Fall 1954 Omegaphone

Below are excepts from the Fall 1954 Omegaphone, to read the entire issue, please download the pdf to the right

Letter From the President

As the new school term starts at Penn State, Omega finds its brothers and pledges renewed with a vigor which, from all expectations will prevail throughout the year and carry Omega Chapter up the ladder of recognition. 

As well as coming back to a University, we find ourselves welcomed by a resident housemother. Mrs. Hazel Goschke, from Beaver Falls, Pa., has been in our company for only a few short weeks; however, the fellows like her very well and feel confident we have made an excellent choice. 

Again we had hoped to have a large annex with the realization of a twenty-man pledge class, but due to the lack of summer employment and the draft, a large number of our pledged men were unable to return. We do, however, have a small annex and hope that this is a start toward a larger house membership. 

The summer housing program, under the guidance of Dick Fronko, proved very successful financially. As a result, our house improvement is moving along in high gear. Our parking lot behind the house has been enlarged and paved for which we wish to express our thanks to the Alumni Corporation for its fine cooperation. The financial return from summer housing is also responsible for the purchase of new aluminum screens for the second and third floors. 
Vice President, Bill Landis, has enacted an intensified program for the improvement of the scholarship of the fraternity. 

I am looking forward to seeing you Homecoming weekend, Oct. 16. 


Tony Crisci

House Improvements

During the interval between this edition of the Omegaphone and the preceeding one, many significant changes and additions have been made to the chapter house. 

One of the most enjoyable of the improvements was the acquisition of a 21" television set which was purchased "used" at a very reasonable price. The fact that the set is used must not be taken to mean that it is in poor condition. On the contrary, it looks as well and operates as well as any new set. 

Another major improvement in the appearance of the house has bean in progress the past few days. The ceiling in the foyer which has been noticably cracking so as to constitute a hazard, has been ripped down and a replastering job completed on the ceiling, In keeping with this, we have contracted for the painting of the three main rooms on the first floor. The whole job will be completed in time for Alumni weekend.

The second and third floor hallways which were painted last year are now offset by dark maroon rugs which adds greatly to the appearance of the house. 

In their first Saturday work session, the pledges completely repainted the white woodwork around the porch. 

With the advent of housemothers at Penn State and at Theta Chi in particular, several changes have been made necessary. It was decided that the housemother should occupy the guest room, and in order to make it more confortable for her we ordered and received a new dresser, an easy chair, and also a rug. For the present this has served to make it a little more comfortable, but more expenditures along this line will be forthcoming.

Another item for the list of house improvements is the addition of a trio of brass table lamps with maroon shades as well as a brass television lamp. 

Taking all improvements of the past period into consideration, I am sure that the house is in very good condition and will be kept that way.

James R. Moyer, House Manager 

Fall Pledge Class

New Theta Chi pledges for the fall semester are headed by pledge captain, Truman Burch, third semester electrical engineering major from Charleroi, Pa. Truman's activities at Penn State consist of intramural athletics, dormitory secretary-treasurer, and a member of the props crew for 'Thespians. 

A fifth semester I.E. major, Dan Zellum is from Listie, Pa. Dan's interests are in sports, music, and stamp collecting.

Bill Frame, a third semester Aero. Eng. major from Camp Hill, Pa., lists his Penn State activities as Freshman football and intramural sports.

Hailing from Altoona, Bob Spinnazzola, is a fifth semester Ed. major. His chief interests are baseball and swimming. 

Coming to State from Jenkinstown, Pa., Phil Chapman is a third semester Bus. Ad. major. Phil is working on a crew for the Thespians fall production as well as being a candidate for the "Daily Collegian" business staff. 

Jack Miller, a fifth semester business management major is from Gettysburg, Pa. Jack likes most sports and is also a candidate for the "Daily Collegian" business staff. 

Frank Micelli is a third semester liberal arts major from Meadville, Pa. Frank is working on the Thespian fall production.

Tom Smith, who hails from Phila., is on the editorial staff of the "Collegian.' Tom is a third semester Journalism major and was vice president of Nittany dorms.

Al Klimcke, a third semester journalism major from Monessen, Pa. was editor of his high school year book. Al's activities at State include junior board of "Daily Collegian," LA Lantern magazine, and two Thespian shows. 

Recently Initiated 

Six new brothers were initiated into Theta. Chi Fraternity, Sept. 16. 

Anthony Richards - New Castle - I.E.
Kenneth Sommers - Muncy - LA
Jim Forsythe - Beaver - Bus.
Bob Baker - Elizabethtown - I.E.
Bob Hammel - Lehighton - Bus.
Dick Sherwood - Oil City - E.E.

Convention Notes 

During the first week of Sept. I had the privilege and honor of representing Omega at the 98th bi-annual convention of Theta Chi Fraternity in Atlanta, Georgia. My only regret is that more of the chapter members could not attend to help carry back some of the ideas and suggestions that were offered in such profusion.

The convention consisted of three days of discussion sessions called "The School of Fraternity Practices," and the convention proper in which legislation and election of Grand Chapter officers took place. The school sessions were devoted to various problems encountered by chapters and designated as such on the schedule so that any chapters to which the same problem was common could have a delegate attending to profit by the discussion and suggestions offered. There were special sessions on chapter finance, pledge training, rushing, chapter administration, etc. I took many notes and many ideas away from the sessions and now my job as delegate is just started, for the task for me now is to introduce and apply these ideas to help make Omega an even better chapter than it is now.

Bill Landis, Vice President 

Socially Speaking

September is her again, and along with it come classes, football, and, of course, another round of those great Theta Chi parties. 

