Historical Document - Brothers Letters from 1943

The below letters were written to Norman C. Horner (1916) in 1943 in response to a resolution the chapter was voting on to authorize Francis J. Doan and Elwood B. Cassel to act as authorized agents for Theta Chi of Penn State, Inc., of the use of Omega Chapter House for the duration of World War II. Resolution read as..

"Resolved: That F. J. Doan and E. B. Cassel (single and together) are delegated and authorized to act as legally authorized agents for Theta Chi of Penn State, Inc., in all matters pertaining to the use of the Omega Chapter House, Theta Chi Fraternity, for the duration of the present war in which the United States is engaged, or until such time as by mutual consent of the parties concerned the agreement is dissolved."

Click to download PDF of the letters

Click to download PDF of the letters

February 9, 1943

Do anything and everything you can to keep Omega from closing her doors. I'm sure that Able and Cass will know how to handle the critical situation. Good Luck.

H. N. C.
(Henry N. Carver, 1941)

February 10, 1943

Temporarily working as aluminum consultant, conservation division, was production based and living at 1128 12th RD, N.W. Wash. D.C. Was sent down by the company on leave of absence and don't like the job too well. Was discharged from reserve fro physical disqualifications during summer. Still single and not threatened.

[John J. Bowman, 1929]

February 10, 1943

Dear Norm,

I feel guilty in not having kept more in touch with you since my "initiation". Right now, like all the rest, I'm busy six days a week on War work - and there's only a little left upon the seventh, since I easily fall into that bad habit of being "a good Church member" and got myself elected to the Vestry, as so have further responsibility there. Imagine me a Senior Warden!

I'm still with Turing Albert Instrument Co. Up a few notches maybe, but still wondering what will happen when its all over.

My son is i the Army Air Force, teaching flyers at Greenwood, Miss. He's been a "Second Looey" almost nine months now, but hopes for a promotion some day. He didn't want to teach, but they gave him no choice.

I cant say that his mother and I are too sad about his teaching, and his grandmother, well Fred still insists she prayed him into it. She's a very effective prayer!

One of Fred's pals married a Miss Doherty on Glen Echo road, maybe a neighbor of yours. Her name is now Mrs. Marpole. She's quite a nice looking blond.

Let me know when there's another get together and I'll try to be there.


Alfred R. "Track" Bechtel [1916]

February 10, 1943

I am now located temporarily at 4660 Oakland St., Frankford, Philla, PA. Telephone Jefferson 7439. I have accepted a position with the Fire Control Design Division, Frankford Arsenal for the duration of the war. This change accrued June 1st, 1942.

John R. Doty [1924]

February 12, 1943

Not much news - Brother F. Oliver and myself are carrying on fathers - Millwork and Lumber business (Father has retired of ill health). Our business is 98 years old and brother and I are the fourth generation. Great grandfather having organized S. S. Keely & Sons in 1845. At present we are manufacturing shell cases and equipment boxes for U.S. Marine Corps and U.S. Army. Am married & have two girls - Barbara Ann and Patricia Gail - wife was Phi Mu - Penn State College Architecture class '35. Imagine due to war you are short handed, if I can be of any assistance at any time in matter pertaining to OX - I would be glad to help. Phone Rox 1049.2

[R. Brooke Keely, 1937]

February 12, 1943

This is to inform you that I was on of the members of T.U.O. that was inducted into Theta Chi at the time of the union of the two houses. Members of the class of 1930 - Penn State. Have been teaching in the Hollidaysburg High School for twelve years - Social Studies. I wish to congratulate Theta Chi for the fine job it is doing at Penn State and with the brothers well in their new undertaking.

Would like to hear from any of the fellows who graduated about 1930 - particularly any info you have on the old T.U.O. members.

[Lemmon C. Stoudnour, 1930]

February 12, 1943

Hello Norman,

Manufacturing Seamless Tubing in Brass, Copper & the Aluminum Alloys and “Metal Shielding Wire” (Patent 2.066.201).

Don't know weather I have a right to a vote or not since I hold no bonds.

[Albert H. Mainwaring, 1916]

February 13, 1943

Dear Brothers:

At present I am on an L.S.T. ship in the Navy's Amphibious Forces. It is our job to land troops, equipment, and supplies on the shore. That;s about all I can sat about my present job without running into trouble with the censors.

I reported to Notre Dame University on August 30, for one month of indoctrination school. From there I was sent to Northwestern University Midshipman School in Chicago. I graduated from that school on Dec. 24th, with a commission as an Ensign. Since January 4, I have been in active service with the Amphibian Forces.


Paul S. Handwerk
​Omega '42

February 13, 1943

Dear Norm,

Received my B.S. from State in 1936, V.M.D. from U. of P. 1938. Three years with Mulford Biological Laboratory of Sharp & Dohme, Glenolden. Now Institutional Veterinarian in charge of livestock for the Penna. Dept. of welfare penal and mental institution farms of which there are 24 located statewide. I get over the state every month so if there is any missionary work to do, will be glad to assist. Married Margaret Kino Berry 12-9-39, one child, a girl, Susan King Deubler born August 21, 1942.


L. Deubler
[Leonard P. Deubler, 1936]

February 13, 1943

Dear Norm,

I am now located in Ardmore, and teaching in commercial department at Lower Merion High School. Our little girl Linda Ann was 1 year old on Jan. 24. Wish I could get together wight eh old gang some time. Best wishes to you personally and all the boys at Theta Chi.


[Edward W. White, 1932]

February 15, 1943

Dear Norm,

The Resolution is enclosed. I think it is a good proposition and hope that it Till enable us to carry on for the duration.

I have been wanting to write you for a long time and I'm sorry that I had to wait to be asked for a letter.

Here's my recent history in a nut-shell:

Married six months to-day and living here in Boyer town where June and I have an apartment. wish that you could run up for dinner, but I guess you don't have anymore as than I do.)

Finished second year at the Phila. Division of the Bendix Aviation Corporation in December, where I am now a Junior Time Study Engineer.

May be in the Army any day now - who knows when? Practically all the boys who were at the house at State with me have been long gone. I don't see much about Omega in the Rattle anymore so I think that I better get on the job my-self for a change.

My very best regards to the family, Norm. Hope that it won't be too long until we can have a good HOMECOMING.

Sincerely and fraternally,

J. H. Flagler, Jr.
[Joseph H. Flagler Jr., 1940]

February 16, 1943

Dear Norm,

Just got here a week ago awaiting assignment as engineering officer on a sub chaser. Have been in training for the past 7 months prior to this duty. Am in the caribbean area - nice spot really.

Have always thought that house would make a wonderful field hospital - with all that steel in it, a good bombing wouldn't even phase it. However, hope that you'll be able to put it to good use despite the fact I think we've got enough men to finish off the job.

Best regards to you, Abe and Cass as well as all the OX Clubbers.


Carl Korn
[Carl A. Korn, Jr., 1940]

PS Next time you see Lundy Helper and/or Chuck Cautley give 'em my best will you.

March 4, 1943

Supervisor of Extramural Class Instruction, Central Extension Office, The Pennsylvania State College.

Much of my work at the present time is in connection with the College's Engineering, science and management war training program. To date we are training over 55,000 men and women for work in the war industry. The College has war training centers throughout the state. We have had centers in 177 different communities and are really coordinating training classes for at least 100 centers [illegible].

[Millard Theodore Bunnell, 1926]

April 22, 1943

At present employed by Navy Dept. in Pittsburgh as a spectographer and chemist. I have been here for three years.

[Robert E. Eberly, 1939]