New Photos from the 1950's
Check out the new photos from the 1950's

The House 1958

New Steps, Walk and Lights 1952


New Dining Room Chairs 1952

Bonnie Baldwin - Dream Girl of Theta Chi 1958

Refinished Tile Bathroom 1952

The House 1952


The House in the 1950's from the Theta Chi Manual (aka the Redbook)

1952 LaVie Portrait Bottom Row L to R: George Bope Jr. , Theodore Sappie Jr., Thomas Morton, Fred Fieni, Llyod Dietrich, Lawrence VanGorder, Rhys Phillips Jr., Craig Rupp, Ralph Stuck, Sven Schiff, Robert Handwerk, Warren Hommas Jr. 2nd Row L to R: William Elmore, James Nelson, Eugenee Whitehouse, Thomas Peters, Alexender Martin Jr., Peter Fairchok, William Shomberg, John Budesky, William Wendel, R. H. Osler, George Walz Jr., J. G. Horner Top Row L to R: Richard Johnson, Charles Meassick, Richard Fronko, Melvin Bickel, Harold Wells, Joseph Wirs Jr., John Richards, Robert Will, Joseph Parker III, Eugene Raup, George Eyrich III, Alex Gregal, Robert Gohn

1953 LaVie Portrait Bottom Row L to R: Louis Wilson, Thomas Peters, William Elmore, Charles Douds, Robert Will, Thomas Morton, Joseph Parker III, John T. Richards, Richard Johnson, George Eyerich III, Shomberg, John Budesky, Alex Gregal, William Wendel, Harold Wells, Robert Gohn2nd row L to R: Jackson Horner, James Nelson, Charles Meassick, Thomas White, Kay Huston, Wareen Hommas Jr., Anthony Crisci, Richard Codori, Frank West Jr., James Moyer, Thomas LaFerrara, Thomas Maxwell, William Orben, Roderick Wiseman Jr., J. Brown, Joseph Crudo, Christie Snyder Jr., Richard Fronko, Charles Leech Jr., William Reid Jr.

1954 LaVie Bottom Row L to R: Walter Segl Jr., Joseph Zimmerman, Frank Cressman, Richard Fronko, Alex Gregal, Kay Huston, James Krug, Dominic Alisio 2nd Row L to R: Louis Martini, John Pershing, Roderick Wiseman Jr., Kaelin, Donald Griffith, Roger Vogelsinger, Robert Wendel 3rd Row L to R: John Beachley, Richard Lewis, Charles E. Leech Sr., Thomas Maxwell, William Orben, Joseph Crudo, William Reid, Thomas LaFerrara, James Lucas 4th Row L to R: Edward Keller, James Wolfe, Harold Klose, George Groninger, Warren Hommas Jr., R. J. Watson, Lamont Smith William Youkers, Kenneth Sommers 5th Row L to R: Richard Codori, Dino Fieni, Anthony Richards, J. L. Melder, W. W. Klausner, W. G. Landis, Ronald Hansen, Anthony Crisci

1955 LaVie Portrait Bottom Row L to R: William Reid Jr., Lamont. Smith, Frank Cressmam, Landis, Anthony Crisci, James Wolfe, Robert Urban, Joseph Crudo, George KellerSecond Row: William Frame Jr., Miceli, Lauren Songer, Dunkis, Ronald Hansen, Dean Elliott, James Forsythe, Richard Sherwood, Alfred Klimcke, James MoyerThird Row: Walter Segl Jr., Daniel Zellem, Harold Klose, Thomas Donahue, John Pershing, Robert Hammel, Jackie Miller, Strakey, Thomas Smith, Robert Baker, Thomas LaFerraraFourth Row: Joseph Zimmerman, John Lichliter III, James Lucas, John Beachley, Philip Chapman, Truman Burch Jr., Eugene Griffin Jr., Robert Spinnzzolla, Anthony Richards, Cordori

1955 Composite Top Row L to R: George Walz Jr., James Moyer, William Orben, Thomas Maxwell, Anthony Crisci, William Landis, James Wolfe, Donald Kaelin, Richard Codori, James Lucas 4th Row L to R: Frank Cressman, Lamont Smith, Jospeh Crudo, David Miller, John Pershing, William Reid Jr., Anthony Richards, Thomas LaFerrara 3rd Row L to R: George Keller, Dean Elliott, Roger Vogelsinger, Robert Hammel, Daniel Zellem, James Forsythe, John Lichliter III, Lauren Songer 2nd Row L to R: Charles Leech, Thomas Donahue, Jospeh Zimmerman, Richard Sherwood, Eugene Griffin Jr., House Mother H. Goschke, Robert Urban, John Beachley, Walter Segl Jr., Roscoe Snedekar, Harold Klose Bottom Row L to R: Robert Baker, Ronald Hansen, Jackie Miller, Kenneth Sommers, J. Claycomb, Philip Chapman, F. Miceli, Truman Burch Jr., Thomas Smith, William Frame Jr., Alfred Klimcke

