September 1997 Omegaphone

Below are excepts from the September 1997 Omegaphone, to read the entire issue, please download the pdf to the right

Your Support is Needed and Appreciated!

Dear Brother: 

Fraternities today face some significant challenges. We have vocal critics within the academic community who focus only on the social aspects of fraternity life. Incoming students face staggering education costs. which can discourage their involvement in rush. Fraternity house corporations, including ours, face the ongoing challenge of upgrading aging facilities to keep them in a condition that will continue to attract high quality members. 

Those of us who are close to the situation today firmly believe that fraternity membership is just as valuable now as it has been at any time since our founding. Our current members are still learning important lessons about responsibility, leadership, management and loyalty—lessons that are missing in dorm or apartment life. Perhaps most important, however, is that our undergraduates learn to make decisions as a group and, whether successful or not, take responsibility for those decisions. 

As alumni, we have all benefited from our decision to join Theta Chi. The leadership skills and the close friendships formed are forever. We can all be proud of our fraternity, both then and now. 

Thus, as we thank last year's contributors and ask every alumnus to renew his support. I ask you to reflect on your years at Theta Chi and think about the skills you gained and the lessons you learned. If you've been a regular contributor, l offer my personal thanks and I hope you'll help us again this year. If we haven't heard from you in recent years, I hope you'll decide to stand behind us today as we work to sustain an organization that continues to offer so much to all its membership.


Edward M. Brown '87 
Alumni President 

P.S. During the past few years. we have seen an increase in the number of alumni who send gifts at levels above the suggested giving amounts. If circumstances permit you to help in this manner this year, we graciously accept your generous support.

Alumni Presidents Report

Its has been a busy year at Omega chapter since our last newsletter in 1996. We successfully celebrated I homecoming and Founders’s Day and look forward to our plans for the upcoming year.

In addition to a strong turnout of recent graduates, Homecoming 1996 saw the return of some not-so-recent graduates. It was a pleasure to welcome Fred Grun ’47, Bill Grun ’47, Torn Morton '53 and Jeff Lemmert ’75. Founder’s Day welcomed back a smaller. but enthusiastic crowd. Rod Miller ’89 provided entertainment for the undergraduates and alumni who gathered late into Sunday morning. Tony DeJulius ’80 stayed late into the night, providing updates on various alumni of his era. We were glad to hear al is well with the early ‘80s crew, and Drew Tomlinson 79. 

The Homecoming Corporation meeting saw the election of officers for a 2-year term. The list of members of the Board of Directors and its officers is on Page 2. It was reported that there were no problems over the summer with the chapter house remaining open for the first time in several years. Outgoing Treasurer Rich Maltz 90 and Secretary Steve Martin ’88 were presented with Lion statues by the undergraduates in appreciation for their time and effort. In addition, Rich was presented with a Citation of honer for his outstanding service over the last six years. As usual, a fine meal was provided by the undergraduates after the meeting.

The Board of Directors' meeting preceding the Founders' Day Corporation meeting proved very productive and disposed of rnost of the weekends’ official business. Regarding the physical plant, repair work on the living room and dining room ceiling and walls has been completed with painting to be finished as a fall semester project. The side door has been replaced and the lock repaired. Financially, Al Vladimir has done well as the role of treasurer and presented a detailed financial report indicating that 102 alumni have donated $4.225 to the operating account and $1,660 to the capital account. Our Mellon Bank mortgage balance stands at just over $59,000. 

Another round of Centre Region Code Administration inspections beginning in late August will likely require some costly modifications. Jim Stuhltrager ’89 has been in contact with an electrician to install emergency lighting. We should receive an inspection report in early September, with a significant bill to follow. I ask you to please keep this in mind when making your annual donation. 

Our next official gathering will he the weekend of October 17-19. 1997, for Homecoming 1997. We will elect members to our Board of Directors for a 2-year term. The Board serves as a policy-directing body and as custodian of property of the Corporation. Members are expected to attend the Homecoming and the Founders' Day Corporation meeting and other input as needed throughout the year. We are also seeking a financial supervisor to work with the undergraduates in developing a sound budget and providing fiscal advice. Anyone interested in serving on the board should contact us immediately: ballots must be mailed no later than October 3, 1997. Current Board members who do not wish to appear on the next balks should contact me as well.

If you have suggestions to enhance our activities and celebrations, are interested in serving as a Board member or financial supervisor or have questions about the role and responsibilities of these positions, please feel free to contact me. I hope to see you for Homecoming 1997.

Edward M. Brown ’87, Alumni President of Theta Chi of Penn State, Inc.

