2nd Annual Alumni Work Weekend Wrap-Up
Lots was accomplished during this past weekend's 2nd Annual Alumni Work Weekend! Brothers old and new had the chance to swap stories and to strengthen the relationship between alumni and undergraduates - oh and we got some great work done to the house. Along with the undergraduates, 18 alumni lent a "helping hand" on improving 523 South Allen.
The following projects were completed...
- Painted the third floor hallway and added a chair-rail
- Painted the brother's room and other repairs (not to be discussed with non brothers)
- Painted, fix and improved the library bathroom
- Installed new curtains and the purchased a new carpet for the library (to be installed on March 9th)
- Steam cleaned the living room and pool room carpets
- Repaired house paddles
- Repaired mailbox in front of the house
- 3rd floor bathroom was painted and new toilet paper holders installed
- Industrial shelving was added to the pantry
- replaced broken panes of glass in the transom above the steps
- stained the handrail from the 2nd to 3rd floor
Saturday night we attended the Penn State/Indiana basketball game and cheered our Lions on to a thrilling, if not nail biting, victory.
With the support of our brothers we collected $1,775 and spent a little over $1,815 on these projects. I want to extend a big THANK YOU to all of those in attendance and to those of you who contributed generously to the project fund (see names below). I especially would like to thank Jeff Damcott who provided the tools and skills that help make many of the projects possible and to Richard Bartnik, who helped plan and prep the weekends projects. Finally, Andrew Bott was the winner of our man miles award - Andrew traveled 1078 miles to help out!
We are already planning next years alumni work weekend. We plan on holding the weekend later in the spring (late March), as the outside of the house could use some work. I look forward to seeing even more brothers at next years event.
The Below Brothers donated financial and/or with Sweat..
Chris Bartnik '91, Richard Bartnik '08, Robert Blumstein '07, Andrew Bott '08, Edward Brown '87, Chris Burke '93, Jeff Damcott '91, Luke Fenza '04, David Gendelman '07, Richard Maltz '90, Robert McHugh '07, John McIntyre '91, Avi Sadiky '06, Jim Smith '89, James Stuhltrager '89, Dan Tseytlin '08, Yan Tseytlin '08, Chris Zegar '04
The Below Brothers Donated via Mail
Chris Allocco '84, George Chapman Jr. '49, Richard Crowers '45, Joseph Crudo '55, William Elmore '53, Richard Hill '58, Chris Koczur '91, Brian Leauby '92, Richard McLean III '68, William Orben '55, Robert Sorisio '61, James Stalder '62, John Swift '64, J. Kenneth Waltenbaugh '52, Robert Waltenbaugh '49
Richard Maltz '90
Alumni President