Fall 2014 Edition of The Rattle is Online
The latest edition of the Rattle is available online at the National website. Read about what is going on with other chapters around the country and see what is doing with our National fraternity.
Inside this edition:
The New IHQ
158th Anniversary Convention News
A Word from the Foundation Chapter
Outstanding Seniors and more
Click here to read the Fall 2014 Rattle
Omega's in The Fall 2014 Rattle
Theta Chi Fraternity Salutes 2013/2014 Outstanding Seniors
Kyle B. Sussman - Omega/Penn State - Economics Vice President, Treasurer, IM Chair and Risk Manager. As Treasurer he built the surplus from $4,000 to $10,000. Created a planning committee to help the chairs connect, created a fire emergency plan, an anti-suicide protocol and an emergency action plan.
Keith Evans '65 serves as co-adviser to Zeta Pi Chapter at Old Dominion University. On May 7, 2014, he received the Golden Guard of Theta Chi at the Theta Chi Hampton Roads Virginia area monthly luncheon in Virginia Beach.
Zeta Pi Co-Adviser Keith Evans poses with brothers from the chapter. From left: Bill Hewitt, Zeta Pi '15; John Zydron, Omicron '71; Brett Castelet, Zeta Pi '14; Cody Agolini, Zeta Pi '14; Sean Zewe, Zeta Pi '14; Carlton Bennett, Zeta Pi '72; Keith Evans, Omega '65; John Teeuwen, Zeta Pi '92; and AJ Aminrazauri, Zeta Pi '14.
Chapter Eternal
Charles F. Douds '53
William R. Kress III '60