New Photos Available from 2006 & 2007
Photos of the 2006 Intramural Volleyball Chamipions, and photos from 2007 Homecoming and K.I.C.K.S., as well as some other various images have been posted.
As always, you can send us your photos to share online - to find out how click here.
IM Dodgeball 2006 2nd place out of 32

2006 Volleyball Champs back: Jason Chottiner, LeShawn Haynes, Robert McHugh, Yan Tseytlin and Paul Weber front: Dan Tseytlin, David Krisch, Robert Blumstein & Timothy Uhrich

2006 IM Volleyball Champions Robert McHugh, David Krisch, Yan Tseytlin, Dan Tseytlin, LeShawn Haynes and Timothy Uhrich
523 South Allen Street Founder's Day 2007
Back Row L to R: TK, Jason Chottiner, Ed Brown, LeShawn Haynes,, TK, Tavis Pulling, James Nasralla, TK 3rd Row L to R: Paul Weber, TK, TK, TK, TK, TK, TK, TK and Casey Leman 2nd Row L to R: Robert Blumstein, Jared Metzger, Dan Tseytlin, TK, Artem Dinaburg, TK, Jeffrey Kranzel, Chris Bartnik, Michael Stein Bottom Row: TK, TK, TK, Yan Tseytlin, TK, Timothy Uhrich and Richard Maltz Brotherhood after the meeting Founder's Day 2007
Pinic after meeting Founder's Day 2007
Travis Pulling Founder's Day 2007
Mike Stein Founder's Day 2007
Robert Blumstein Founder's Day 2007
James Nasralla Founder's Day 2007
Founder's Day 2007
Founder's Day 2007
LeShawn Haynes (L) and Robert Blumstein Founder's Day 2007
Richard Maltz Founder's Day 2007
L to R: TK, LeShawn Haynes, TK, TK, Dan Tseytlin, Robert Blumstein and TK Founder's Day 2007
Chris Bartnik Founder's Day 2007

Jason Chottiner Founder's Day 2007
L to R: Matthew Culbertson, Artem Dinaburg, Jeffery Kranzel, Kevin Ahrens, LeShawn Haynes After a long meeting the look forward to some good food Founder's Day BBQ - April 2007
Travis Pulling plays the drums Founder's Day BBQ - April 2007
David Krisch (L) and Kevin Ahrens Founder's Day BBQ - April 2007
Matthew Culbertson (L) and Andrew Bott Founder's Day BBQ - April 2007
Robert McHugh (L) and Richard Dubin Founder's Day BBQ - April 2007
LeShawn Haynes Founder's Day BBQ - April 2007
Matthew Culbertson Founder's Day BBQ - April 2007
David Krisch Theta Chi and Gamma Sigma Sigma Float
Banner and Mad-Hatter
David Krisch as Harry Potter Theta Chi and Gamma Sigma Sigma Float
Bradley Neidig as Malfoy Theta Chi and Gamma Sigma Sigma Float
Sean Haggerty helps with Homecoming Float Construction
Construction of Homecoming Float
Bill Herron, Jasen Marshall, Jeff Damcott, James Patterson, Travis Pulling, Yan Tseytlin, John McCrindle, Matthew Cook, James Stuhltrager, Michael Crawford, LeShawn Haynes, Chris Bartnik, Artem Dinaberg, Jason Chottiner, TK, Richard Maltz, James Nasralla, Dave Gendelman, Andrew Bott, Rob Blumstein, David Hartwich, Timothy Uhrich, Alan Lauder Homecoming Weekend

Jason Chottiner Homecoming Airband Practice

Todd Pontius Homecomng Court

Homecoming Float Construction

Float on College and Allen St.

Homecoming Theta Chi and Gamma Sigma Sigma
left to right: Jason Chottiner, David Krisch, Leshawn Haynes and David Hartwich Homecoming - Airband Winners
David Krisch as Harry Potter Theta Chi and Gamma Sigma Sigma Float
Jasen Marshall Manning the Table K.I.C.K.S.
James Patterson K.I.C.K.S.
David Krisch K.I.C.K.S.
Jasen Marshall K.I.C.K.S.
Pledge Michael Cronin - Crazy K.I.C.K.S.

Pledge Michael Cronin showing off his skills K.I.C.K.S.
Pledge Michael Cronin (L) and LeShawn Haynes K.I.C.K.S.
Pledge Michael Cronin K.I.C.K.S.
Pledge Ross DeVoe - Heading It K.I.C.K.S.
Pledge Ross DeVoe K.I.C.K.S.
Pledges Ross DeVoe and Kent Rentschler K.I.C.K.S.