There have been a few changes, socially speaking, since the last "Omegaphone" made its appearance. Foremost among these is our new housemother, Mrs. Hazel Goeohke, from Beaver Falls, Pa, "Mom" has wasted no time in fitting right into the swing of thing, at Theta Chi. Being a housemother in a fraternity is by far not the easiest job in the world. But our *Mom" is really making a great job of it.

Because we realize that a fraternity's close relations with its alumni is one of the greetest parts of fraternity life, we would like to extend a hearty invitation to all of our "alums' to drop in and help us "live it up." Occasions on which you have done so before have really turned out to be great times, and we're looking forward to more this year. 

Our social calendar for this semester includes a lot of variety, starting off with Homecoming weekend, (W. Virginia football game). Some other annual functions are square dances, pizza parties, costume parties, picnics, just to name a few.

Our tentative schedule for this semester looks something like this

Oct. 2 - Combined party with Sigma. NU Dan Grovels jazz combo.
Oct. 16 - Homecoming. An extra special welcome for our alumni.
Oct. 22 - Costume party featuring television personalities.
Oct. 30 - House trip to U. of P. football game
Nov. 5 - Junior Prom, featuring Tommy and Jimmy Dorsey
Nov. 8 - Traditional Bowery Brawl houseparty, featuring band and usual banquet.
Nov. 1. - Fathers/ Day pizza party.
Nov. 20 - House trip to Pittsburgh for U. of Pitt football game.
Dec. 4 - Western costume party and square dance.
Dec. 10 - Military Ball
Dec. 11 - Annual Pledge Dance and Banquet.
Jan. 8 - Atomic Punch Party - a "Giffy Special."

Incidentally, a note on those banquets: We believe (and consensus of opinion does too) that "Giffy" is the best cook at Penn State. You will tool

These events will bring to a close of our first semester social period, and we hope they will be as successful as they have been in the past. And they will be if all our "alums" drop in and help us make them so. 

Bob Urban, Social Chairman 

Omega Sportscope

Theta Chi had little luck in the school sponsored intramural program last semester, but finished well in non-school sponsored sports. The OX men finished 46th out of 64 fraternities in the 1953. 54 intramural program, and had the dubious distinction of being first in forfeits. In beer leagues, Theta Chi took the bowling league title the first half but lost in the playoffs for the second half by a small margin. The softball team finished third in its respective league,

Prospects for the coming year are much brighter. The football team won its opening game and is looking very good. Pledges and brothers alike are taking much more interest in the house sporting program and it appears that forfeits will be held to a minimum. With any luck at all, Theta Chi could rise to within the top 10 in intramurals, and it is the author's opinion that we will.

Ronald G. Hanson, Athletic Chairman 


Well our newest alums are just about established in the working world or with the military, and it is our hope to keep them posted on happenings at Omega and with each other just as we have been doing for all our alumni. You can help make it more complete if you would drop us a line giving us some bit of news which we can pass on. Better yet, why not join us in person and enjoy the hospitality of the chapter. Following are news bits which we have been able to obtain about our alums. 

JIM PHILLIPS is training Marines at Ft. Sill, Oklahoma. BILL FAIRCHOK is working with Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co. while PETE FAIRCHOK is with U. S. Steel at Pittsburgh. JOE PARKER, who works for Household Finance, was married in May of this year. A recent graduate, KEN WHITE, is awaiting to report to the Air Force in October as a second lieut. DICK FRONKO, who also just graduated, is working for Crucible Steel in Syracuse. ROD WISEMAN is working for Lindy Air Reduction Co. up in Albany, N. Y., while the rest of the recent graduating class, WARREN HOMMAS and KAY HUSTON, are with the Ohio Highway Dept. LOU WILSON, who was recently retired as a 1st. Lieut. in the Marine Corps, is doing graduate work at Temple University. BILL SHOMBERG is stationed with the Air Force down in Texas. HARRISON GRIFFIN is back at Omega after 2 yrs. with Uncle Sam. DON GRIFFITH is also a member of the Air Force down in Texas. We understand that DICK CROWERS is with American Commerce Corps of Cleveland. TOM MORTON is also working with U. S. Steel in Pittsburgh. JIM NELSON, we understand, is expected to come back from Africa this June. Jim is in charge of a Firestone Plantation there. JOHN BUDESKY is on assignment with the Army in Japan while GEORGE EYRICR is still, in Germany. DON GREINER is working for I.B.M. in Reading. A recent visitor, RALPH STUCK, is back from work in the Philippines and the Far East. DICK LEWIS, got married this summer and is working for New York Life Insurance. LOU MARTINI is back in school again., This time its a med school in Phlla. ART BANDORICK is District Service Supervisor for General Electric, Minn. A baby girl was presented to ED NOYES recently. DICK JOHNSON is flying with the Air Force down in Texas. Back in the house after two years in the Army is ROSCOE SNEDEKER. JIM PETERS and JACK HONER are both in Korea. BILL ELMORE, Navy Ensign, has set his wedding for Oct. 16. It is reported that GENE RAUP is working in a chemo lab in Westchester. HERB KURTZ is managing a country club in Connellsville. LT. LARRY VAN GORDER, back from Korea, is stationed at Quantico, Va. AL GREGAL who is stationed down in N. Carolina, expects to get his Air Force wings soon. JOE WIRS was married this summer in Phila. CRIS SNYDER who was back recently, is working in Washington. ED OSTERHOUT is working in Pittsburgh for the Baker Wood Preserving C.o 

John Pershing, Alumni Secretary

Thank you to all those brothers that shared their news.

Checkout past issues of the Omegaphone by clicking here.

Download the Fall 1954 Omegaphone