Fall 1993 Edition of Rattle

The latest edition of the Rattle is available. Read about what is going on with Omega chapter and its brothers.

Inside this edition:

Letters - From O.Keith Evans, Omega '65

Mr. Edward M. Brown, Omega Chapter President, Theta Chi of Penn State, Inc. State College, PA 16804

Dear Brother Brown, Following is another example of the many benefits accruing to fraternity members throughout their lives. The December, 1992 Omegaphone arrived today and prompted me to write; perhaps my thoughts would interest readers of a future edition.

I was graduated in June, 1965, near the peak of the Vietnam draft. Job deferments were few and far between for business administration graduates like myself; further, I was neither an Indiana resident nor a likely candidate for admission at Oxford! Thus, Navy OCS was the best choice. One challenging assignment led to another and I recently retired after twenty-seven years.

Having spent half of that time at sea, I did not do well maintaining contact across the years with my fraternity brothers. Not-withstanding, five Omega brothers volunteered significant assistance with my transition to the private sector. They were: Vince Campitelli '64, Dave Heitzenroder '64, Jim Scattergood '65, and John Swift '64. Also assisting was our recently elected national president, Brother Carlton F. Bennett, Zeta Pi '72, Old Dominion University.

Thanks to their assistance, I obtained a position with the CPA firm of Coopers and Lybrand. As I started only this week, it is too early to say, but my new position seems to be dynamic, requiring use of my graduate degree in finance and my broad Navy experience. Time will tell.

In addition to many worthwhile suggestions, these brothers offered encouragement and support. That was important to me as it is difficult enough to change jobs in a depressed economy, let-alone change an entire way of life. Most will not be surprised to learn of their response; frankly, neither was I. However, it is always gratifying to receive such support. I appreciate it.

Chapter Eternal

  • Charles W. Cooper, '50

  • Andrew B. Creveling Jr., '39

  • John F. Cunningham, '83,

  • William C. Ferguson, '37,

  • Edward W. George, '45

  • William R. Jenkins, '75

  • Curtis W. Lau, '33

  • Roland E. Seely, '40

  • Norman M. Steen, '61

  • Graydon M. Webster, '89