Spring 1949 Omegaphone

Below are excepts from the Spring 1949 Omegaphone, to read the entire issue, please download the pdf to the right

Omega Fetes Alums

April 23rd will mark the beginning of Alumni Weekend at Theta Chi of Penn State. The time will be a joyful one for we are destined to burn our second mortgage in a special ceremony. A business meeting will be held by the Alumni Association, at which time much important business will be voted upon. Theta Chi will extend its welcome to all returning alumni and the house will be in tip-top shape for the event. One of the features will be the inspection of the redecorating which is now under way. The active chapter is proud of the work that they have done, and they are very anxious to have the alumni observe the progress that has been made on the first floor. Mark this date, April 23rd, on your calendar and plan to be on hand for this weekend.

Your next Loudspeaker will contain a form giving the prices for rooms and meals You will be able to determine your expense for the period you will be here and can pay in advance. 

Lafayette Hosts Chapters

If any of you plan to visit the house on March 26th, you'll be very disappointed. For this date marks the ANNUAL ASSEMBLY OF REGION III, which is to be held this year at Lafayette College, with Alpha Omega chapter acting as host. 

Omega chapter was host to the convention last year, thereby eliminating us from competition for the various Brown Jugs which are given as prizes. This year we are out to put the chapter on the top of the winning list. 

With songs, cheers, and the anticipation of bringing home to Penn State many honors, the Lions will be seen evacuating the Omega household that weekend and setting their compasses for Easton, Pa. 

Along with a planned educational program, a banquet and dance will be held Saturday evening at the Hotel Easton. The banquet will begin promptly at 6:00 o'clock with some of our national officers present as guests of the Assembly. 

We extend to Alumni of Omega chapter an invitation to join with us (either in spirit or in person) in the festivities. 

Alum-Active Potpurri

The latest mail delivery here to this isolated outpost has brought us news concerning many of the old-timers, long not heard from; as well as some news from our more recent "drugs on the labor market". Joe Bell '32 is now married with two children and is working for the Air Force in Bermuda. Jack Boaden '28 is now a practicing architect in Williamsport. John. Klinger '29 proud father of a son and daughter, manages the Worthington Pump outfit in Holyhoke, Mass. Out testing for the U.S. Ag. Dept is Norm Dietrick  '34 he is in Sunbury. One grad has attained political ranks in Detroit, city managoe office, Cadmus Goss '43. Dipping down to South America, we find Bill Ings '36 as a CPA resident partner of Arthur Young al Co. in Caracus, Venezuela, Fred Vansant '20 now heads the personnel relations department in the Newark Bell Telephone. Superior Steel in Carneigie, Pa. has as its director of research Walt Keene '32. Bob Grun '35, now the proud papa of two sons, is working for Gulf Oil in Pittsburgh. Tubby Lang '47, is now in Stroudsburg working with the Penna. Dept. of Forests and Waters. Harry Brinker '47, is in Erie with General Electric. Working as a government engineer at Johnsville is Frank Crissy '49. Two more IE boys leaving are Dick Crorers, Slatington and Jim Taylor, Wellsboro. Bob Ritz the future Stevens of the hotel business hails from Pittsburgh. The Altoona Mirror may consume our budding journalist Ken Strayer. 

That brings us up to date; so all of you who haven't, sent in those cards sent out In the last Omegaphone hear from you.

In case you lost those cards, the questions were; name, class, date of birth, home address, marital status and children, and occupation.

We're losing ten good brothers in June. Some plan to continue their education, while others are in the market for jobs. Looking over the list; Bob Bossier, Pres. and IE man from Oil City. Bruce Blauch, Upper Darby is heading for Penn to continue his veterinary work. Max Kipfer our gift to labor relations field is from Richmond, Ind.. George Chapman Jr., Jenkintown's ME says "adieu". Connelsville's neutron man Merle Cox gets his EE degree, as does Ralph Ettinger of Scranton. 

Spring Calendar

April 30th - Pledge dance with Chi Omega sorority
May 8th - Mother's Day
May 13th - Senior Ball House-party
June 1st - End of 2nd semester
June 5 and 6 - Graduation 

Expected to arrive on the  week-end of March 26th, is Brother Dick Miller now traveling secretary of Theta Chi. Brother Miller brings many items of interest from Brothers all over the country. 

Hanley's Sports Column

Hello Alumns this is your new Omega sports reporter. Needing a replacement for the graduated Foggy Nein, the boys decided I was the most ardent "athletic supporter".

The greatest achievement of the past semester was turned in by the chapter's red-hot Keglers. Sparked by Capt. Bob Nein, the Omegamen captured the IFC Bowling title for the second consecutive year. 

