January 1985 Omegaphone

Below are excepts from the January 1985 Omegaphone, to read the entire issue, please download the pdf to the right

Homecoming Meeting Proof of Lively Alumni Interest 

This year's Homecoming meeting was, as usual, a lively session. Judging from the turnout and the forthright discussion, there is a great deal of interest in the fraternity. That's healthy for our alumni corporation.

To those alumni who attended, I want to extend my thanks, and I pledge (no pun intended) that the other officers, the board of directors and I will do our best to respond to your suggestions and concerns. For those of you who could not attend, let me summarize some of the key topics of discussion at the meeting:

By-laws — For the past several years, we've run Theta Chi of Penn State as best we could without benefit of up-to-date by-laws. While the officers and board of directors succeeded, by and large, in conducting the affairs of the alumni corporation in an efficient, business-like manner, many things were unclear, such as length of officers' terms, the appropriate number of board members, the respective duties and responsibilities of officers and board members, and the process by which candidates for office are nominated and elections take place.

Several brothers, at various times, have expressed to me their confusion on this matter. With that in mind, I asked brother Hugh Cadzow, alumni corporation secretary, to study our current, outdated by-laws and suggest whatever changes to them might be appropriate. Hugh gave a preliminary report at the Homecoming meeting, citing numerous recommendations for changes to the by-laws. Hugh is currently drafting a set of suggested by-laws. Once he does so, we will send them to officers and board members for comment; thereafter, we will send a set to all alumni, and propose ratification of the new by-laws by the Founders' Day meeting, if possible, or, at the latest, at the Homecoming 1985 meeting.

Mailing Lists — Many brothers have said that they do not receive all the mailings we send, or know of other brothers who do not. As a first step towards resolving this problem, we will be coordinating the mailing lists available from the University with those of our national fraternity. In addition, I would ask anyone who knows of a brother who is not receiving our mailings to contact our Alumni Records Office. It's of paramount importance that our mailings reach all brothers. 

Capital Fund — Brother Todd Fortier, treasurer, reported that we now have about $10,000 in our capital fund. This fund is, of course, kept separate from our regular operating fund, and is to be used only for board-approved major capital projects or emergencies. The capital fund has been built up by brothers who have agreed to contribute $100 annually for a period of three years, We recently initiated another level of giving for the capital fund--$25 for three years. At the Homecoming meeting, many brothers agreed to contribute at this level. In fact, at that meeting alone, more than $700 was collected or pledged. If you are interested in contributing to the capital fund at $100/year, please write brother Todd Fortier. If you are interested in the $25 fund, write brother John Wszalek, vice president.

Newsletter — There was a great deal of discussion on the future of this newsletter. Brother Gary Hicks volunteered to assume responsibility for its publication beginning at some point in 1985. Further discussion on this will take place at the Founders' Day meeting.

As you can see, we covered a lot of ground at the meeting, Again, I thank all those who took the time to attend. And, lest I forget, let me also thank the brothers who have sent in their 1984-85 dues, and ask those who have not yet returned their dues to do so whenever possible.

On behalf of the officers and board, I wish you and your families a healthy and prosperous 1985. I look forward to seeing you at the Founders' Day meeting on April 27. 

Thomas W. Butch '78, Alumni Corporation President 

1000th Brother Initiated this Fall! - Quick Rush Nets 14 Pledges 

Thanks to an intensive rush program, partially organized and executed by two field representatives provided by National, Theta Chi rushed 74 pledges into the house within a three-week period this fall. Rush taps, barbecues and Monday Night Football rush socials also served to help the rushees get better acquainted with the brotherhood and our fraternity.

Although we had doubts about the program at first, our attitudes on rush have since changed drastically. Rushing 14 pledges is a landmark for Omega, and this successful effort should inspire us to do better in the future. Speaking of landmarks, we reached our 1,000th initiate this fall, another successful feat for Omega Chapter. 

Jim Derrah and Joe Kopetsky, Rush Chairmen 

Looking Good . . Combined Efforts Keep House in Fine Shape 

Despite its age--55 years in March--the Theta Chi chapter house continues to appear strong and impressive, reflective of the devoted care and upkeep extended by so many brothers through the years. Indeed, it has oft been heard that Theta Chi is one of the best-looking fraternity houses in State College, and the brothers of today take great pride in keeping the house at its very best.

