October 1932 Omegaphone

Below are excepts from the October 1932 Omegaphone, to read the entire issue, please download the pdf to the right

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Bob Young - Varsity Soccer, Dale Kaufman - Mgr Gym. Team, Ben Small - Lacrosse, Harry Osgood,- Lacrosse, Ernie Wilby - Jr. Business Staff of Old Main Bell, Jay Stright - LaVie, Johnny Fay - Interfraternity Council, Lou Mattis - Pershing Riffle, Bruce Gilliard - Glee Club, Joe Alexander - Cross Country, Sam Baxter - Glee Club, Granville Evans - Frosh Football, Bud Pritchard - Frosh Soccer, Bob Curley - Fros Soccer, Tommy White - Frosh Lacrosse.


When the scholastic average for the second semester of the year 1931-32 were published it was found that Omega Chapter was eleventh of forty-nine fraternities. Out of the ten fraternities prodding Omega, as least four houses were professional, which ranks our group about seventh of the strictly social organization. This show an improvement of two points over last year when we were in thirteenth position.

Our present senior class was outstanding this year, ranking first of all senior fraternity groups.

A few year ago we held down fifth place, and it is to the attainment of a similar position that this chapter is directing its efforts.

Dad’s Day

The annual celebration of Dad’s Day took place on October 8 this year. About fifteen dads returned to Omega which was an excellent turnout considering the numbers of boys in the house. Some of the fathers brought their better halves along so the women were well represented also, Despite the fact that State lost its football game to Waynesburg the entertainment for the weekend proved entirely enjoyable. There were tours of the campus, trips to nearby landmarks of interest and many other enjoyable pastimes in which the parents indulged, providing a very pleasant weekend for all. Realizing that the past Dad’s Day was a success we are looking forward to making these celebrations bigger and better each year. In the meantime let’s get set for Alumni Day, House Party and Mother’s Day.


by our old pal, madam X.

After spending a pleasant summer in retirement, the old maestro is again behind the typewriter ready to dish the dirt about the boys. Yowsah, yowsah, and a little bit of a broadcast - what say, Johnny Fay.

The prides of Johnsonburg and Ridgeway, Decker and Fay respectively, are roommate. And what room, what room! The ownership of Shy’s genuine (?) Persian rug is yet to be established. Despite the fact that Decker brought it with him this year Fay claims a first mortgage on it. But there is one redeeming feature, say, when yout slippers are nowhere to be seen you can always be sure to find them adorning the lily-white toesies of J.A.F. Oh, well.

Have you heard the latest about the congenial brothers who make it a point to see that other boy;s dates are well entertained? Joe Bell receives ten votes as the chief offender. After though interview with the aforesaid culprit we finally induced him to disclose his policy. “Why should I date,” said Joe, “When the other boys bring dates around?” Is he right or is he right? Incidentally Nels Gilmer, Ray Oakes, and Bob Asplund run Bell a close second.

The Theta Chis tossed a victrola dance the other night and waltzed about to the tuneful (?) melodies of three two-bit records. Among the notables present were S.C.G. Frey, Smokey Joe Alexander, Chaplin Coates, Il Duce Osgood, and G. Bob Grun. Have I forgotten anyone? Smokey Joe, who burns up the dirt track, states that his date was no aphrodite (spelling O.K.?) but she sure could dance. And after the dance Bob Grun told us a long story concluding with :and than I asked her for another date.”

One of the brothers has just sent his fraternity pin away to be cleaned, so he says. The same evening I noticed a pin identical to his being worn by his companion of the fairer sex. Yah, man, it’e being cleaned - proper. And the same day another brother received his high school pin from and old flame which he claims was presented on demand. Oh yeah! Well, a fair exchange is no loss. Take it easy, Len.

The question of the eternal triangle is alway popping up. It appeared the other night in a milder form, however. The Scene, a church social, the characters, a fair damsel, a bout and our own Sam Baxter. You see, Sam and this other lad apparently wished to dance with the same fair damsel. Well anyhow, as the two boys were both conscientious students who believed in taking their cuts out of class instead of in class, they made the evening nothing but one continuous tag dance. It’s being rumored that Sam cut the other aspirant three more times than the other fellow did Sam. Atta boy, Sam! Hip! Hip! and - couple of cuts.

