2010 Rafting Trip Wrap-U

This past weekend we had a first Theta Chi rafting trip in Ohiopyle PA, and it was a big success. Despite an ominous forecast, we had 6 brothers make it out on Friday night for Camping. We had a great time socializing around the fire, until rain chased us 'indoors' for the evening. Although we each brought our own tents, we were hosted for a bit in the massive 8 person tent of David Gendelman '07 and Matthew Gendelman '11, before turning in for the night.

On Saturday, the whole rafting gang of 19 people, including 12 brothers, meet up for lunch and drinks in town. Of the brothers that attended, we really had a good mix of years. In addition to 7 brothers who were recent grads from between '07 and '10, we had Adam Ruskin '85, Anthony Dejulius '80, and 3 current undergraduates. We went on a guided rafting tour, where our river guides were in kayaks instead of in the rafts with us, so we had a great time navigating our 4 rafts on our own. We even got to show the guides what Theta Chi guys are made of when 2 of our rafts aided another raft that had flipped over, rescuing everyone before the guides got to us to help! Even though the river was high from all the rain, we made it through all the rapids and everyone had a fantastic time.

With this first trip being such a success, we're definitely planning on having a similar trip next year too. We've yet to settle on a date, but we expect it to be around the same time in mid-late May 2011.

Robert Blumstein '07