Dancer Mail for THON 2016

Theta Chi's Andrew Sie and Danny Lim and Tapestry's Becky Mahoney and Jess Bren will be our dancer representatives at the 2016 Penn State Dance Marathon! Be sure to send them dancer mail to keep them motivated and inspired for 46 hours!

IDEAS FOR LETTERS: Inspirational Quotes, Motivational Sayings, Jokes - and lots of them, Pictures, Or anything else you can think of!

IDEAS FOR PACKAGES: Non-perishable snacks, Funny pictures and memories, Coloring books/puzzles, Inflatable stuff, NO CAFFEINE!
Keep in mind packages can't be bigger than a shoebox!

For more ideas:

Mail can be dropped off in 324 HUB and packages can be dropped off in 327 HUB. In-person mail must be dropped off by February 11th so start now!

If you will be mailing it, be sure to have it postmarked by February 9th. Please use the following address to send in mail:

ATTN: Mail Call
(Dancer's Number)
(Dancer's Name)
227D Hetzel Union Building
University Park, PA 16802

Jess's Dancer Number: 30A
Danny's Dancer Number: 30B
Becky's Dancer Number: 31A
Andrew's Dancer Number: 31B