James R. Smith '91 (AKA Smitty) - Alumni Profile
James R. Smith - 1987
Transferred in 1989 to Duquesne Univ., in Pittsburgh, Graduated Dec. '91
Big Brother: William (Bill) Ross Jr.
Little Brother: John McIntyre
Offices Held: Caterer, Ran for Little Sister Chair with Erwin Les'Pere and lost, Gotta love those little sisters. <wink> <wink> < nudge> <nudge>
OX: Why did you join Theta Chi?
Jim Smith: During the summer of 1986, I had the best time partying at the house with Dennis Foley. In the Fall 86, the brothers were the best. So, it was a no brainier.
OX: What is your favorite Theta Chi memory or story?
Jim and family
JS: All the bar sings we had around the bar and Beta Iota Sigma before every party. Partying at Club 201 is right up there.
OX: What kind of influence has the fraternity had on your life since graduation?
JS: Fraternity Life help me reinforce the bonds of friendship with guys I met for a short time, but now have life long friendships with. It also, helped me make life long friends with Theta Chi's from the Alpha Beta Chapter (Pitt). These are friendships I believe I will have until I die. Theta Chi for Life!!!!!!!!!
OX: What is your nickname? How did you get it? Did anyone in particular give it to you?
JS: Smitty is my nickname and I got it from my junior high gym teacher. He was an ex WVU football player but was really a good guy. Ever since he started calling me that everyone has. My pledge nickname was Sarge. Don't know why, but it was probably because I was in NROTC and we couldn't think of anything else.
OX: Did you live in the house? If so, who were your roommates? Tell us about a memorable time with them.
JS: Yes, I lived in the house. Best time I ever had - Recommend it to every undergraduate. Makes your experience so much better.
I lived in 210 with Steve Sennett. Sorry I never made it to any of your plays, though my wife Tanya saw you on a Baby Story on TLC.
I lived in 207 with Dennis Foley. Loved that Harmon Kardon stereo you had. I meet Dennis the Summer '86 as we introduced ourselves to Theta Chi. Also trying to get Pat McKinnon out of our room. He was our third unofficial roommate. I lived in 303 - as a single. Key to listening for Krappers egging the house and retaliating with Bill Herron, Pat McKinnon, and others until both houses ran out of eggs. Then we invited them over and drank some beer.
OX: Where did your pledge class go on their bolt? What brothers did you take? Any funny stories you can tell?
JS: Ohio University on Halloween weekend. I think we took Dave Latham and RJ. A lot of things happened on our trip. Crayolas getting broken, signs getting taken off of McDonalds and John McHenry running face first into a tree before getting arrested. It was a good trip.
The best part happened before we ever left State College. There was a large scuffle at the Uni-Mart between the Pledges trying to kidnap brothers and Brothers trying to stop the kidnappings. It was mistaken for a riot by the Uni-Mart employee, which brought State Colleges finest into the mix. Fortunately, no one was arrested or fined and we got on our way to Ohio U. There are other stories but they are still sealed and can not be open until the 100th year anniversary.
OX: With whom do you stay in contact? And is there anyone with whom you’ve lost touch that you would like to find?
JS: I stay in contact with Dennis Foley, Erwin Les'Pere, Shane Balcik, Bill Ross, Greg Allan, Jason Ross, Rich Maltz, Mike Schwartz, Scott Fitzgerald, Greg Rush (ran into him at the Steeler's Sunday night game) and Brian Leauby (He emailed me through the Theta Chi web site. Thanks Lube).
Guys I would like to here from: Joey Kopetsky, Phil Katchur, Mike Ruotolo, Jim Fox, Brian Fincher , Steve Sennett, Dave Brown, Chris Burke, Bob Kramer, Mark Woehrel, Russ Marky, CJ McKenzie, Rich Dubin, Mike Becker, Scott Kost, Rich Green, John Buyarski, John Troyan, Bill Herron, Andy Byrnes, Len Pauzer, Leo Sugg, Mark Lynch, Steve Martin and many more..
OX: What other activities or organizations were you involved with during your college days?
JS: I was an IM football Referee, National Society of Black Engineers (freshman year) and I worked in the Dining Hall in Findlay (East Halls).
OX: Tell us about your family. Have you married? Do you have children?
JS: Wife: Tanya Baronti - PSU grad '90/'98 - Theta Kappa Pi
Children: Emma (age 3) and expecting twins in late April/early May.
Pets: 2 Dogs: Joepa and Shang; Fish - no names
OX: What do you do for a living?
JS: Computer Programmer/Analyst for Duquesne Light Company. Electric utility company in Pittsburgh.
OX: What hobbies do you enjoy?
JS: Fantasy Football, Bowling and playing games on PC.
OX: What are your goals for the next few years?
JS: With the twins on the way, adjusting financially to the new additions to the Smith clan.
OX: What organizations are you involved with in your community?
JS: PSU Alumni Assoc. - Allegheny County Chapter, Webmaster.