Omega Initiates 11 New Members
Spring 2009 Initiation - L to R: Joshua Greever, Jason Chottiner, Nathaniel Wysocki, Kent Bare, Mitch Hulderman, Jason Downey, Jim Barrett, Greg Smith, Troy Slack, Ed Benish, Jeremy Railing, Nate Emmons
Spring 2009 Initiation L to R: Joshua Greever, Jason Chottiner, Nathaniel Wysocki, Kent Bare, Mitch Hulderman, Jason Downey, Jim Barrett, Greg Smith, Troy Slack, Ed Benish, Jeremy Railing, Nate EmmonsOn Founders Day 2009, Omega initiated its entire New Member class of eleven members. Omega was privileged to have been able to initiate them on the same day as brothers Freeman and Chase - for the character and promise of this new class, the date of initiation was fitting and special.
Welcome in the newly initiated brothers to the Omega Chapter!
- Kent Bare
- Jim Barrett
- Ed Benish
- Jason Downey
- Nate Emmons
- Josh Greever
- Mitch Hulderman
- Jeremy Railing
- Troy Slack
- Greg Smith
- Nate Wysocki
Also, on April 11, 2009, the entire brotherhood (including the new initiates) embarked on an epic journey. Awaking at 7am, eating breakfast by 7:30am, and departing the house at 7:40am in ten cars, the brothers drove 110 miles to a parking lot in Chambersburg, PA, where a rented school bus was there to pick them up. The bus took them to Gettysburg, where a tour was given by the Gettysburg Foundation's best tour guide...named Jim. He boarded the school bus and educated the brotherhood on battles, the significance of the battles, and other fun facts, along a guided on-bus/off-bus interactive tour. The tour lasted two hours, encompassed most of Gettysburg, and was thrilling. Upon conclusion of the tour, the brothers returned on the bus to Chambersburg, where their cars were parked...and they drove 110 miles back home to Happy Valley. Pictures will be posted! Stay tuned.
Jason M. Chottiner
College of Earth and Mineral Sciences
Marshal, Theta Chi Fraternity