The. talent-loaded, hot and cold, basketball team was not quite so successful. After a brilliant start, the boys. saw their title aspirations vanish in a heart breaking 1 point loss to one of the league leaders. 

At present we have high hopes for a wrestling team, led by Chick Cialella and Bill Thompson and a handball team, aced by prexy Bob Bossier. Two strong volleyball squads make their debut in Rec Hall this week. Quite a bit of softball talent was uncovered during a recent warm spell. Heavy "stickers" and "slick" fielders offset the lack of a fire ball pitcher.

House to Honor Mothers

Theta Chi mothers will he honored on May 8th this year in another of Omega Chapter's traditional Mother's Day programs. 

Prior to the war, the annual visit by the active's mothers was an event or headline importance to all.

House Takes New Colors

New indeed; the New Look has taken over the chapter house. The one we are speaking about is the new look of our first floor. 

Under the capable direction of Max Kipfer and Jack Storer the entire painting task has been completed. The color scheme furnished by Lang has done wonders In brightening up the first floor. Along with the guests room and the soon-to-be-finished card room, an entire new and different color scheme has been employed. The new rugs are expected by the end of this week. The better of the old rugs will be used in the guest and card rooms; while the remaining of the old rugs will be used as padding. The next items to be secured, will be lamps and drapes. Some of the present lamps will be repaired and the rest will be purchased new. The drapes to be purchased are ones needed to complete the color scheme. 

That is as far as we definitely have planned. Anything, else we buy will depend upon the ever present problem of finances. Our goal is a complete redecoration job by next fall. We sincerely hope that all those who return to Omega will approve of the work done and we also would like to send along, to all those who have helped us in many ways, our sincerest "thanks". 

New Omegamen

William Clark - Clearfield, Pa,
Jack Storer - Wilkinsburg, Pa.
Bruce Wallace - Upper Darby, Pa.
Tom Ward - Belle Vernon, Pa.
Bob Clarke - Pittsburgh, Pa.
Theophilus Collins - Pittsburgh, Pa.
George Cochrane - Uniontown, Pa.
Dave Evans - Scranton, Pa.
Bruce Gerwig - North Hills, Pa.
Larry Giancola - Kennet Square, Pa.
Joe Jaskowiak - Philadelphia, Pa.
Bob Kennedy - Upper Darby, Pa. 

House to Honor Mothers

Last year the custom was reunited after the war time lapse and about twenty mothers enjoyed a weekend at Penn State with their Theta Chi sons.

This year a bigger program is being planned and many more mothers are expected. It is our hope that the "Mother's Club" will be activated again and that we might possibly be able to interest our mothers in house projects. 

The "Mother's Club" was very active in house affairs before the war and many of the mothers met in small groups in many parts of the state. We would like our mothers to meet each other and see our house as well as the college. 

College to Hit News

Penn State expects to really be in the news this April 1st, Spring house party and IFC ball are going to be the biggest ever here at State. 

Running for four days beginning March 30 'till. April 2 the festivities seek national recognition and publicity. There will be a boisterous carnival on South Allen Street with its little stands and amusements. T. Dorsey will supply the ammo for the dance on the 30th of March. 

Houses will vie for a cup for the most original and colorful decorations as is done of Homecoming weekends annually, Who knows but you may see Theta Chi on the cover of Life. 

George Chapman Jr., IFC prexy, tells us its the biggest thing to hit State since the admission of co-eds. 

Say, wouldn't you like to show the boys at the office your picture in some big magazine? It may come true if you attend this gala event. Why not advise us as to your plans for that weekend so we may make arrangements for you then. 

Now dont forget the dates, the dance, and the delirious dilemma ...all yours if you pop in on us at the end of this month. 

From Boss's Blotter

With the ending of the year in office of the present holders comes the time for a review of accomplishments and anticipations for the future.

In addition to our usual spring program last year, Omega was the host to the Region Ill Convention and revived the Mothers Day traditional weekend here at Penn State.

The parking lot in the rear was enlarged, with a combination trash, garbage and incinerator unit built into the new retaining wall. 

Over the summer the outside woodwork was painted. The fall pledge class painted the entire first floor. 

The social schedule has been crowded with parties that each seem to surpass the preceding. Perhaps because of this, scholarship has suffered. Improving the scholastic average of the house is our next goal. It is the only low point in an appraisal of the house as a whole. 

The Omegaphone has been altered in printing, context and frequency of publication. This is a gain we hope to retain in the future. 

Bob Bossler, Pres. 


Thank you to all those brothers that shared their news.

Checkout past issues of the Omegaphone by clicking here.

Download the Spring 1949 Omegaphone