This past summer the house suffered some water damage from a leak in the roof. Thanks to the support of our alumni early this fall, the minimal water damage to the poolroom was repaired and a new cold tar roof was installed. Also, in preparation for the harsh winter weather to come, the boiler system received some minor adjustments and a clean bill of health from a local plumber. Now, we can only hope for the best. The fall pledge project will consist of all 14 pledges working to improve the appearance of the house through painting the TV room and dining room, waxing and varnishing the steps leading to the second floor and building a bench in the bar. Recent purchases--new couches and a carpet for the TV room--have already proved to be quite a cosmetic asset.

As always, we invite our alumni to return to the house any-time at all and to share our pride in Theta Chi. 

Mike Garrity, House Manager 

Alumni's Strong Support Deeply Appreciated - Graduate Involvement Inspires Chapter to Work Even Harder 

On behalf of the entire undergraduate chapter, !would like to thank all of our alumni who returned to Omega for Homecoming '84. Each year the undergraduates' relations with the alumni grow stronger. This year more than ever, we were very impressed not only with the alumni turnout, but also with the strong resurgence of interest you so strongly expressed in the chapter.

We were also extremely pleased with the organization and commitment our alumni corporation displayed at Homecoming. The strong leadership of the corporation officers and the support the rest of you have so actively shown inspires the brotherhood to work even harder.

Our alumni corporation's dynamic approach to fund raising for the house's physical future, coupled with the strong support for the house's spiritual future, ensures Theta Chi's dominance on the Penn State campus will continue for many years to come.

We would like to thank also those brothers who, after a period of absence, have returned to Omega with renewed interest and energy. Their return makes actives proud to be Theta Chis and is proof of our motto: Theta Chi for life!

Robert Dunston, Chapter President 

Visits Encouraged 

Alumni support is vital to the success of every chapter. At Omega, we are currently working toward improving our alumni relations program to increase this support throughout the entire graduate brotherhood. Proof that our program is working can be found in our very successful fall Homecoming. The alumni seemed impressed by both our performance as individual brothers and our actions as a fraternity; in turn, we were impressed and extremely gratified by the tremendous support you so generously extended to the chapter.

The challenge we now face is to further improve and increase alumni involvement. We believe your continued participation in chapter activities would be to our mutual benefit. We appreciate to the fullest extent your "helping hand" -- please let us extend to you the opportunity to relive old times and to meet and renew old acquaintances.

Return to Omega as soon as possible. Seeing is believing and a personal visit will actively demonstrate the dedication of the undergraduate brothers toward making our fraternity the best it can possibly be. Our next big event is Founders' Day on April 27. Plan to return then, or sooner if possible. You're always welcome ! 

Anthony Panichelli, Chapter Secretary 

Alumni News 

ALFRED R. BECHTEL '16 and his wife celebrated their 68th wedding anniversary on October 3, 1984! Send your congratulations to "Track" in Philadelphia, PA. 

"Would appreciate your 'prodding' the late '20s and '30s!" writes RICHARD A. GEUDER '29, a retiree of Reliance Electric. Dick makes his home in Chagrin Falls, OH. 

The retired vice president of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company and retired senior vice president of Penn Central Transportation Company, GUY W. KNIGHT '30 can be contacted in Chestertown, MD. "Silent' repots—his wife passed away in December 1980, but he keeps active by boating on the Chesapeake, golfing, and traveling. 

Theta Chi’s national Convention in Scottsdale, Ariz., this past August was the scene of brother Howard Alter’s (’41) retirement as the fraternity’s executive director. No one could have been a finer representative of the ideals and traditions held so dearly by our fraternity and our own Omega Chapter. Thanks, Howard, for a job superbly done!

THOMAS H. WHITE '36 has retired after 45 years in education - including four years in the Navy in WWII! Tom is looking forward to his 50th reunion in 1986, when he plans to return to State College for the first time since June 1941! 

ROBERT E. EBERLY SR. '39 is general manager of the Eberly Natural Gas Company and chairman of the board of Gallatin National Bank.

The general sales manager for Sugardale, HOWARD DUNHAM '46 can be found in Canton, OH. "Hud" tells us he often thinks of his "wonderful, crazy days at Penn State and some of my old Theta Chi buddies!" 

A member of the Penn State Football Alumni Club, FLOYD W. LANG '48 makes his permanent home in East Berlin, PA, and he and his wife spend the winter months in Florida in their travel trailer. "Tubby" also reports Hattie and SAM COBB '39 stop in to visit once in a while. 

