Vote for the Board of Directors

In accordance with our by-laws we will be holding elections for the Board of Directors at our Annual Homecoming meeting this October 17th. The meeting will be held at 11 am at the chapter house. Anyone not attending the meeting should vote by, October 16th, 2009. 

From the elected board members, the board will select a President, Secretary and Treasurer, from their ranks. Executive officers and the rest of the board of directors will serve a one year term.

We will also be voting on a by-law admendment. The admendment reads as follows....

Section VI - Article 1
The general membership of the members of the Alumni Corporation shall, elect five (5) Directors who shall hold office for two (2) years. Once elected, the Directors shall elect three (3) officers from amongst themselves: a President, a Treasurer, and a Secretary. The remaining two (2) Directors shall serve as Directors-at-Large. Each Director, regardless of officer title held, shall have one vote in the execution of the operational business of the Board.

The amendment is to lengthen the duration of the board members terms from one year to two years

Your name and e-mail address must be included on your vote
for it to be counted