Alumni President Message

Dear Brothers,

I hope this reaches you and your family in great health and better spirits. Our chapter endured significant difficulty over the past year. But with the unwavering support of our alumni, the leadership of the Board of Directors, and a helping hand from our International Headquarters, Omega Chapter has righted course and the future is looking bright. Please bear with me as this message will pack a lot of information into a small space.

First, the Board of Directors has been working to reduce operational costs while working on ways to improve communication with our members. As a result of this, we will be increasingly utilizing our website, and social media accounts (twitter and Instagram) to provide up-to-date information. We believe that working in a digital age requires digital solutions. Please visit us at, or request to join our Facebook group: Theta Chi - Omega. We will provide more detailed updates from these sources as we move forward. We will still send physical mailers when the need arises.

Second, earlier this month International Headquarters assigned two full-time Field Executives to Omega for on-campus recruitment efforts. Daniel Mendoza ‘19 ( Eta Psi, UAB,, and Jorge Robles ‘19 (Iota Eta, U. of the Pacific, are working on campus for the next couple of semesters to help us rebuild our undergraduate ranks. They have reported some very good preliminary results with more than 80 interested recruits this semester. This early interest in rebuilding our chapter is certainly promising. Please reach out to the Board if you would like to aid Daniel and Jorge with their recruitment efforts. They are operating with a limited budget so if you prefer, you may specify donations to be used for their efforts and the Board will work to make that happen.

Third, we reached out to determine if any Greek organizations would be willing to rent our property. At this time, we have an interested party and are in the process of finalizing terms for a lease during the 2020/2021 Academic year. This decision was made to run in parallel to refounding efforts for two reasons: 1 - to rebuild our revenue stream, and 2 - to limit Omega’s liability with the University during our rebuilding efforts.

Finally, we are in search of a Brother who is willing to put in time and effort to help us kickstart our alumni outreach program. We need someone who isn’t afraid to be proactive in contacting our membership and start creating and enhancing relationships between our members. If you are interested in helping with this, please reach out to the Board. We view this role as crucial to strengthening our brotherhood.

Thank you all for your continued support through the hurdles we faced over the last year. We truly appreciate all that has been provided thus far. Please know your support made a difference, and it helped to sustain the chapter during this dark time. We are still in need of a helping hand and would be very appreciative if you sign up for small recurring donations of even $5, $10, or $20 via our website donation page where you can make a donation via online, phone or mail.

As always, feel free to reach out to me with any and all comments or questions.

Love and Respect,

Aaron Speagle ’12
President, Alumni Board of Directors