DOMINIC ALISIO '54 lives in Bethlehem, PA. 

GEORGE F. KELLER '55 is international president of the Warehouse Distributors Association of the Recreational Vehicle Industry and owner of Keller Marine Service Inc. George tells us TOM LaFERRARA '55 is with the Bureau of Ships in Mechanicsburg, and TONY RICHARDS '55 is vice president of Ryan Aircraft in San Diego. 

JOHN N. WARKER SR. '56, of Hagen-Warker Insurance Associates, makes his home in West Lawn, PA 19609. 

THOMAS W. HANKEY '65 is design coordinator and start-up coordinator for a new Philip Morris plant in Louisville, Kentucky. Tom can be contacted in Chester, VA. 

What ever happened to Ernie, the house mascot from 1966-69? TOM GLENDON '69, deputy sheriff of the city of Philadelphia, has the story: "In 1966 Richard McLean and myself brought back a white collie pup to be house mascot. We named the dog after Ernie Terrell who was fighting a young boxer named Cassius Clay. If our loyalties had been elsewhere, Theta Chi would have had the only white collie in existence named Muhammed! I took Ernie home in 1969 and a few months later left for the Marine Corps and asked good old mom to watch the dog. Needless to say, after my return a few years later, I did not get the dog back. Ernie was a faithful companion and lived to the ripe old age of 16--that's 112 to you and me!" 

Pennsylvania State Game Commissioner JAMES CARL GRAYBILL 70 lives in Annville, PA 17003. 

S. THOMAS HORNYAK '72 has this update: "On April 1, 1984, I left Touche Ross & Company after 12 years of certified public accounting experience and formed Micro Management Concepts Inc. (MMC). MMC was formed to meet the growing need for competent microcomputer consulting services for businesses in today's marketplace. We offer a full line of microcomputer consulting services which include, but are not limited to, the evaluation of hardware and software alternatives, training, and system design and implementation. So far business has been great!" Congratulations may be sent to Tom in Allison Park, PA. 

KENNETH P. SLABY '73 is a financial planning and analysis consultant with GE. Ken lives in Samp Mortar, CT. 

The assistant vice president - secured lending of American Bank & Trust Company of Pennsylvania, SCOTT A. WICKEL '74 lists his home in Reading, PA. 

After leaving the Navy in April 1984, CHARLES P. CLARK '76 accepted a position with Tracor Applied Sciences in Maryland as an electronics technician. 'We do testing and evaluation of communication installations for merchant marine ships and U.S. Navy ships," 

An officer of the Takorna Park Police Department, FRED A. ROUSH '77 makes his home in Fort Washington, MD. 

Congratulations to BOB MOONEY '78! He became the proud father of a little girl on May 9, 1984. Personal congratulations can be sent to Bob in Okinawa, Japan. 

A CPA with Zelenkofske & Company, KEN FREBOWITZ '80 residesin  Philadelphia, PA. "Frebo" reports TRISTAN STANCATO '80 married Robin Jackson this past June! 

A car salesman with Eagle Pontiac in Raleigh, North Carolina, JOHN GRACE '80 writes, "Tell anyone we know to drop us a letter. We'd love to hear from the brothers and alums!" John's wife, Kathy, is an operations research analyst for IBM, and the couple celebrated their second anniversary on September 4, 1984! Write to "Snake" in Raleigh, NC, 

THOMAS E. KATCHUR '82 is settling into his new condo in Washington, DC and writes, "I love living in the city and welcome calls from any brother living in or visiting the area." Tom is a case controller with the Veterans Administration. 

Congratulations to TIMOTHY A. BOYD '83! A lieutenant stationed with the 1st Marine Division, USMC, Camp Pendleton, California, he plans to marry Pam Cahill next spring! 

A landscape architect with Dennis Duffy Associates, HUGH D. CADZOW '83 is also a member of the American Society of Landscape Architects. He and wife Tracy are both on the board of directors of the South Jersey Shore Penn State Alumni Chapter, and they welcome anyone who wishes to visit the shore--no matter what season!  Hugh adds, "Also, I am proud to be elected to the Alumni Corporation as secretary, and promise to help make it the best group of officers we've ever had!" 

We regret to inform you of the death of: 



  • LYNN D. BLAND '38


Thank you to all those brothers that shared their news.

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Download the Jan. 1985 Omegaphone