FLICKS! Ultimate Frisbee Fundraiser Wrap-Up
FLICKS is an Ultimate Frisbee Tournament to raise money for PA CASA. This year 11 teams came out to play and support FLICKS. We raise $550 for the PA CASA, a non-profit organization. It lasted about 6 hours on Saturday, March 20, 2010 and was held on the HUB lawn. "Cheat to win" was the first place team followed by "Team Awesome" and "State High Mathletes." Other team names included "For Planet Pluto," "Ornage," and "Turbo Roosters." Other greek organizations came out to help us including Delta Kappa Epsilon and Alpha Delta Pi. We also had a write up in the daily collegian about our event.
Kent Bare and Joshua Greever
L to R Top Row: Jared Case, Nick Geyer, Sultan Alfahaid, Alex Tessmer, Dan Weinman, Mike Garmin, Troy Slack, Aaron Speagle, Dan Gore, David Stoltzfus, Kent Bare, Peter Blasco, Mitch Hulderman, Nate Wysocki, Jim Barrett, Bobby Ettorre Bottom Row L to R: Nate Gross, Ahmad Alraddadi, BH, Sean Haggerty, Casey Leman, James Patterson, Ross DeVoe, Jeremy Railing FLICKS - Spring 2010 on the HUB Lawn