Mike Noble '91 - Alumni Profile

Click Here to Fill Out Your Own Alumni Corner ProfileMike Noble - 1991
Big Brother: Rob Scavello
Offices Held: Social Chairman, Caterer, Homecoming Chairman

OX: Why did you join Theta Chi? 
Michael Noble: Great guys - real people - like me. Regular folk. 

OX: What is your favorite Theta Chi memory or story? 
MN: Beta Iota Sigma. Step Chicks. 5:15. And on Sunday nights, 'for the good' was always my favorite time.

OX: What kind of influence has the fraternity had on your life since graduation? 
MN: I always carry a dollar's worth of change in my pocket whenever I'm wearing pants. And I keep my reporter's notebooks covered in pennies and duct tape, in case someone wants to try to launch them into space.

OX: What is your nickname? How did you get it? Did anyone in particular give it to you? 
MN: It never stuck, but Corsica was the one they gave me. Something happened INSIDE the chevy corsica we rented for our pledge bolt involving me. That is all I'll say about that.

OX: Did you live in the house? If so, who were your roommates? Tell us about a memorable time with them. 
MN: Bill Herron was quite the madman. Sort of like living with a cross between Jim Morrison and Satan. In a fun way though.

OX: Where did your pledge class go on their pledge bolt/trip? What brothers did you take? Any funny stories you can tell?
MN: Our bolt to Akron was the best time I've ever had - in Akron. Three of us got into the bars on John's (Chabbott's) ID - one after the other after the other. I remember burning rubber out of a mcdonalds parking lot with a baby's high chair tray, or something like that. Good times.

OX: With whom do you stay in contact?
MN: I stayed in touch with Dave Latham for a couple of years after college but lost touch. I used to run into Mike Feeney at grateful dead shows up and down the east coast, but sadly, those days are over. RIP Michael Joseph Patrick Feeney. Used to be in touch with Maltz and Lynch, but haven't heard from them in a while. Not since Lynchy moved to Florida.

OX: Any brother you are looking to contact?
MN: I'd love to run into Stella and Scary, of only to re-live the great pickup lines they used to use .. "hey - wanna come up to my room and look at my shirts" - Tom Stella. Of course Scavello, my big brother. And Grimaldi, because I'm pretty sure he owes me some $$$. 

OX: What other activities or organizations were you involved with during your college days? 
MN: None that are really legal - better wait till the statute of limitations runs out on that one. Is Mark Prushinski really a PA State Trooper?

OX: Tell us about your family. Have you married? Do you have children? 
MN: Just got married in April '05, in New Orleans. No kids (that i know of) yet, my wife Angelena and I just bought a place in upper manhattan on 145th st.

OX: What do you do for a living? 
MN: I'm a journalist - a producer for the CBS Evening News. You know - the liberal media.

OX: What hobbies do you enjoy? 
MN: I play golf, and I still go see live music whenever possible. I try to go to New Orleans for the Jazz Fest every year. And I play golf!

OX: What are your goals for the next few years? 
MN: Kids - but not for a little while. Break 80 on a regular basis.