Richard Maltz ’90 Receives Citation of Honor

The undergraduate and alumni members of Omega chapter were proud to present Richard B. Maltz 90 with the Citation of Honor at our 1996 Homecoming Corporation meeting. 

The Citation off honor is presented to members in appreciation and recognition of outstanding service to the fraternity. Recipients of the certificate must be approved by the Grand Chapter of Theta Chi.

Rich's dedication and service to our chapter clearly deserved such recognition. Among other things, Rich Maltz served for six year as alumni treasurer, drafted an invaluable manual to guide future treasurers. worked closely with the undergraduate finances, developed a house operations manual covering matters ranging from alumni functions to house repair and maintenance. significantly  updated our alumni directory and collected past-due debts. 

While Rich has decided to take a year or so off he remains committed to organizing and managing a capital campaign. We all hope to have Rich serving as an officer or director in the near future. 

Thanks again Rich, for your outstanding service and dedication to Omega chapter! 

House Repairs Needed

I am writing this following a weekend visit to the house. I am happy to report that the house was in pretty decent shape for the beginning of the semester. This was especially impressive considering that the house was open for Arts Festival week. Everyone who attended  should be commended for leaving the house in such good condition. 

However, along with this good news comes some not-so-good news. The code inspector should have paid the house a visit in late August. We already know that some high-priced repairs will be needed to bring the house up to code. Recent events have highlighted that the Borough of State College is taking the code inspections very seriously, Failure to comply could result in the loss of the occupancy permit for the house.

Having recently fell the Navy. the plight of the house reminds me in some aspects of the USS Constitution. In the 1830s, the Constitution was in very bad shape. The symbol of the country was on the verge of being destroyed. However, the public intervened and managed to save this national treasure. An overhaul of the ship was just recently completed, and it sailed in Boston’s harbor this summer. These events are analogous to what is happening with the chapter house today. Although the undergraduates do their best to maintain the house, the years have taken their toll. Although it may seem easy to point the finger at who is responsible this will not help save the house. Only the support of undergraduates and alumni, in the form of time, money and experience, can help restore the physical symbol of our brotherhood. 

James Stuhltrager ’89, Alumni Vice President 

Chapter President Update

The fall semester began on a good note just after four brothers returned from our National Convention in Orlando. Fla. Four brothers also attended the Mid-Year Leadership Conference, and we are hoping to encourage many more to attend in the future. 

The brotherhood has been working very hard on the house this semester. We have purchased trees for the front of the house. along with new lamps and a carpet for the living room, and new curtains for the main floor. The largest project this semester was total renovations of the brothers' room. The ceiling was replaced, the room was painted and new ceiling fans were installed; spotlights focusing on the alter were also installed.

On Saturday. October 5. we held our annual philanthropic event, the David P. Ferro K.I.C.K.S. Classic in memory of Dave Ferro '86, who started the event when he was an undergraduate. We raised $3,000 for the Make-A-Wish Foundation. I would like to thank of you who were able to donate to make this event a success. 

We once again joined the sisters of Alpha Xi Delta for the 25th Anniversary or Dance Marathon. Las year we raised $23,000 for the Four Diamonds Fund. The brotherhood was very active in THON this year, with over 12 brothers on TON sub-committees.

We enjoyed Homecoming with the sisters of Alpha Delta Pi with a week of fun and float-building. Homecoming was enjoyed by all of the returning brothers. The undergraduates would like to have many more alumni come to Homecoming and Founders' Day. We had a goad turnout, but we know it could be much better. We would like to thank all of the alumni who did attend and hope to see you — and many more brothers —. in the future.

Paul Glace ’97 continues to maintain the Theta Chi Omega home page on the World Wide Web. We thank Paul for his continued work with the home page. 

We undergraduates also thank the alumni association for your time and dedication. Rich Maltz ’90 and Steve Martin '88 deserve special thanks for their many contributions to Omega chapter.

Britton Mattson ’97, 1996 Chapter President 

Alumni News

“I am a great believer in fraternity life and think membership is needed to experience a satisfactory college education and lasting friendships”, writes Paris H. Sweigart '31, He is a life member of the Penn State Association and has attended many class reunions. 

Sherwood K. Booth '32 has fond memories of Theta Chi and the Class of 1932, “Fraternalism is so meaningful in establishing personal values throughout Iife, There is no substitute.”

At age 82. Franklin H. Pritchard Jr. 37 4, is still enjoying tennis and travel. “Jean and I raised three college grads. We now have five grandchildren, also college grads." 

