Fall 1962 Edition of Rattle

The latest edition of the Rattle is available. Read about what is going on with Omega chapter and its brothers.

Inside this edition:

President’s Message

Howard Alter Jr. - National President

The 106th Anniversary Convention is now a thing of the past. It was, I think, a most successful convention, thanks to the yeoman job by the men of the great Northwest, the director of the School of Fraternity Practices, and the executive director of the fraternity and his staff. It was an experience I wish all actives and alumni could have shared.

It is with humility, and not a few misgivings, that your new national president assumes his duties. The excellence of Joseph D. Ross' administration formidable to those of us who follow it. Four new men have been elected to the Grand Chapter, bringing wide fraternity experience of from many to relatively few years, and with a wide geographic distribution, making this a very representative Grand Chapter, if perhaps a neophyte one, for only two members have served longer than the past two years.

At the convention I was asked to comment on Theta Chi in the next two years, and as I looked at the calibre of young manhood in our delegates, it was clear that we could only go forward; the question i3, how far? This is not a matter for decision by your national officers, but a matter for each chapter to choose as chapter policy is determined. I would commend to you the discussions of two of the newly elected national officers at convention: one concerning pledge training, and the other scholarship. Take them to heart, and see how far forward we can go in the next two years.

I pray that we who lead the fraternity at the national level may in some small way be worthy of the trust that you have given us. Since 1856, it has always been, and it must always be "Alma mater first, and Theta Chi for alma mater."

Fraternally yours,

Howard R. Alter, Jr.
National President