Be it known to you all that the invincible combination of "Grand Slam” Small and “Bidden Up” Wilby hereby claim the Contract Bridge Championship of Omega Chapter. The base their claims on exceedingly easy victories over their closet competitors, “Disdeal” Decker and “Down Five” Fay. All forthcoming challenges will be given due consideration by the “Champs.”

The Madam’s Question Box

  1. How did Duke Osgood get the fame Drop Bottom

  2. What does Walt Coates find so interesting in the Sears-Roebuck catalogue?

  3. What did Rudy Kauffman do to deserve such a moniker?

  4. What did the convention delegates do at the convention?

  5. Just who is Peggy?

  6. What is Al Frey’s power?

  7. What does Rodge see in Garbo?

And now the time has come when all good men should come to the end of their party. So the old Maastro is signing off, wishing you all the pleasant dreams, pleasant dreams, and pleasant dreams.

President’s Message

Dear Brothers:

It is my privilege to extend to you, the Alumni of Omega Chapter, a most hearty welcome from the active chapter and its officers. We are always happy to greet you and only regret that we do not have the privilege more often. We wish to thank you for the cooperation you have given us, especially in our past rushing season, and earnestly desire to hear from you throughout the year.

Our rushing season this year was not a productive as we had hoped but we are still working hard and have excellent prospects for filling the house before many days have elapsed. The active chapter has sacrificed much in order to maintain the lofty ideals which our predecessors have striven to attain.

As you will see when you visit our house we have tired to make it more habitable. Many minor repairs have been undertaken in additional to the task of waiting the entire second and third floors of the house. The cooperative spirit of the chapter in this respect has been unsurpassable. May it continue as we have every right to expect.

Am I once again impress upon you , brother, our wish to maintain contact with you. This letter is for your benefit and we ask that you help us to make it everything it should be. For those of you who cannot visit us, let us hear from you soon. For those who intend to visit us, WELCOME, and may you enjoy yourselves to the fullest extent. Try to forget everything but your college life for these two carefree days.


Robert H. Young

Alumni Notes

Earl Maize and a few of his friends were back over Dad’s Day. Early is one of the regulars; we’d miss him if he didn’t come back a few times each year.

Johnny Boodin has taken temporary headquarters at McMahon's and is a constant visitor at the house. We’re certainly glad Johnny is around for he really came in handy during rushing season and now i.e. is helping in our house painting campaign.

One of the “Old Guard,” Ed Cassel, has joined the ever-increasing  list of Frates of Faculta (O.K.) and is teaching in the Engineering School.

Walt Keene and Roy Maize are also new additions to the Penn State Faculty. Walt lives in town and Roy is staying at the house.

Otto Meyers blew in town the other week and liked the place so well that he had quite an enjoyable stay. However, he claims his mission was strictly business.

Bud Anderson, of soccer fame, is working with a construction company near two and drops in to see if everything is going all right every once in a while. Someone said Bid was going to play with the Alumni in the State-Alumni Soccer Game.

A Bit of Rushing

In rushing this year, we were faced with many obstacles, and even though we did not pledge all the freshman that we desired, the results were comparatively   successful, considering the times. The rushing period started with Freshmen Week, Thursday, September 15, and ended on September 30; and during this time everyone joined hands in an endeavor to choose the best men possible.

Thanks to the co-operation of our active members, and those alumni who aided by sending in perspective names, we are glad to present the following pledges. Look them over; we think they show real promise of stalwart Theta Chi’s, and we have great hope for their fixture on the Penn State campus.

Robert Corley, a graduate of Roxborough High School, lives in Roxborough, Philadelphia. Bob knows his German, and was quite active in the German Club at high school.

Granville Evans, comes from Bangor, PA. Bob is quite an athlete, having played two years of football and basketball in high school, and one year at Blair Academy. He was President of his junior class, and Vice President of the Hi-Y.

