Bradley Davy '82 - Alumni Profile

Click Here to Fill Out Your Own Alumni Corner ProfileBradley Davy- 1982
Big Brother: Bob Bodenshatz
Offices Held: Pledge Marshal

OX: Why did you join Theta Chi? 
Bradley Davy: Fraternity. That composition of brotherhood, community, trust, and companionship. 

OX: What is your favorite Theta Chi memory or story? 
BD: There are so many, particularly sparked by some of the pictures. From pledging, initiation, and full brotherhood. While I don't want to tell the whole story, those that remember "the leech" will certainly chuckle. Spring Break in the Florida Keys is still one of the experiences I tell my kids about. Tail Gates, Fall Free for All, French Sewer, the pool table, D&D, Monday Nights, ripping out walls, refinishing floors, IUP, the Theta Chi Beach.

OX: What kind of influence has the fraternity had on your life since graduation? 
BD: Perhaps not as much as it could have. After graduation, 5 years in the Navy pretty much caused a loss of contact. My life is good, and I will always fondly remember all my brothers. Theta Chi helped me learn to enjoy life.

OX: What is your nickname? How did you get it? Did anyone in particular give it to you? 
BD: We won't go there. Thanks a lot Hugh!

OX: Did you live in the house? If so, who were your roommates? Tell us about a memorable time with them. 
BD: Yes, I lived in the house from September 1980 until Graduation in 1982. Roomed with Hugh Cadzow (while pledging!!) and John Cunningham. While Bob Bodenshatz was my Big Brother, Hugh always acted like one. Thanks Hugh. John (may he rest in peace) was big into ELP and the Alan Parsons Project.

OX: Where did your pledge class go on their pledge bolt/trip? What brothers did you take? Any funny stories you can tell? 
BD: Indiana University of Pennsylvania. None of the brothers went with us, although we had a couple intially kidnapped. There was a major rescue attempt in East Halls. Had our fifth pledge not wanted to stay for classes that day, we'd have made a clean getaway.

OX: With whom do you stay in contact? And is there anyone with whom you’ve lost touch that you would like to find? 
BD: Tim Dutcher and I still exchange Christmas cards. I'd be more than happy to hear from anyone living in the Maryland area.

OX: What other activities or organizations were you involved with during your college days? 
BD: Mostly NROTC. Captain of the NROTC Pistol Team, NROTC Band.

OX: Tell us about your family. Have you married? Do you have children? 
BD: Married for going on 21 years. Three children (19, 15, and 10). My oldest is currently a Freshman at Salisbury University on Marylands Eastern Shore. Number two will be learning to drive this spring. Number three is the genius.

OX: What do you do for a living? 
BD: I work for the US Deparment of Energy in the Office of Independent Oversight and Performance Assurance. As such, I get to travel all over the country to wonderful urban locations like Amarillo Texas, Albuquerque NM, Augusta Georga, Richland Washington. Anyone living near a DOE site is welcome to get in touch with me. I'd be happy to visit.

OX: What hobbies do you enjoy? 
BD: Amateur Astronomy (I've built two telescopes), Radio Control Model Airplanes, and (get this!) I'm active in my church.

OX: What are your goals for the next few years? 
BD: Get my kids through college!

OX: What organizations are you involved with in your community? 
BD: Calvary United Methodist Church in Frederick, MD. We work with Habitat for Humanity, Christmas in April, and a host of other worthy organizations.