Stan Terzopolos '69 (aka Smiley) - Alumni Profile

Click Here to Fill Out Your Own Alumni Corner ProfileStan Terzopolos - 1969
Big Brother: Joel Wells
Offices Held: Social Chairmen

OX: Why did you join Theta Chi? 
Stan Terzopolos: National tradition; legacy; and familiarity with with existing brothers.

OX: What kind of influence has the fraternity had on your life since graduation? 
ST: Theta Chi impressed upon my the value of camaraderie, loyalty and friendship in enhancing one's personal life.

Stan TerzopolosOX: What is your nickname? How did you get it? Did anyone in particular give it to you? 
ST: Smilely. I had a habit of maintaining a smile during the most difficult "lineups." Lineups in the 60's often included elements of physical strain and personal humiliation.

OX: Who were your roommates? 
ST: Tom Schreffler and Robett Holland. 

OX: With whom do you stay in contact?
ST: Tom Schreffler

OX: Anyone with whom you’ve lost touch that you would like to find? 
ST: Robert Holland

OX: Tell us about your family. Have you married? Do you have children? 
ST: Presently I am divorced but have two daughters who attended Penn State and are off to successful careers.

OX: What do you do for a living? 
ST: I am retired from public school administration. My last post was as Assistant Superintendent for Pottsgrove School District, Pottstown, Pa.

OX: What hobbies do you enjoy? 
ST: I like to camping and motorcycle touring.

OX: What are your goals for the next few years? 
ST: Continue to do part time work teaching for Immaculata University in their off campus graduate program preparing educators for positions in school administration. I also work part time for Chester County Intermediate Unit in a federal project involving Goddard Space Center and Immaculata to assist teachers in disadvantaged schools improve their delivery of mathematics and science instruction.

OX: What organizations are you involved with in your community? 
ST: Only social organizations related to motorcycle touring: Gold Wing Road Riders Association - Chapter Y and the Keystone Voyagers.