Omega's Pittsburgh Alumni Club - The Rattle, April 1952
As appeared in The Rattle - Vol. XXXIX No. 3 - April 1952
Omega Pittsburgh Alumni Meet
At the 1951 Pitt-Penn State football game, alumni members of Omega Chapter got together in Pittsburgh to form an alumni club. The idea had been born at the chapter’s Homecoming earlier in the fall when a small group of brothers collected names of graduates living in the Pittsburgh area from the chapter’s files. Ray Ritz, '48. sent announcements to 78 alumni telling of the luncheon planned for them at the Hotel Webster Hall in Pittsburgh on the day of the game.
Twenty-two loyal brothers appeared for the affair and elected Vaughn Stapleton, '46, president of the new group. It is the aim of this group of alumni to raise funds among members in the area for reduction of the chapter house's mortgage while furthering fraternal association among the brothers.
Another meeting is planned at the time of the Easter vacation so that actives of the chapter may attend. Any brothers of Omega who live in the Pittsburgh area are urged to contact Robert E. Clarke, the group’s secretary.
At speakers’ table L to R: Lewis Unnewehr, deputy counselor; George W. Chapman, executive director; Dr. Walter E. Bauer, dean of the faculty; Robert Uteg, President of Delta Xi Chapter; Marshall J. Jox, dean of men, Sherwood Blue, national vice president and toastmaster; Robert Lowe - Jan. 25, 1952 - as appeared in The Rattle, April 1952
Executive Director George W. Chapman (L) and Field Secretary Robert Creber look over Delta Xi's charter - Jan. 25, 1952 - as appeared in The Rattle, April 1952
Theta Chi's Representatives at the 1951 National Interfraternity Conference: seated I. to r.- George Starr Lasher, Michigan. ‘11, member Comity Committee; Col. Joseph A. McCusker, Maine, ‘17, treasurer NIC; Executive Director George W. Chapman. Penn State. '20: Earl D. Rhodes, Rensselaer, '21; standing—Carl A. Kallgren, Colgate, ‘17. dean of men. Colgate University; Robert Hunter, '52, president Alpha Tau Chapter, Ohio University: Kenneth A. Grigg, Wake Forest, '54: William C. Marlin, Bradley Institute, '52. president Gamma Upsilon; Dr. Robert W. Bishop. dean of men. University oi Cincinnati - as appeared in The Rattle, April 1952