A. Bradford Owen Jr. ’40 enjoys taking trips and visiting relatives. 

Walter C. Applegate Jr. ’42, a retired landscape architect. is a member of the planning commission of East Fallowfield Township in Chester County. He and his wife have been married more than 50 years. In August 1996, Paul S. Handwerk '42 received the Sahli Award from the Pennsylvania Municipal Authorities Association for his 20-plus years of service to the Slatington Borough Authority. 

Henry F. Pierce II '43 informs us that his granddaughter is it freshman at University. 

A professor of business administration at the University of LaVerne, John F. McElwee Jr. '47 was granted tenure in the faculty during the 1995-96 school year. 

When he wrote last summer, Walter A. White ’48 was training for the Citrus Bowl Half-Marathon in December and the Disney World Marathon in January. In the spring 1996, he and his wile visited New Zealand and Australia. 

"How great to see classmates from 1948-50 at the great Omega 75th Anniversary," notes George W. Chapman Jr. '49. 

Ralph J. Ettinger ’49 talked with Eddie Noyes '51 at the Outback Bowl in January 1996. "It was a great wet game.”

John B. Ayers '52, the owner of Ayers Automation Services, is now semi-retired and a great-grandfather. He is renovating a 200-year-old farmhouse on 100 acres and active as a member of Masonic Blue Lodge. Crescent #66 and Mt. Sinai Shrine Temple. "Still have fond memories of life at Omega - even Hell Week." John writes. "It was an experience that served me well all through my career." 

When heard from him in September, Keith F. Vansant ’58 was planning to retire soon from the Federal Government. He sent best wishes for a great year. “Undergrads - it don't get no better than this'. 

Attorney Alexis Barron ’60 is managing partner of Synnestvedt & Lechner. He also serves as a board member of the Bach Festival of Philadelphia and of Chorus America. 

Michael Lazorchak ’61 has been elected to the board of directors of The Retired Officers Association, a non-profit corporation headquartered in Alexandria, VA.

CPA James C. Stadler ’62 the managing partner of the Pittsburgh office of Price Waterhouse, is involved in the Pennsylvania Tax Blueprint Project. He is active in many community organizations and serves as chairman of St. Clair Hospital.

Walter G. Bilger Jr. '63, an agent with Health Insurance by Bilger, has wonderful memories of Theta Chi and Penn Slate, He and his wife have two grown children. 

Last fall, Mark M. Burroughs '63 was working on construction preparations for a mountain cabin near Gore Pass, Colo. 

Early in 1996, after 23 years with Honeywell and Alliant Technosystems, Robert C. Losinger ’72 decided to "drop out” of corporate America and pursue a second career. He is now general manger of Burl Oaks Golf Club. “Any Omega brother visiting Minneapolis is welcome to play at my club as guest." 

An electronics technician, Charles: P. Clark '76 is service manager at The Communication Station. 

After being "downsized" from First Union Bank, John E. Doyle ’76 formed his own valuation firm. Thompson-Loyle Co. Inc.. in 1996. He married Donna Tarantino that June, with Michael 'Chill" Perkins ’76, David Zovath '76 and Kenneth Oeschger ’77 serving as ushers. The ring bearer in the ceremony was Michael’s son, Scott and the flower girl was Amanda Matthews, daughter of David Matthews ’76, The newlyweds enjoyed a honeymoon in Paris and London. 

From the Ft. Lauderdale area in Florida, Robert J. O’Neill '76 has moved to Round Rock. TX. 

David J. Straka ’77, a civil engineer with ACCI. "To this day I still firmly believe in 'lending a helping hand to all who seek it.”

In a new job, Charles S. Englehardt '78 is a vice president with Teltronics Inc. "Although I am quite busy with family and work, feel free to shoot mean e-mail or call - I am always 'in the book'," 

“Yo, how's it going up there! Hope to get up there one day soon!" writes Paul M. Baker '80, Working in the field of advertising and with direct-mail comports, he is president of Super Coups of Delco. 

Sue and R. Scot Herman ’80 moved to a new home last year and were expecting a.child that October.  

Ronald J. Biernacki '81 now resides in Mountaintop, PA. He reports that Robert Krauss '83 has a new baby daughter. 

Daniel T. Powell ’81 has started an environmental and safety consulting firm. Leader Environmental of Pa. Daniel and his wife, Teresa, have three children_ 

Associated with the Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command, Timothy P. Dutcher ’83 has been promoted to spares procurement director. 

Employed, by the U.S. Department or Justice, John J. Mika III '85 is a GED teacher with the Bureau of Prisons. He and his wife, Elaine, have a son, Jake. The couple enjoy PSU football games and stop by the chapter house when in Slate College. 

