K.I.C.K.S. Soccer Tournament Wrap-Up Report

Along with Alpha Xi Delta, we held this years K.I.C.K.S. soccer tournament the day after we won homecoming. Even with all the time and effort we put into homecoming, we still had plenty of time, effort and enthusiasm to hold a successful tournament this year.

We held the event at the IM fields by the stadium again, and had 22 teams participate (mostly Greek, but some independent). At the end of the day the winners were Delta Tau Delta for the men's tournament and "Philly KICKS" (an independent team) for the women's tournament.

Of course, the real winners were the children of Make-a-Wish, as we were able to raise $1,760 for their cause.

Zach Binder and Jim Surdoval
Co-Chairmen for K.I.C.K.S.