Help Support the Kids - Donate to Thon 2008

Dear Fellow Brothers,

I am writing today on behalf of the undergraduate brotherhood to update you about our involvement with THONthis year.  For those of you who do not know what THON is, it is the Penn State IFC/Panhellenic Dance Marathon.  THON is a yearlong fundraising effort that benefits children and their families in their fight against pediatric cancer.  Theta Chi is engaged in a friendly competition with more than 375 other student organizations to see who can raise the most money for THON.  Our combined efforts will culminate in February with a two-day, no sitting, and no sleeping dance marathon. Last year alone, we helped THON raise $5,240,385.17!

This year, we have begun a new partnership with the Society of Women Engineers, and are looking forward to continue the success of previous years with them.  So far, we have already had a very successful start to our fundraising.  During our first canning weekend in October, our brotherhood was out canning in the cities of Pittsburgh and Allentown.  This early success has put us on the right track to accomplishing our major goal of raising as much money as we can and looking to surpass last year’s total.

We hope that as fellow brothers you will join in our efforts by making a donate to THON.  We ask that all donations that are made in the form of a check made payable to the Penn State Dance Marathon.  All contributions can be sent to:

            Penn State Dance Marathon
            Attn: Finance
            210 HUB 
            University Park, PA 16802

Please be sure to add Theta Chi and the number 102, to the memo section of the check. 

You can also donate online

If you believe the corporation you work for would like to make a donation, please contact me so we could work out the details.

With your help, we can ensure that children will continue to receive superior care and comprehensive support during some of the most trying times of their lives.  The brothers cannot thank you enough for your support.  Together, we can make a difference in the life of a child.

For The Kids,

Jasen Marshall
THON Chair
Theta Chi Fraternity