President Alter Letter and Mrs. Goschke - The Rattle, Winter 1963

As appeared in The Rattle - Vol. LI No. 2 - Winter 1963

Message from the President
At this time of year our thoughts are almost bound to turn to Founders' Day, when 107 years ago Fredrick Norton Freeman and Arthur Chase took the vows that formed the brotherhood of Theta Chi. With the December installation Epsilon Phi Chapter at Central Missouri State College we enter our 108th year with 130 active chapters.

It has been said on this page by one of our past national presidents: These are not single separate chapters, loosely banded together. These chapters rather are small groups of one great national body." This is as true today as when it was written, and it must be as true tomorrow. We do not exist as isolated chapters, but only as an integral part of Theta Chi.

Our strength and our success can come only from adherence to common purpose, to the ideals laid down by the founders, and to the traditions that have brought us to our present position. Let us dedicate ourselves anew to these principles, knowing then that we can only become greater year by year.

Howard R. Alter, Jr.

As we approach Founders' Day we also come to the annual regional conferences, held as near Founders’ Day as possible. These conferences serve a dual purpose: one, a chance to get together with the chapters of the same general area and enjoy the fellowship in Theta Chi: and, second, to conduct seriously discussions of, and instruction in the aims and ideals that are set forth by our Fraternity. From this point of view, l would encourage all of our members, undergraduates and alumni, to be active participants in your regional conference. If you pass it up, it is your loss. If you participate, its is everybody's gain.

Let us face out 108th year with the resolve to do all in our power to perpetuate the fraternity's ideals, thereby serving our God, our country, and our fellow man.

Fraternally yours,

Howard R. Alter Jr.
National President


Mrs. Hazel Goschke

  • Mrs. Hazel Goschke, who served for nine years as housemother of Omega Chapter at Penn State, has retired.

  • Awards for outstanding undergraduate councils were mad to Penn State

  • Receiving the charter for the new Epsilon Phi Chapter at Central Missouri State College, Warrensburg, is Steve Seninger, its president, from Howard R. Alter, Jr., Theta Chi's national president. David Schooler, as left, is secretary of the chapter. Ronald West, at right, its vice president, and Michael Lord, its treasurer.

Receiving the charter for the new Epsilon Phi Chapter at Central Missouri State College, Warrensburg, is Steve Seninger, its president, from Howard R. Alter, Jr., Theta Chi's national president. David Schooler, as left, is secretary of the chapter. Ronald West, at right, its vice president, and Michael Lord, its treasurer - as appeared in The Rattle, Winter 1932 - Dec. 8, 1963