August 2012 Omegaphone
Theta Chi Named Top Greek Chapter at Penn State
Theta Chi Omega has had one of the best years in recent chapter history! Not only did we win Homecoming (again), but we were the recipient of multiple Penn State Greek awards, including:
Presidents’ Cup, which is awarded each year to the top Greek letter organization. We were selected from a pool of four
finalists representing each council: IFC, the Panhellenic Conference, the National Panhellenic Council and the Multicultural Greek Council, representing more than 80 total fraternities and sororities. This is Omega Chapter’s first President’s Cup win.
IFC Chapter of the Year. The winner is chosen based on an application reviewed by a committee of the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life. Penn State’s IFC is composed of more than 45 member organizations.
Chapter of Excellence. To qualify, a chapter must earn a minimum of 285 out of a possible 300 points.
Chapter Advisor of the Year. Rich Bartnik ’08
On behalf of the active brothers, we would like to thank our alumni for their continued support of the undergraduate chapter. We are looking forward to another great year with hopes for con- tinued success! Hope to see you you this fall.
Windows before and after.
Capital Improvements have Begun at the Theta Chi House
Improvements have started at the Omega house! The windows have been replaced, capped and now the front of the house has new shutters, as the old ones were falling apart. The alumni corporation would like to thank Richard Bartnik ’08 and Jeff Damcott ’91 for all their time and effort on this much needed and long requested project.
Over the summer the kitchen had some small renovations. After many years of non operation (aka it’s been broken) the dishwasher was removed, the wall was repaired and a new kitchen sink was installed. The side door was stripped and repainted and regular yard work was done this summer as well.
Immediately after our summer work is completed, planning for next year’s projects will begin. The major piece of work in 2013 will be repair of the side porch which is close to condemnation by the State College Borough. Planned work includes repair of the porch flooring, the bar area, and the glass block windows; and restoration of the French doors leading to both the porch and the bar.
Capital Campaign Decade Challenge: Step Up and represent Your Decade!
Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.” - Henry Ford
The Theta Chi for Life capital campaign is off to a tremendous start. The new windows have been installed and we have already raised more than $75,000 from just 26 alumni donors.
As we move forward, we are kicking off the DECADE CHALLENGE! Each decade is being challenged to raise at least $100,000 from graduates of that era. If you divide this up among classes, each year is responsible for $10,000 – for most classes that will be less than $1,000 per person.
We know that if we all give a little, we will be far more successful than if a few people give significantly more.
Pledges can be paid over 3 years (or 5 if it will increase your pledge) and can be paid annually, bi-annually or quarterly. You can also set up monthly payments through your bank.
If you can give $50.00 a month for the next 36 months – you can make a $1,800 pledge. If you can give $50 a month for the next 60 months you can make a $3,000 pledge.
Please consider what you can give and make a pledge. We need every alum to get involved, at whatever level is possible for them, to make this campaign a success.
Annual Fund vs. Theta Chi for Life Capital Campaign...What’s the Difference?
In recent months you’ve been asked two support two separate, yet equally vital, Omega fundraising efforts:
Our annual fund serves as our yearly operating budget for the alumni corporation, which enables us to distribute frequent communications (including Omegaphone), host events and fund other expenses needed to maintain our alumni program that connects nearly 900 chapter alumni. We rely on your support of the annual fund year after year to enable us to continue these initiatives on an annual basis.
You can donate to the annual fund:
Via PayPal at
By calling 800-975-6699
By mailing a check payable to “Theta Chi of Penn State” to the return address on this newsletter. Note: do not send annual fund contributions in the envelope attached to this newsletter.
The theta chi for life capital campaign is a one-time major fundraising effort to reno- vate the chapter house at 523 South Allen Street. Our campaign goal is to raise $500,000 through your tax-deductible pledge commitments that can be paid over the next three to five years. Campaign funds will also be used to create an endowment fund to enable Omega Chapter of Theta Chi to remain a viable and leading force at Penn State.
You can make your commitment to the capital campaign by returning the attached pledge form in the enclosed envelope. Note: do not send annual fund contributions in this envelope, as it is designated for campaign commitments only.
Both of these funds are supported solely by our alumni brothers. We thank you for your continued contributions to both fundraising drives.
(L to R): Greg Smith, Ian Maxwell, Liam Benjamin Fennecken, Alex Tessmer and Nathaniel Wysocki at the end of the spring semester.
“A Helping Hand” - Theta Chi Brothers Consistently give Back to the State College Community
“A Helping Hand” is a motto that all Theta Chi brothers have come to know and feel deeply, both in our professional and personal lives. For those outside of the Fraternity, they may not always understand or see exactly what this motto means. Omega is working very hard to make sure that “A Helping Hand” is seen within the greater State College area and that those in need of assistance get said help.
This past semester, in addition to winning the President’s Cup and several other accolades, Omega undergraduate brothers completed well over 2,000 service hours.
Currently, this puts them well ahead of the overwhelming majority of other Greek organizations at Penn State and has them poised to go well beyond all of their previous service records since the refounding. Moreover, this creates a large amount of buzz in the State College community and how the well-known brothers of Omega are helping out.
Many of these community service hours come from traditionally expected events, such as THON or Kicks & Flicks, but they are also coming from numerous other sources as well. In a close second to the number of
THON hours Omega completed, brothers contributed hundreds of hours in dedication to the largest service event at Penn State— The Fresh START Day of Service. The chapter boasts not only eight team leaders and one captain, but also several overall directors. This year, three directors hail from Theta Chi: Peter Blasco as the Director of Logistics, Matt Randazzo as the Director of Service Sites, and Tyler Doppelheuer as the Executive Director. More Fresh START directors have come from Theta Chi than any other organization affiliated with the program.
The involvement of the brothers of Omega has contributed not only to the success of the organizations that they participate in, but also the recognition and good name of Theta Chi Fraternity. One thing can be certain, as both Penn State and the State College communities look for leadership in philanthropy and service—the “Helping Hand” of Omega can always be seen.
Emanuel 'Giffy' Gifford - 1963
Giffy’s House Becomes a Historical Landmark in State College
What a great tribute to Theta Chi’s former house cook, Giffy! Lincoln Hall, the boarding house operated by the Gifford family for black students in the 1930s until the 1950s, received a historical dedication marker in April to recognize the building’s contributions to the Penn State African-American community.
Lincoln Hallon day of ceremony
At the ceremony, State College Mayor Elizabeth Goreham was one of several speakers to address the crowd. Among her remarks, she said
“The people who lived here and provided housing to the students deserve our recognition,” she said. “They led the way when Penn State was a different place to live.”
Omega alum Dick Jones ’60 also served as a guest speaker at the event.
Red Jacket Winner Bob Mausser Shoots record Score at 2012 Theta Chi Open
The 31st annual Theta Chi Open, was held once again on Friday, May 4th in Avalon, NJ. This year’s event was played at Avalon Country Club. Twenty brothers played golf and 28 attended the banquet. Brother Bob Mausser ’75 once again won the prestigious Red Jacket, shooting a Theta Chi Open record 75.
L to R: Rod Dare, Dave Matthews, Alan Vladimir, Bob Mausser at the 2012 Theta Chi Open.
Thank you to all those brothers that shared their news.
Checkout past issues of the Omegaphone by clicking here.