New Photos from the 1920's
Check out the new photos from the 1920's

251 South Allen Reproduced with permission of the Special Collections Library Pennsylvania State University Libraries

Back Row L to R: William Thompson, Winfield Smith, Charles Frederickson, Loux, Robert Stevens, George Chapman Middle Row L to R: Francis Doan, Issac Brown, Sidney Morgan, Stubbs, Ellwood Cassel, Albert Schoeppe,, Albrich, Rutgold, Schell Front Row L to R: Frederick Vansant, Greiger, Grumbling, Banks, Ellwood Rittenhouse, Raymonf Poeppel Reproduced with permission of the Special Collections Library Pennsylvania State University Libraries

Back Row L to R: TK, William Seltzer, Donald Magill, Hugo Zetterlof, Anthony Pickard, William Sowden and Clifford Beaven Middle Row L to R: Edgar Stauffer, Murrell McKinstry, John Skeen, Frederick Vansant, Charles Frederickson, Walter Segl and Fred Bastian Front Row L to R: TK Shaw, Robert Ockford, TK Rittenhouse, George Chapman, William Thompson, Theodore Smith and Raymond Poeppel Reproduced with permission of the Special Collections Library Pennsylvania State University Libraries

Back Row L to R: William Thompson, TK Rossita, TK Rittenhouse, TK, George Chapman, Francis Doan, Anthony Pickard Middle Row L to R: Imil Petzold, TK Morgan, Ellwood Cassel, Gumberling, Charles Frederickson, Walter Segl, TK Shaw Front Row L to R: Frederick VanSant, Tk, Tk, TK Smith, TK John Skeen, Clifford Beaven, Raymond Poeppel Reproduced with permission of the Special Collections Library Pennsylvania State University Libraries

1925 Reproduced with permission of the Special Collections Library Pennsylvania State University Libraries

House Party 1926 Reproduced with permission of the Special Collections Library Pennsylvania State University Libraries

Penn Day 1921 Reproduced with permission of the Special Collections Library Pennsylvania State University Libraries

TK Reproduced with permission of the Special Collections Library Pennsylvania State University Libraries

Penn Day 1920 Reproduced with permission of the Special Collections Library Pennsylvania State University Libraries

TK Reproduced with permission of the Special Collections Library Pennsylvania State University Libraries

TK Reproduced with permission of the Special Collections Library Pennsylvania State University Libraries

TK Reproduced with permission of the Special Collections Library Pennsylvania State University Libraries

TK Reproduced with permission of the Special Collections Library Pennsylvania State University Libraries

TK Reproduced with permission of the Special Collections Library Pennsylvania State University Libraries

TK Reproduced with permission of the Special Collections Library Pennsylvania State University Libraries

1923 LaVie Back Row L to R: William Gillen, Robert Ockford, Lester Longhurst, Jonathan Rittenhouse, Cadmus Goss, William Sowden Jr., Pedro Serralles Jr., George Tolley, Lewis Mechling Middle Row L to R: Benton Norton, Carl Allen, Laverne Clouser, Issac Brown, Edgar Strickler, Orange Mechling Jr., Everett Sutherland, Herbert Wilson Front Row L to R: Donald Stoner, Walter Shaw, John McWilliams, Russell Nesbitt, Frederick Vansant, W. Boyce Morgan, Harry Offutt, Donald Magill, Edward Oermann

House at 251 South Allen Street State College, PA

523 South Allen - Construction New Theta Chi House at Penn State as it look on Sept. 30, 1929

523 South Allen - Construction Left side/front view of house Nov. 6, 1929

523 South Allen - Construction Two Stories - Pratically complete Nov. 16, 1929

523 South Allen - Construction three stories, minus roof topping, cornice, etc. Dec. 1, 1929

1928 LaVie Rolland Schmucker, Harold Nilson, Charles Wilson, James Marshall Jr., Frederick Greiner, Benjamin Ricker, Peter Marvel, Jack Taylor Earl Maize, Boman, John Boodon, Alexander Calhoun, Laverne Clouser, J. Spencer Clinger, Forrest Thompson Ralph Bossard, Gilbert Gruber, Robert Kerr Jr., Maxwell Suerken, Gordon Altman, Armand Murphy, Philip McWilliams Francis Doan, George Way, William Windle Jr., Ralph Yanisch, Otto Meyer, Russell Nesbit, James Barnes, Richard Geuder

LaVie 1925 Front Row L to R: Samuel Reed, Donald Linton, Lester Longhurst, George Lord, George Way, James Conley, Ralph Yanisch, Alvin Sagerholm, William Windle, Aubrey Smith Middle Row L to R: Sidney Morgan, Carl Allen, Marshall Drake, John McWilliams, William Goebbels, Thomas Seltzer, William Gillen, George Tolley, Charles Gifford Back Row L to R: T. LeBontillier, Laverne Clouser, Lewis Mechling, Fred Nelan, Leroy Seymour, Leon Gibson, Clyde Maize, Watrous Irons, Everett Sutherland Photo Courtesy LaVie

LaVie 1925 The House Photo Courtesy LaVie

LaVie 1929 Front Row L to R: William Goebbels, Alexander Dow, Earl Maize, Russell Nesbitt, John McWilliams, Benjamin Ricker, Jack Taylor, John Boodon Second Row L to R: Charles Anderson, Robert Faries, Ross Miller, Pfalsgraff, Conn, Harry Girard, Armand Murphy, Max Hofmann, Dawson Third Row L to R: John Yahres, Gilbert Gruber, John Bowman, Harold Nilson, Robert Kerr, Harry Valentine, Richard Geuder, Peter Marvel Back Row L to R: Thomas Jackson, John Ifert, Guy Knight, Charles Wilson, James Barnes, Gordon Altman, J. Spencer Clinger, Murray Photo Courtesy LaVie