2004 Dance Marathon Report

This year was another amazing year for Penn State’s Dance Marathon. Themed “Always Believing,” THON this year raised $3,547,715.48 For The Kids. Fortunately, Theta Chi once again played a role in helping kids with cancer. This year, Theta Chi was partnered with the two student organizations based out of the AT&T Center for Service and Leadership: Undergraduate Student Leaders (USL) and Service Learning Coordinators (SLC). Together, the three organizations raised $6,015.93. Theta Chi, USL and SLC were also allowed to have four dancers for THON weekend. The dancers were Cameron Lefevre (Theta Chi), Jacob Wolf (Theta Chi), Debbie Saylor (SLC), and Doris Golebiewski (USL).

Theta Chi also supported THON this year in other ways. Brothers Avi Sadiky and Matthew Schwartz were Operations Committee Members. Brother Cameron Lefevre was a Corporate Relations Captain and as well as Theta Chi’s THON Chair.

Since joining with USL and SLC for THON, we have also adopted their THON family, the Knauss family. Sadly, the THON child, Craig Knauss, passed away in the Fall of 2002 at the age of 16. Despite their loss, however, the Knauss family returned to THON this year to enjoy the weekend. While they were shy at first—as many families are—they began to open up as the weekend progressed. The Brothers of Theta Chi and members of USL and SLC will continue to build a strong relationship with the Knauss family and hope to see them return to THON in the coming years.

This year marked Theta Chi’s first participation in THON since being reorganized in 2002. It was also the first time that many brothers had the opportunity to experience THON. Some are so excited for THON 2005 that they are already debating who gets to be next year’s dancers and THON Chair. This year was a huge success and things will only get better from here.

Cameron Lefevre
THON Chair