Franklin Pritchard comes to the rescue for the western part of the state. His home is in Erie, PA. Bud was quite active in the Band at High School, and has already made the Freshman Band here at State.

Barrett Sibley is rated mid-western, coming from Brockway, Pennsylvania. Hoot is a good basketballer, and also played baseball in high school.

Thomas White lives in Germantown, Pennsylvania. He was associated with the Orchestra and Band at Germantown High, and played football and lacrosse who at Severn Academy.

Samuel Baxter, of Germantown, Pennsylvania, is a graduate if Germantown High School. Sam is a sophomore, coming is at present trying out for the Choir.


House party! That magic phrase that stands for two glorious nights of dancing and hilarious fun - a weekend in the company of that most glorious of females, the H.P.Q. - a football game in an atmosphere of revelry and good times when yellow mums mark the presence of beautiful fumes - where zippy winds make one snuggle closer to the blonde. Ah yes! It’s the grand time of the whole year - the one time when the hat comes off, when all else is forgotten but the H.P.Q. and good, clean fun.

And good old Theta Chi is determined to make this a house party that shall be forgotten only when good times cease to be thought of and romance is no more.

Dick Moul has promised, in behalf of his Weldon Hall orchestra, that Theta Chis and their guests will be regaled with the best dance music on the campus.

Imagine a long hall filled with the gayest throng on earth - house party goers. Imagine confetti and streamers floating about, balloons, goofy hats - visualize smiling lips, smiling eyes, laughing jests - laughing boys, laughing girls, gowns and tuxes - the gay atmosphere of Mardi Gras. And to all this the thrills and sport of a grand football game - and them, folks, you have houseparty.

Room Painting

When our house was complete two and a half years ago, it was hoped that the upstairs halls and rooms would be painted in the near future. However, after Dale (Kappa) Kaufman and Walk (Spumoni) Coates got started on their room last month, it was evident that the rest of the brothers would do the same. They painted their walls and ceiling a short of buff color, finishing the woodwork in its natural shade, consequently when the rest got started they too had to paint their room the same color regardless of whether they desired fireman red, or baby blue. Roy Oakes finished his along futuristic lines - unconsciously since he did not understand the elementary laws of waiting. The result is quite a contrast when compared with the rest of the rooms. He likes it because it’s different.

This new form of recreation caused hardships for quite a few. Chet Harbison, Bob Grun and Len Deubler painted their room they were in and later found they had to move into unpainted quarters. Various sorts of costumes were seen (and head about) while the would be laborers were at it. Our good friend Kappa Kaufman put the act on in a bathing suit, Arp pants were evident, and last but not least Bruce Gillard looked like “Sooky’s” twin brother.

At the present time most of the rooms have been finished and a picture moulding put up on all sides. The future promises weird curtains for each and every window, nice pictures on the walls, and maybe a run or two higher and yon.

While there was a lot of hard work attached to the job, the results were much better than we expected and everyone takes pride in showing his room to mother and dad, or any other guest that might drop in. We found it good experience for everyone and since it was an inexpensive operation we hearty recommend the plan to other chapters who might be in the same position as we were.


Welcome Alumni

Omega chapter extends its heartfelt greetings to all its alumni and their friends on this Homecoming Day. This day of all days belongs to you alone and we shall do our best to help you enjoy it. As soon as you have registered come out and make yourselves at home. There will be something doing every minute and you won’t want to miss a trick.

Saturday afternoon there will be soccer and football games. The Nittany Lions have as their formidable opponents the Syracuse eleven. Some of the team were injured as a result of their valiant struggle against Harvard but the boys are set for a real fight this week.

We are planning a smoker Saturday evening after the business of the day has been disposed of. And will there be some bull sessions? You can’t afford to miss this opportunity to get together with your classmates for some heart to heart chinning over your remembrances of the good old days. Come on, Alumni let’s make this one Homecoming Day never to be forgotten!

Thank you to all those brothers that shared their news.

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Download the Oct. 1932 Omegaphone