Shane Balcik '91 - Alumni Profile

Shane Balcik - 1991

Big Brother: Dennis Foley

Little Brother: Chris Bartnik, Chris Koczur

Offices Held: Philanthropy Chairman, House Manager, Pool Chairman

OX: Why did you join Theta Chi? 

Shane Balcik : I had a few high school friends who were Theta Chi's at other schools (Lycoming, ESU), and some of my dorm friends brought me to the house. I clicked with most of the brothers I met as a guest, so I rushed and pledged the next fall (1987).

OX: What is your favorite Theta Chi memory or story? 

Shane and family

Shane and family

SB: Way too many to pick a favorite... twice-a-week parties, bar sings, brothers meetings, bar crawls, hazing (old school, receiving not giving!), women everywhere, initiations, pledge bolts, "tables" for pinning victims, Sunday morning football (and party stories). How does one pick a moment?

OX: What kind of influence has the fraternity had on your life since graduation? 

SB: My first manager was a Theta Chi, and it help me "cut through the resume clutter" to get the interview.  I was able to help another brother, Cameron (CJ) McKenzie, later by helping him land his current job at Masterfoods USA (M&M/Mars)... helped me too, as Cameron (CJ) brought along someone else from his old company, and those two "associate referrals" built a deck on my house!

On another level, it helped teach me the benefit of building friendships with people that aren't necessarily "just like me."  We naturally migrate to people we can relate to... but if we open up ourselves to other views, we can make great friends and grow in the process. I wish I'd have realized this earlier than I did and taken advantage of it in my college years... there were so many people I never really got to know.

OX: What is your nickname? How did you get it? Did anyone in particular give it to you? 

SB: Didn't need one.  "Shane" was unique enough... although there were probably a few nobody used in front of me!

OX: Did you live in the house? If so, who were your roommates? Tell us about a memorable time with them. 

SB: All good people... first was Al Alper, then Graydon Webster (great human being - he is missed), and Rich Dubin for two years (of which we each spent a semester on internship.)  Graydon took me out for my 21st, and helped clean the room for three days after (rough).  Al bought a 6-foot python and tried to put it in my room... I don't like listening to bunnies scream while being eaten by a snake, so I kicked him out (the snake that is.)  Rich was by far my best roommate... once I trained to clean up (I suffer from OCD!)  We had a lot of the same friends, and went on a few Spring Break jaunts (not to mention Vegas last year!)... good times. 

OX: Where did your pledge class go on their bolt?  What brothers did you take?  Any funny stories you can tell? 

SB: We went to the Akron U chapter for their French Sewer party... nothing happened on that trip that I will put in writing.  "What happens on the road STAYS on the road!"

OX: With whom do you stay in contact? And is there anyone with whom you’ve lost touch that you would like to find? 

SB: Since graduating "a few" years ago, it feels like I've bumped into almost everyone from my years in the house at least once. 

• In attendance at my wedding were Jim Smith (Smitty), Erwin Les'Pere, John McIntyre (Johnny Mac), Mike Schwartz, Rich Dubin, and Ernesto Plotnikoff.  

• I just spent a weekend in Las Vegas with Rich Dubin... great time (lost a bundle, made up for it in free drinks!)  Dubin's cell phone accidentally called home from Olympic Gardens (great strip club!) during a "dance".  My advice - go to Vegas when you're young and single... it's Disneyland for the 21 and over crowd! 

• I work with Cameron (CJ) McKenzie, and get to enjoy a few drinks with him once in a while in Stroudsburg (or Vegas, LA, or anywhere the company sends us!)  

• I exchange Christmas cards with Dubin, Smitty, Johnny Mac, Chris Koczur, Paul Vassil, Cameron, and Erwin.  Great kids all... many daughters, we'll see who lets their little girls go to PSU (my boys will be waiting!) ;-) 

• I always see two or three brothers at every PSU game.  In September 2002, I parked my Winnebago at the house during renovations, and bumped into Pat Lydon who crashed with us (neither of us knew the house was closed.)  I left a message with Ed Brown that we'd be there, but they towed Br. Patrick's car anyway (Pat says thanks, Ed)... but couldn't tow the Winnie (I wedged it against the big tree.)  Then we beat the snot out of Nebraska 40-7, so all was well!!!! 

I would love to hear from anyone, particularly those living in NE Pennsylvania (or just passing by), and I am always looking for a good golf tourney or match... so drop me a line. 

OX: What other activities or organizations were you involved with during your college days? 

SB: I worked in the HUB Billiards room, and traveled around playing in a lot of pool tournaments.  I'm not as good now as I was in school, but I have a great table in my home.  I never won the Theta Chi tourney... I actually lost in the first round EVERY TIME.  Hmmm?

I was not really involved in too many organizations... I wanted to ensure I had time to do what I liked (such as parties, bar crawls, playing pool, etc.)  Today's term for that kind of prioritizing of commitments is "quality of life."  I had tremendous quality of life in my Penn State / Theta Chi years!

OX: Tell us about your family. Have you married? Do you have children? 

SB: I am married and have two boys.  My wife, Nicole, is a Penn Stater who didn't go to fraternities because she thought that women were degraded there.  Now she's married to me... life is ironic.  My older boy, Eric, is 8 and loves golf, baseball, and football.  My younger, Ethan, is 4 and loves Thomas the Tank Engine and SpongeBob (actually, all three of us love SpongeBob!)

My kids have no memory of Penn State Football as anything other than mediocre or worse... it truly breaks my heart.  I make them watch "Golden Decade of the Eighties" to see what it means to be a champion.  We have more Sweet Sixteen appearances in hoops than we have Bowl wins this decade... ouch!

OX: What do you do for a living? 

SB: I am the National Sales Planning Manager for the M&M's brand candies.  Basically, I work with Marketing, Operations Planning, and Sales to ensure we successfully execute the myriad of promotions we run as a business.  Right now it's all about Black & White M&M's, then the Color is coming back.  This summer... everybody get ready for Shrek II (it will be the biggest movie event in entertainment history!)

OX: What hobbies do you enjoy? 

SB: I play lots of golf.  My son plays (shoots mid-60's for nine from the ladies tees), and I travel a lot... so I get to play over the winter.  Five rounds so far in January (79 in Vegas!)  I also love watching college football for 12 hours on a Saturday, but that's a distant memory.  I still try to play hoops, to no avail.

OX: What are your goals for the next few years? 

SB: I want to spend as much time with my family as I can... ask anyone with grown kids, these are the best years of our lives!  Penn State trips are a big part of that... although they'll be better memories if Dad isn't screaming at the coaches to get organized.

OX: What organizations are you involved with in your community? 

SB: I do as much as I can at church, but with my travel schedule it's tough.  I coach baseball (which I was good at) and basketball (which I am not... but I can post up my second graders!)  I also play in as many golf tournaments as my schedule allows.

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