1956 LaVie Portrait Bottom Row L to R: Joseph Zimmerman, Joseph Crudo, Truman Burch, Mrs. Goschke, Robert Baker, James Forsythe, Ronald Hansen, Richard Codori 2nd Row L to R: Eugene Griffin Jr., John Daniel Sr., Daniel Zellem, Robert Urban, Donald Cadzow, Roger Vogelsinger, Thomas Smith 3rd Row L to R: Joseph Chico, Palone, G. Bickley Remmey, John Pershing, Roscoe Snedeker, Robert Hammel, William McCann, Alfred Klimcke 4th Row L to R: Walter Segl Jr., Kenneth Sommers, Richard Sherwood, John Beachley, Landis, Lauren Songer, Leach, John Keller 5th Row L to R: Robert Spinazzola, Jackie Miller, William Frame Jr., Clifford Brandt, John Lichliter III, Frank Unger, Charles Osisek Jr., Richard Gerhard 6th row L to R: Samuel Mastrorocco, Thomas Eynon, Robert Pawelski, Ward, Erwin Beidler, Rupert Cooke, Edwin Rhoads, George Walker, William Strausser

Toga Party photo courtesy of John Lichliter '56

Brotherhood - 1956 photo courtesy of John Lichliter '56

1957 LaVie Portrait Top Row L to R: Richard Potter, Barry Reid, John Keller, Erwin Beidler, James Davies, Thomas Eynon, Michael Kuhar, Costanza Third Row L to R: Johnston, Thomas Eyerly Jr., David Jones, James Coleman Jr., Robert Jones, Maurer, Kieshauer, Athos Baroutsis, George Walker,James Starr 2nd Row L to R: Lawrence Reader Jr., Robert Pawelski, Jackie Miller, Dino Fieni, Landis, Vincent Trotta, Charles Osisck Jr., Rupert Cooke, Joseph Bucci Bottom Row L to R: Samuel Mastrorocco, Edwin Latchem, Ronald Davis, Robert Adams Jr., Truman Burch Jr., Mrs. Goschke, G. Bickley Remmey Jr., Donald Cadzow Jr., Richard Gerhard

1958 LaVie Portrait Bottom Row L to R: David Jones, Thomas Eyerly Jr., Robert Pawelski, Lawrence Reader Jr., James Coleman Jr., Edwin Rhoads, Mrs. Goschke, Robert Adams Jr., Richard Gerhard, Frederick Vansant, James Davies, Charles Osisek Jr. 2nd Row L to R: James Caldwell, Alexis Barron, Barry Reid, Michael Kuhar, Richard R. Jones, D. Frick, Robert M. Jones, Paul McConnaughey, Erwin Beidler, John Keller 3rd Row L to R: Richard Potter, Louis Brast, James Starr, William Kress III, James Wagner, Athos Baroutsis, R. C. Maurer, Richard BarryHill, Barry Herr, David West, Thomas Eynon, D. E. Baer, Richard W. Jones 4th Row L to R: T. Monios, T. I. Wells, Albert Johnson III, Clifford Brandt, Lamar Rohrbach, John Mallino Jr., D. H. Johnson, Rupert Cooke, Glenn Weishaar Jr., Thomas Herrala, Walter Manning, Clarence Bauer

TK, TK, TK, Tk and TK 1958

Jack Horner (L) and Alex Gregal - 1953

Alex Gregal (C) as the Nittany Lion and William Shomberg (far right) Circa 1951 Reproduced with permission of the Special Collections Library Pennsylvania State University Libraries

Alfred P. Klimcke's 1957 Graduation Photo as in LaVie Yearbook

Alex Gregal '54 The Nittany Lion, relaxing before Homecoming weekend festiviites

Alex Gregal '54 The Nittany Lion, relaxing before Homecoming weekend festiviites

Bob Jones' 1958 Graduation Photo as in LaVie Yearbook

George Chapman (bottom center) at Installation of Epsilon Eta Chapter at Indiana University of Pennsylvania on November 2, 1957 in the ballroom of the Fraternal Order of Eagles in Indiana, PA

Robert Clarke's 1950 Graduation Photo as in LaVie Yearbook

George A. Cochrane '50 LaVie Graduation Photo

Dream Girl of Theta Chi '52 Richard Johnson '51 presents Ann Twomey and engraved loving cup Photo courtesy of Daily Collegian Archives

William Elmore '53 and Maryln 'Big Weekends' - 1952

Richard E. Fronko '54 LaVie Graduation Photo

Emanuel 'Giffy' Gifford

Emanuel T. Gifford Omega Chapter Cook photo courtesy of the 1959 Rattle

Ronald Hansen's 1956 Graduation Photo as in LaVie Yearbook

523 South Allen St - 1953 Photo courtesy Robert Kennedy '50

523 South Allen Street as in 1955 LaVie Yearbook

Kay B. Huston '54 LaVie Graduation Photo

"No One Can Steal the Dance You've Danced" 1955 Photo courtesy of Roger Vogelsinger '56

