James Stuhltrager '89 (AKA Rodent) - Alumni Profile
Big Brother: Ed Brown
Little Brother: None - Nobody liked me
Offices Held: Best Damn Co-Caterer the Fraternity has ever seen!
OX: Why did you join Theta Chi?
Jim Stuhltrager: Because of my friendship with Ed Brown, Al Guber, Bill Herron and Chris ThompsonJim and familyOX: What is your favorite Theta Chi memory or story?
JS: Easter Weekend 1987. Those of us who had no family to go home to hung out at the house and I will never forget "Great Friday".
OX: What kind of influence has the fraternity had on your life since graduation?
JS: I go to the PSU football games with the same guys I hung out with during my college days (Richard Maltz, Ed Brown, Jeff Damcott, Chris Thompson, Chris Bartnik). I have been serving on the Alumni Board for the last 10 years as either Treasurer or Vice-President.
OX: What is your nickname? How did you get it? Did anyone in particular give it to you?
JS: My nickname was Rodent and it was given to me by someone in the dorms my freshman year. I can't remember who or why it was given to me but it stuck.
OX: Did you live in the house? If so, who were your roommates? Tell us about a memorable time with them.
JS: I lived in the house 86-88. I lived with Mark Lynch, Chris Thomson, and Dave Latham. The room parties I had with Thomson was the best and assaulting Latham's mannequin.
OX: Where did your pledge class go on their pledge bolt/trip? What brothers did you take? Any funny stories you can tell?
JS: Our pledge bolt was to University Maryland. I can only remember kidnapping Joe Kidda. I really don't remember too much from that trip....
OX: With whom do you stay in contact? And is there anyone with whom you’ve lost touch that you would like to find?
JS: I frequently speak to and see Richard Maltz, since I am his chauffeur to the football games. I see Chris Bartnik, Chris Thompson, Ed Brown and Jeff Damcott.
OX: What other activities or organizations were you involved with during your college days?
JS: None- just the bar scene.
OX: Tell us about your family. Have you married? Do you have children?
JS: I married Kristin in 1991, as many of you were there to witness the unholy event. We have two daughters, Britta (age 11) and Kirsten (age 8). We have been living in the Philadelphia area since 1994.
OX: What do you do for a living?
JS: I am a lawyer for the Pennsylvania Air National Guard.
OX: What hobbies do you enjoy?
JS: I don't have much free time with two active girls but I do manage to get to most of the home football games.
OX: What are your goals for the next few years?
JS: I have no goals.......
OX: What organizations are you involved with in your community?
JS: Darby Creek Valley Association, Republicans for Environmental Protection, Our Lady of Fatima Parish, and Ridley United Soccer Club