Omega in The Rattle - The Rattle, Dec. 1932

As appeared in The Rattle - Vol. XXI No. 3 - December 1932

As the Active Sees It…
The national fraternity, well established as it is, with its thousands of members, has an unusual opportunity to train men in the meaning of the word service. With the world in its present state of economic and social disorder, people are coming to realize that the old philosophy of ran individualism has had its day and is completely agent. Out of the ruins must come a spirit of cooperation and of service to others that will enable us to pull ourselves out of the chaotic conditions that now surround us.

There is gradually evolving a "socialization" of individuals which is replacing the old doctrine of every man for himself, and it seems to me that the college fraternity, as an institution, if it is to justify its existence and is to meet squarely the objections of its critics, should recognize as a fundamental obligation the necessity of instilling in its members a spirit of service to their fellow men, not just as so many words, but as a course of action that will net tangible results.

The founders of Theta Chi were motivated by such thoughts as these when they brought the organization into being and we would do well to pause occasionally to think whether or not we are doing our part as individuals and as a fraternity toward making service something more than a high-sounding word.

—J.  Q. Rodgers. Penn State, '33

Omega News
by John A. Fay

  • Pennsylvania State College, Nov. 30. - Omega chapter was defeated in its initial appearance in the intramural football tournament by the score of 6-0. A long pass into the end zone caused our downfall.

  • Interfraternity Council is sponsoring a songfest. Each fraternity is to sing its one song, and a cup will be awarded to the winners. Omega has high hopes of adding another prize to its list.

  • 6 o'clock dinner hour has been inaugurated by the fraternities in order to allow more tome for sports. This was tired last year, but because there was so little cooperation it failed. However, it was tired again this year and has proved highly successful.

  • At present there is much talk of revising the existing rushing code. This was brought about because of many violations the current rushing season. Nothing definite has been decided as yet, but there is a possibility that deferred rushing will be instituted.

  • Robert Young has just complex a successful soccer season and is the first Omega man to win his variety "S" this year. Pledge Thomas White is a candidate for the freshman wrestling squad. Joseph Alexander, although not competing enough for his letter in cross-country, took part in the meet against Syracuse.