John S. Leister Jr.'s 1953 Graduation Photo as in LaVie Yearbook

Roger J. Vogelsinger '56 LaVie Graduation Photo

Thomas H. LaFerrara '55 LaVie Graduation Photo

Edwin Latchem's 1957 Graduation Photo as in LaVie Yearbook

Referee John Pepe raises the hand of Jay Livziey in declaring huim winner over Louis Camp, shown congratulating Livziey. Livziey 3-0 decision in 165-pound match aided Theta Chi's title hopes. Daily Collegian - March 21, 1956

Tom Morton Graduation 1953 photo courtesy Thomas Morton '53

Tom Morton (L) and George Eyrich Graduation 1953 photo courtesy Thomas Morton '53

L to R: William Shomberg, Tom Morton, Richard Johnson and Richard Fronko visiting the Grand Canyon on thier way to the National Convention in Los Angeles - 1952 photo courtesy Thomas Morton '53

IFC Weekend 1953 photo courtesy Thomas Morton '53

Bowery Brawl House Party 1952 photo courtesy Thomas Morton '53

Pledge Formal 1952 photo courtesy Thomas Morton '53

Party Late 1950's Photo courtesy Bob Sorisio '61

1951 Composite Top Row L to R: Marvin Shoultes, William Clark, Robert Baylson, Owen McIntyre, Robert Handwerk, Angelo Spinazzola, Lawrence Giancola, Herbert Kurtz 5th Row L to R: Ted Schute, Paul Brecht, Tom TK, William Hanley, Jim Phillips, Edward Noyes Jr., Lawrence VanGorder, Lloyd Dietrich, Sven Schiff, Theodore Sappie. George Bone, Thomas Peters, Ralph Stuck, Alexander Martin 4th Row L to R: John Ayers, Frank Cressman, Donald Griffith, TK, Peter Fairchok, Fred Fieni 3rd Row L to R: Thomas Lewis, Lou TK, Jim Harpster, William Shomberg, Ray Gallagher, Dino Ruggerl, Craig Rupp, Jackson Hoerner Bottom Row L to R: James Nelson, Eugenee Whitehouse, Christie Snyder Jr., Thomas Morton, Charles Douds, Dave TK, Joseph Wirs, Edward Keller Photo Courtesy of Thomas Morton '53

1953 Composite Top Row L to R: George Eyrich, William Reid Jr., William Elmore, John Budesky, Richard Johnson, Richard Fronko, Robert Gohn, Peter Fairchok, Ken West, William Shomberg 4th Row L to R: William Wendel, Jack Richards, Charles Douds, Louis Wilson, Joseph Parker III, James Nelson, Thomas Morton, Eugenee Whitehouse 3rd Row L to R: Jackson Horner, Harold Wells, Robert TK, Alex Gregal, Christie Snyder Jr., Robert Wendel, Bob Mock, Louis Martini 2nd Row L to R: Richard Lewis, Roderick Wiseman Jr., George Walz Jr., Charles Meassick, Ken White, John Brown, Warren Hommas Jr., Anthony Crisci, Geo TK Bottom Row L to R: Craig Rupp, John Leister Jr., Thomas LaFerrara, James Moyer, Rick Cadorick, Charles Leech Sr., William Orben, Joseph Crudo, Thomas Maxwell Photo Courtesy Thomas Morton '53

William K. Reid Jr.'s 1955 Graduation Photo as in LaVie Yearbook

1950 LaVie Portrait Bottom Row L to R: Rhys Phillips Jr., Cialella, Ralph Moyle, David Evans Jr., Robert Kennedy, Harold Frazier, Theophilus Collins, Herbert Wittman, Bruce Gerwig, Harold Stetson 2nd Row L to R: J. M. Skutches, Lawrence Giancola, William Hanley, Thomas Ward, Robert Clarke, Edward Noyes, Paul Brecht, Harry Lang, Joseph Jackson, William Clark 3rd Row L to R: George Cochrane, Ray Campfield, Harold Showalter, Alan Coddington, Charles Cooper, George Bope Jr., Harry Bink, Melvin Bickel, Robert Baylson, Wayne Shoeman Jr. Top Row L to R: Owen McIntyre, Angelo Spinazzola, R. E. Gallagher, William Elmore, R. X. Ruane, Bruce Wallace, George Schuette, Donald Cadzow Jr., Richard Rogers, Frank Cressman, Philip Brown 
Photo courtesy Robert Kennedy '50

Theta Chi 1958 Photo courtesy Bob Sorisio '61

Lawrence A. Van Gorder '52 LaVie Graduation Photo

Herbert Wittman 1950 Graduation Photo as in LaVie Yearbook

William Youkers '55 July 1955 - The Rattle