January 2004 Omegaphone
Alumni President Report
The last few months have been busy ones at Omega Chapter. Efforts have been focused on identifying and prioritizing repairs and upgrades to the chapter house and determining how improvements to the facility will be funded.
Robert Hoffman, an architect from Boalsburg, was hired to prepare a proposed renovation plan for the chapter house. The preliminary results of Mr. Hoffman's research were discussed at the chapter during the well-attended March 22 special meeting, (the study and plan was completed and presented to the alumni association on April 1. 2003 and can be viewed at our website).
At the special meeting, alumni members discussed at length the best course of action to provide a safe and presentable living environment for fall 2003 occupancy, while at the same time working toward the more extensive renovations that will provide a safe and competitive living environment for many years to come.
Living Room During the Renovations
The short-term repairs and improvements are complete. This work included:
- Basement ground-floor level: replacement of all broken glass, repair of laundry room and bathroom ceilings and lights, patching of all holes in walls (including huge holes behind radiators), painting of dining room ceiling and walls, repair of wooden stair railing and banisters, and sealing the French doors.
- Main floor level: painting of walls and trim, replacement of suspended ceiling and broken glass, repair of openings in walls and ceilings, repair of handrail and banisters, repair of exit stair tower doors and hardware, replacement and properly wiring of ceiling light fixtures. and repair of water damaged sections of floor.
- Second floor, five student rooms: replacement of doors and frames, patching and painting of walls and ceilings. replacement and properly wiring of light fixtures, replacement of hallway ceiling and lights. and fire caulking around room doors.
- Roof: inspection and repair to stop leaks and further damage to front corner
- bedrooms, living room and pool room.
- Fire safety: installation of Knox Box at kitchen door for fire company use; repair of emergency lighting system, fire detection system, exit signs and magi o lc closers; installation of smoke detectors in student bedrooms.
- Boiler room: installation of new hot water storage tank we had no hot water due to hole in old tank).
- Electrical: replacement of second floor electrical (it was not properly grounded to Main panel, securing of electrical receptacles, installation of cover plates, and replacement of light switches throughout.
Living Room after Renovations
The project was performed by John Spearly Construction, Inc. of Bellefonte. The cost of demolition, disposal and repairs totaled $39,500. New furniture for the five bedrooms (beds, dressers and desks), was purchased, as well as furniture for the living room, foyer and pool room.
We have received a bid of just over $66,000 for the architectural and engineering fees associated with implementing Phase II of our renovation project. The scope of Phase II includes a sprinkler system for the entire facility (the Borough has adopted an ordinance requiring all fraternity houses to install fire sprinkler systems within the next five years). new insulated windows and French doors, completion of electrical upgrades, new boiler, new fire alarm system, and repairs and replacements of walls and ceilings. The present cost of the defined project is calculated to be just over $658,000.
Brothers enjoy new furniture in chapter house - Left to Right: William Hertrick, Nathan Peifer, Avi Sadiky, Dan Gregory, Stuart Ringleheim and Jacob Wolf
On the financial front, we secured a loan from the Norwich Housing Corporation in the amount of $110,000, to cover our current repairs and to remain solvent while occupancy and rental income increase. A study is currently under way to determine how best to fund the major phase of renovations.
Any alumnus who might have interest in participating as a board member, an alumni corporation officer or as a building task force member is asked to please contact me. Please be sure to check out our web site www.thetachiornega.com. A big Thank You to Brother Rich Maltz for his fantastic work on the web site.
Thank you for your continued support of Omega Chapter.
Edward M. Brown
Alumni Presiden
2003 Annual Theta Chi Golf Open
(L-R) first row: Dave Douglas '76, Greg Schlegel 73, Dan Mctague '80, Mike Perkins '76 George 'jay'- Hoffman "75, Tony 'the Champ' Bernardo '78, Bob 'Bubba' Miller '75 and Hugh McClure '72. Second row: Jack Molyneux '72, Scott Wicket '74 Kurt Nathan '73 and Mike Dalesio. Third row: Phil Bochey '83, Dave Beisswanger '74, Dave Matthews '76, Mott Monkos 173, Rod Dare '73, Larry Bell '73 and Bill Rooney "76 Fourth row. John taste '76 and Vic Howe '77.
The 2003 Theta Chi Open had it all. A song fest, brothers doing push-ups to write off red marks, atten-dance from the first brother from the '80s (Phil Bochey '83), surprise guests (Larry Bell '73 and Bob Miller '75 flying in from San Francisco and Knoxville, Tenn., respectively), a total of nearly 30 brothers participating and a new champion one Tony Bernardo '78, Save the date for the 2004 Open: May 7, 2004!
