt, and Francis J. Doan, faculty adviser. Several informal meetings were held with the alumni, and their advice and criticisms will greatly advance the progress of Omega Chapter.

College Arranges Full Program 

Mother's Day was observed in a fitting way by members of Omega Chapter (Penn State). There were about twenty mothers in attendance, and only threatening weather prevented the number from being larger. On Saturday morning the usual scholarship exercises were held, and prizes were given to those excelling in scholarship. Saturday afternoon was given over to athletic events. At 6:45 p. m. the May Day Queen was crowned with fitting ceremony. In the evening the Penn State Players presented one of their best performances, "Bird in Hand," a comedy-drama in three acts. On Sunday Dr. W. Warren Giles, pastor of the First Reformed Church, East Orange, New Jersey, spoke to an overcrowded chapel audience. 

The mothers of Omega Chapter held a meeting Saturday evening and the follow-ing officers were elected: President, Mrs. J. F. Stright; secretary, Mrs. H. M. Hofford; treasurer, Mrs. C. A. Fay. The dues collected from the Mothers' Club will go to-wards beautifying the chapter house. Omega Chapter fully appreciates the work that is being done for them by the mothers, and will cooperate with them in any way possible for the betterment of Omega Chapter. A special Mother's Day issue of the Omegaphone was issued. 

Headed Honorary Groups
Walter L. Keene, Omega, was president of the Honor Society Council at Penn State, an organization composed of the presidents of the various honor society groups. Admission to the council was secured by Brother Keene when her was elected president of Sigma Gamma Epsilon, Geology honorary.