August 2014 Omegaphone
Alumni Report
It’s a great way to begin the 2014-15 academic year ... with news of our undergraduates’ success and recognition at this summer’s 158th Theta Chi Anniversary Convention and 36th School of Fraternity Practices held in Minneapolis, Minn.
The National Convention is Theta Chi’s “largest and most important gathering of undergraduates and alumni. Although the primary function of Convention is to conduct official Fraternity business, it is also a time for alumni and undergraduates to reunite, network and celebrate Theta Chi’s accomplishments with over 400 brothers.”
We are pleased to announce that during the National Convention, Omega Chapter received a 2013-14 Chapter Achievement Award in recognition of significant achievement and performance in the following areas:
2013-14 Chapter Achievement Award
New Member & Member Education
Community Service & Philanthropy
Chapter Finances
The Ritual
Chapter Operations
Internal Cooperation
Campus Involvement
Congratulations to our undergraduate officers and all actives for your hard work last year. We look forward to another great year!
On the heels of our 33rd Annual Theta Chi Open in May (see pictures below and by clicking here), we are looking forward to having you all back at the house for Homecoming this fall. It is early this year, so be sure to get your lodging arranged. Kickoff is at noon, and we are all excited to help Coach Franklin usher in a new era of PSU football dominance within the Big 10. Join us at the house after the game for a barbeque and our annual meeting.
Homecoming 2014 - Saturday, September 27, 2014
We are loyal students and alumni for life ...
Join us this Homecoming for a great day of football, friendship, food and fun. Here is what we have planned:
Noon: Kickoff against Northwestern at Beaver Stadium.
5:30 p.m.: Return to the house for a barbeque. All alumni are also welcome to sit in on our annual alumni board meeting.
There is no charge to participate, but we would like to know how many we can expect. Email your RSVP to David Hartwich ’09 at
Ben Walker '14
Alumni Profile - Ben Cullen Walker ‘14 Joins National Tour of “Beauty and the Beast”
It’s a story of exploration, of reaching beyond “this poor provincial town” to find excitement in the “great wide somewhere.” But it is also a story of coming to have an appreciation of home “where the heart is.” Yes, this is the story of “Beauty and the Beast,” but it is also the story of Brother Ben Cullen Walker ’14 who will tour with the national production of “Beauty and the Beast” this fall. We caught up with this Bordentown, N.J., musical theatre graduate this summer for a quick interview.
What was the determining factor in deciding to pledge Theta Chi?
I joined Theta Chi because the brothers explained to me that they actively avoided most “frat” stereotypes like hazing and trashing the house. I knew I didn’t want to get treated like crap just so down the road I could do the same to someone else. The brothers of Theta Chi showed me that there was much more to Greek life than that. I also knew that if I invited girls to a party, they would be safe; many of them told me that that’s exactly how they felt at our house. Since my academic life was pretty much consumed by musical theatre, it was also nice to have a place where I could just be a dude.
Did you serve as an officer at any time? If so, what and when?
I was social chair for spring and fall of 2013.
What is your favorite Theta Chi memory?
Staying at the house for my first Arts Fest following my freshman year and immediately being welcomed back as if I’d known these guys for years.
How did you get involved in theatre?
I performed in a youth opera workshop when I was eight and was hooked from there on out. Of all the interests and hob- bies that I pursued, theatre was the one that was always constant so I figured I might as well make it my career! I played the Foreman and Courfeyrac in “Les Miserables” at the Fulton Theatre earlier this summer.
Where might brothers catch one of your performances?
I’ll be touring coast to coast (Canada too!) with “Beauty and the Beast” from September to May. I am a member of the ensemble and the Beast/Gaston understudy. Brothers can find the tour dates at Brothers can also check out my Facebook artist page at for updates. I’ll also be sure to post on there whenever I go on for the Beast or Gaston!
What’s next for you?
After we close, I’ll probably move to New York, sign with an agent and start auditioning like crazy!
Eli Rymland-Kelly
Chapter Welcomes New Advisor Eli Rymland-Kelly
He will be arriving in Happy Valley this week, but while the Creamery, the Corner Room, a photo op at the Nittany Lion Shrine, the Skellar and Whiteout Weekends are all now on his bucket list, he is not new to the ways of Theta Chi. A 2013 business economics and politics graduate from the University of California, Santa Cruz, Eli Rymland-Kelly joined Theta Chi his freshman year and went on to hold the positions of recruitment chair, secretary and vice president at Theta Iota Chapter.
“While holding these positions,” he explains, “I attended Initiative Academy, Deranian Presidents Conference and National Convention, all of which are events that I correlate to my success and enjoyment during my undergraduate education. These, along with brotherhood road trips, are among the fondest of my memories as an undergraduate member. I look forward to meeting every undergraduate brother and helping your chapter with its daily endeavors and growth.”
Eli was born and raised in Northern California. He will begin his studies at Penn State Law this fall semester. We wish Eli the best of luck in this new chapter of his life.
Alumni Updates
George W. Chapman Jr. ‘49 - Marion and I celebrated our 65th wedding anniversary on June 18, 2014. Marion was KKG at Penn State (‘49).
George E. Groninger ‘54 - At 81+ years, I am still able to be active with caring for my home and yard, working at my church, travelling annually overseas with friends and attending occasional sporting events at PSU, Baltimore Orioles and Baltimore Ravens games. In addition, I always enjoy visits with my four children and four grandchildren!
Thomas Eyerly '59
Thomas A. Eyerly Jr. ‘59 - Anne and I are celebrating our 50th wedding anniversary this year by going to Ireland in late August for an eight‐ day tour topped off with the PSU/UCF game in Dublin on August 30. Since we live in Orlando and have since 1968, it is a bit tougher choice of which team to support, but I’ll stay with the Lions all the way. We have two sons in Atlanta, and daughter Susan Caray lives 10 miles from us in Maitland, Fla., with her four children. So, we enjoy a lot of grandparenting, especially when their dad, Chip Caray, is away for six months in the summer as the TV voice of the Atlanta Braves. Anne and I have been enjoying retirement and good health for the past 15 years.
Michael Dalesio '73 (with Red Jacket)
Theta Chi Open Crowns Michael Dalesio ‘73 New Champ
On May 2, 2014, more than 20 Omega alumni brothers joined together at the Shore Gate Golf Club in Ocean View, N.J., for the 33rd Annual Theta Chi Open. Following the day of golf, brothers met for a post-game dinner and awards banquet at their traditional Avalon/Stone Harbor house.
Be sure to mark your calendars for next year’s open scheduled for Friday, May 1, 2015. Details to follow later this year.
2014 Theta Chi Golf Open, May 2, 2014
Thank you to all those brothers that shared their news.
Checkout past issues of the Omegaphone by clicking here.