Profile Dave Douglas '76 - From NFL Films to the Civil War
So, how exactly does one make Emmett Smith cry? Brother Dave Douglas '76 knows firsthand, for it was in his role as senior producer for NFL Films' "Emmitt Smith: Run with History" that Douglas brought Smith to tears.
"The players know we are not the networks," said Douglas. "We are there to entertain and make the league look great. I have interviewed many players: Brett Favre, Troy Aikman, Tony Dorsett no two days are the same."
A Boot Full of Memories by David Douglas
And with 17 Emmy's to show for his 26 seasons at NFL Films (16 more than Susan Lucci, Douglas reminds us). One would think that contentment would be at hand. However, it was nearly six years ago that several letters in his mother's attic spawned an idea ... and another project. These letters, authored by Captain Leonard Williams, Douglas' great-grandfather, have since become the foundation for this producer-turned-author's first book, "A Boot Full of Memories." Now in its second printing and receiving an impressive response, the book chronicles Williams' life through the entire Civil War — two weeks before the Battle of Bull Run until six weeks before Appomattox.
"He wrote 135 letters," explained Douglas. "He was right there at Antietam, Gettysburg, the Seven Days Battle. My favorite is his description of Jeb Stuart's commendation of Leonard's charge at Jack's Shop, Va. Stuart said he had seen many great charges but never one like Leonard and his platoon had achieved that day."
Dave Douglas '76
Douglas admits that his days at Theta Chl helped set the stage for reaching these goals, both in the team-focused environment at NFL Films and in his personal writing. "My life in the fraternity was the first time I was thrust into an environment with so many other people," said Douglas. "We were forced to get along and co-exist as a unit, and often times it brought out the best in others. I just loved the brotherhood."
And his commitment to the Omega Chapter is still evident today. "Most of the brothers I know still get together on the first Friday in May for the Theta Chi Open," said Douglas. This has allowed him to stay in touch with several brothers including Mike Perkins '76, Dave Matthews '76, Paul "Stretch" Cunningham '77, Drew Tomlinson '79, Bob Mooney '78, Tom Raymond '73. Mike Dalesio and Paul "Sparky" Wasserbach '76.
And, Douglas has formed a special bond with Brother Tony Bernardo '78. "Tony is one of my best friends," admitted Douglas. "His neighbor worked at NFL Films. He got me an interview in 1978, and I have been there ever since."
Douglas and his wife, Betty Lou, currently live in Ridley Park, Pa., with their son, Kevin (18), and daughter, Becky 16).
Copies of "A Boot Full of Memories" are available at abebooks.com.
Alumni Updates
Harry G. Heil '30 - I now live In a retirement home in State College. I am interested in the news of the Penn State chapter, My father lent the chapter money to help build the chapter house, and it was returned to him in due time. Theta Chi can be a very important part of college experience and preparation for life.
William C. lngs '36 - Are any of the brothers (1933-1936) still alive? 2
John F. McElwee '47 - I remain professor of business administration at the University of La Verne. I am starting my 15th full-time year after retiring from General Dynamics in 1989.
Joseph M. Jackson '50 - Last February, four brothers and their wives got together for their annual dinner together in Naples, Fla. — Bob Clarke '50 (Peg), foe Jackson '50 (Phyllis), Jadt Storer '50 (Mary)Herb Wittman '50 (Dot). Bill Hanky '48 was scheduled to join us but was unable to make it at the last minute. Walter White '48 also hoped to join us but had another commitment. Should other brothers plan to be in the south Florida area in February '04 and would like to join us next year, please call or e-mail Joe Jackson before Christmas this year. We just talk, dine and charge no dues!
Robert C. Kennedy '50 - I have been in touch with Bruce Blauch '49, Joe Jackson '50, Bob Clarke '50, Jack Williams '48, Bob Bossier '49 and Herb Wittman '50. I've also added a few photos from the 1940 and 1950 eras to the Omega Web site: www.thetachiomega.com.
Joseph T. Crudo '55 - I have been retired for 11 years and spend about six months out of the year in our condo in Bonita Beach, Fla. I would like to hear from my brothers from the classes of '54, '55 and '56.
Mark M. Burroughs '63 - I continue to work on my cabin site near Gore Pass, Colo. Most recently, a large black bear (estimated at close to 300 pounds) visited our trashcan in Colorado Springs at 1:00 a.m. I cautiously cracked open the front door and was able to get several photographs from about 10 feet away. The work at the cabin site has consisted of moving dirt — real construction is a few years away from commencing. Progress, as it occurs (and black bear visits), will continue to be provided.