Adam E. Ruskin '85 is planning to participate once again in the California AIDS Ride. a 580-mile bike ride from San Francisco to Los Angeles. Last year, the event raised $8 million and became the largest AIDS fundraiser in U.S. history. “If you would like to sponsor me (please let me know).”

Paul J. Formichella. '86 is a technical consultant with MCI Telecommunications. In May 1996, he welcomed the arrival of a daughter, Katherine. 

Besides working as a counselor at the State Correctional institution in Frackville, Pa., Ralph E. Thomas Jr. ’86 has his own business as a registered piano technician, “I would donate an upright piano to the chapter. if interested.” 

Edward M. Brown '87 enjoyed attending the Kickoff Classic with Owen Fishman ’85, Chris Casciato ’85, Rich Maltz '90. Greg Hancock ’91 and Chris Bartnik '91. He reports that Bob Dunston '85 moved to Hawaii in August. 

After graduating from University of Pennsylvania in 1995 with a master's degree in landscape architecture. David B. Carlson '87 joined The Hiller Group. the country’s third largest architecture and design firm. He and his wife, Tari, have a 1-year old daughter, Maggie. and have bought a house in Hopewell, NJ. 

Robert J. Scavello Jr. ’88, reports that Heather and Alan Lauder '90 have purchased a new borne in Arlington. Va. and that Scott Taylor '89 was joining Arthur Andersen's Operational Consulting Group and planned to relocate withl his wife, Amy. 

After seven in the Midwest flatlands. Rodney D. Miller '89 left Ohio and returned to Nittany Lion country. He hopes to party with the "old gang” more frequently. With his new job, Rodney is a process engineer at Burle Industries.

In addition to working at Disney's Corporate headquarters. Steven E. Sennett '90 has continued his acting career with roles, in plays, movies, and television. When we heard from him last year he planned to many Robin McAlpine in April '97 and has asked Jamie Koppersmith ’88 to serve as best man. 

Over the July 4th weekend last year Shane Balcik ’91, his wife and son. Eric, stopped by the house and took some pictures. Shine notes: “The house's home page is great. It’s nice to be able to keep in touch via the Internet. 

After earning an MBA at Penn State, Christopher J. Bartnik '91 joined William M. Mercer Inc, in Washington. ac., as a consultant. 

In November 1995. Richard P. Dubin '91 married Monica Walker. The wedding took place at sea, off the shone of Kauai, Hawaii. Richard is now working for Stella foods as a distribution manager and living in Buffalo Crow, IL.

Attorney Michael J. Smoyer ’91is a bankruptcy process administrator with AT&T Corp. 

We heard from Brian A. Leauby '92 in September. With his promotion to marketing director at Delaware Group, be is covering the Illinois and Wisconsin sales territory. He planned to move in October 1996 to Chicago, IL. 

David A. Mikita '92 has returned to school full time to pursue an MBA at the Darden School at University of Virginia. 

Jason P. Ross ’92 is the new full-time athletic director/football coach at Hanover Sr. High School.

Bryan B. Cooley '94. now an associate satellite Systems engineer at lLockheed Martin, is living with Eric Goodhart '95 and Erie Kraus '95. Bryan has traveled to Japan and the Bahamas.

When he wrote last year. Thomas Dymek '94 was planning to enter St. Johns University School of Law in New York City,.

At Customized Transportation Inc.. Mart D. Chrencik '96 is a management development supervisor. He attended the wedding of Len Pauzer '93 in October 1995 and saw Scott Fitzgerald '91, Rich Green '94. Andrew Byrnes '94, Jim Venture '93, Bob Polino '93 and Brian Leauby ’92.

Eric M. Kraus '96 is a project engineer with Exxon Co. USA_ He writes that he. Bryan Cooley ’94 and Eric Goodhart '95 "try to relive our college days after a rough work week” with Arlington residents Eric Seifert ’94 and Mark Selvitelli ’95.

Chapter Eternal 

We regret to of the death of 

  • Blair E. Henderson '28 (3/9/90) 

  • Richard F. Brown '29

  • Guy W. Knight '30 (10/3/95)

  • Charles A. Kohr ’30 (10/6/95)

  • George H. Decker '34 

  • Leonard P, Deubler '36 (7/10/96)

  • Robert L. Harder '42 (12/2/95)

  • Robert E. Will ’53 (9/2/95)

  • Jon A. Ritter ’70 (10/17/95)

Theta Chi mourns their passing and extends condolences to their families and friends. 


hank you to all those brothers that shared their news.

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