Assembly Banquet and More - The Rattle, July 1952

As appeared in The Rattle - Vol. XXXIX No. 4 - July 1952

410 at Assembly Banquet
Again Region Ill topped the other regions in total attendance at its sixteen annual conference. The Assembly this year held in Philadelphia had more than a hundred delegates from the twelve chapters present at its forenoon and afternoon sessions. Saturday. April 5, and 410 Theta Chis and guests at its banquet served in the ballroom of the Penn-Sheraton that evening.

In the usual Assembly tradition a lively spirit prevailed throughout the two and a half hour dinner program. Twelve chapters vied with each other in the sing contest. Omega of Penn State winning top plane, and the region's baby chapter. Delta Omicron of Gettysburg, honorable mention. Ralph Griesesmer, a former member of the Grand Chapter, was in clause of this feature. Omega won a second jug for the most man miles traveled, 40 men at 400 miles each. while Kappa Chapter at Pennsylvania had the highest percentage of chapter members present. A new trophy, given the chapter having the highest percentage of delegates in attendance at the discussion sessions, went to Beta Omega of Susquehanna.

Sidney Baylor, national treasurer, presented Alumni Award for meritorious service to Francis H. S. Ede, who retired this year after unusually effective service as regional counselor, and Aylwyn Williams, who was largely responsible for the reactivation of Kappa  Chapter. That chapter was presented with a certificate by Deputy Counselor William Lange for the best all around improvement. He also announced a certificate to he given National President Stuart Kelley for his outstanding service to Theta Chi. Co-Chairman Herbert Adams, Jr., presented a gift to retiring Regional Counselor Ede from all chapters in the region in appreciation of his services.

The guest speaker was Dr. James Crecse. president of Drexel Institute; excerpts from his speech are printed elsewhere in this issue. The banquet program ended with the signing of “It’s to Thee, Dear Old Theta Chi,” following an excellent “Salute to Our Founders,” in which Executive Director George W. Chapman gave an interesting account of the fraternity’s history. Regional Counselor Philip Campbell served as toastmaster. A dance from nine o'clock until midnight provided a social climax to the Assembly.

Saturday forenoon clinical seminars were conducted. Following luncheon served at Beta Theta Chapter house, panel discussions proved profitable and interesting. Among the leaders for these were William Lange and Murrell McKinstry. deputy counselors, Sidney Baylor. George W. Chapman. and Counselor Campbell.

All chapters had delegations at the Assembly: Lehigh, Bucknell. Susquehanna, Penn State, Dickinson, Gettysburg, Lafayette, Rutgers, Delaware, Drexel. Pennsylvania. and Washington College.

Undergrad News
Cleanest fraternity at Penn State was the title given Omega at Spring Week.

Omega Chapter at Penn State was host for a semester to Kevin Donnan, an English graduate student from Leeds University in Yorkshire

Official Family News
Just as George W. Chapman was getting accustomed to his new title of executive director he acquired a new one, koch more important. Now he answers to the tootle of grandfather, as on the first day of the first month of 1952, a daughter, Suzanne, was born to Mr. and Mrs. George W. Chapman Jr. Executive Director Chapman also shared with this attractive daughter Ann a quarter of a page picture and text in the October issue of The Key of Kappa Kappa Gamma, Ann is an alumna of the Penn State Chapter of that sorority