John D. Swift '64 - I am keeping busy as C.F.O. of Mohawk Industries. Kathy (Garvey) and I are going to be grandparents for the third time next year. We are both still very active with work, golf and tennis (maybe in the reverse order). We have been very lucky because our kids (three) and their families live within three miles of us (a result of Kathy's real estate skills). We do travel within the U.S. and Caribbean from three to five times a year, and two of those vacations are with the entire family (Kathy handles the itinerary, logistics and activities).
Michael R. Perkins '76 - I am married with two kids, ages 7 and 10. I have worked for Hyundai Motor America for the past 15 years. I am also the chairman of the Theta Chi Open, a golf outing held at a Philadelphia area golf course on the first Friday in May. The 23rd Annual Theta Chi Open will be held on Friday, May 7, 2004 — a golf outing that is regularly attended by about 30 brothers each year. We strongly encourage all brothers from all graduating years to attend and have the opportunity to win the prestigious Theta Chi Open Champ "Red jacket." If you are interested in attending, please contact m
Robert J. Scavello '88 - I work for IBM as an associate partner in their Business Consulting Group serving the Department of Defense. I got married in July 2002 to Kate O'Connell in Washington, D.C. Alan Lauder '90, Scott Taylor '89 and Dave Yohannan '88 were three of my groomsmen. Also in attendance were Joe Kopetsky '86, Owen Fishman '85, Bob Kramer '88, Jamie Koppersmith '88, Anthony Panichelli '85 and Mark Woehrel '90.
John A. Buyarski '91 - I am currently living in Atlanta, Ga., and working in strategic planning for Delta Air Lines. I'm married and have two daughters: Emma (4) and Anna (2).
Christian J. Koczur '91 - Currently I am the vice president of finance and CFO of Cleveland Range, a foodservice manufacturing company. My wife, Heather (Penn State '92, AOP sorority), and I have a son, Jonathan, who is 15. We adopted him five years ago. I stay in touch with Bob Kurek '92. He currently works for Genentech (biotech) in San Francisco as a chemical engineer. Bob was married in October 2001.
Chapter Eternal
We regret to inform you of the death of..
- William W. Logan '39
- William Young Jr. '39
- Laurence G. McEvoy '43
- Richard L. Gerhard '59
Theta Chi mourns their passing and extends condolences to their families and friends.
Chapter Report - Service and Growth the Omega Chapter of 2004
This fall semester has been a busy one for the undergraduates of Omega Chapter of Theta Chi. In the past four months, we held our annual soccer tournament, added two new members to our brotherhood, elected new officers and started our involvement with Penn State Dance Marathon.
On October 18, we hosted the annual Kids In Cooperation with Karing Students (K.I.C.K.S.) soccer tournament to raise money for the Make-A-Wish Foundation. Theta Chi partnered up with Alpha Xi Delia to make this daylong event an amazing success. This year we had over 20 teams participate, raising over 52,000 to grant one wish for a child. During K.I.C.K.S. we were fortunate enough to have several Make-A-Wish children visit. K.I.C.K.S. Chairman Jacob Wolf did an excellent job in planning this event, and we would like to thank him for his efforts.
This semester we added two people to our brotherhood, Todd Pontius (Camp Hill, Pa.) and Matthew Factor (Long Valley. N.J.). While this class was small, Todd and Matt are two amazing guys, and we believe they will make an excellent addition to this chapter.
In late November, we elected new officers to lead the chapter in rebuilding its presence at Penn State University. The new officers for 2004 are as follows: president, Jacob Wolf: vice president, Todd Pontius; secretary, Matthew Factor; treasurer, Avi Sadiky; marshal, Matthew Schwartz; and chaplain, Dan Gregory. Last, but certainly not least, Theta Chi has rejoined the fight against pediatric cancer. For 'THON 2004, Theta Chi has teamed up with the Undergraduate Student Leaders (USL) and Service Learning Coordinators (SIC). We look forward to working with USL and SLC in the coming months to contribute to another successful Dance Marathon. On a similar note, we have two brothers who are involved in 'Thon outside of the fraternity. I am the Greek Liaison captain on the Corporate Relations Committee and Brother Avi Sadiky is a committee member on the OPPerations Committee.
With the fall semester coming to a close, we're now turning our attention to the spring. Our main focus will be recruitment, recruitment and more recruitment. Also in the spring, we're looking forward to seeing alumni at the annual Blue-White football game. More information on that weekend and other news from the undergraduates will be available on Omega Chapter's Web site.
Cameron Lefevre
Chapter President
Thank you to all those brothers that shared their news.
Checkout past issues of the Omegaphone by clicking here.