July 1989 Omegaphone

Below are excepts from the July 1989 Omegaphone, to read the entire issue, please download the pdf to the right

Highlights from Meetings 

Winter Meeting - Held at the historic General Wayne Inn about 20 brothers gathered for lunch and business on January 7, 1989. The biggest item discussed was to go ahead with obtaining a mortgage in order to fix the code violations at the chapter house. This was approved and work shall be commencing this summer.

Another item was the new contracts that will be used in the upcoming school year. Drafted by a local attorney they shall be used hereon for all brothers living in the house. It is hoped this will stem the tide of bad debts (see below) passing through Omega. 

Founder's Day - The meeting was held at the chapter house on April 22,1989. The biggest item discussed at this meeting was the need for the Alumni Corporation to assume the tremendous amount of bad debts presently owed by individual alumni to the chapter. As of the meeting approximately $14,000 was owed by both older and newer alumni. Steps are to be taken to collect this money the quickest way possible. The implementation of the new contracts should help prevent this in the future 

Outstanding Debts 

As mentioned in the brief minutes of the Founder's Day meeting we are faced with an unprecedented amount of outstanding debts to the undergraduates. These monies total $14,000 and are for the most part owed by alumni. This is absolutely revolting and we are going to take action on this problem now.

The first step is prevention and that will be done with the establishing of a contract system with the undergraduates this year. This contract has been written by an attorney and has provisions for collection and on-time payments. 

The second step is a letter writing campaign to those who have outstanding debts. We have retained the services of an attorney to assist in contacting the debtors and setting up payment programs. 

The third step (which we don't want to happen) is legal action against those who refuse to pay. So if you have an outstanding debt and have not paid it off or if you have any questions please contact Dave Ferro, Alumni Treasurer to discuss what can be done. 

For those who paid all their dues we thank you and for those who can help us collect these monies please contact us. 

Undergraduate Chapter Facts 

  • 48 brothers, 30 in house 

  • Initiated 7 new members 

  • 21st (out of 52) in academics 

  • Top ten in athletics 

  • Chapter attended the Regional at Maryland 

  • Brothers Room was repainted 

  • Landscaping completed in front yard 

  • Held a successful "Theta Chi Night" dinner for local alumni 

  • Held a chapter retreat which proved beneficial to all that attended. 

President’s Message - "Potpourri" 

by Hugh D. Cadzow '83 Alumni President 

This Omegaphone should be greeting you in the sweltering heat of the Summer of '89 but I hope all is doing well. This article is about many things concerning both the chapter, Penn State and fraternities in general. Some are good and some not so good but all in all things are doing fairly well: 

1) Community Relations: It appears that both the Borough of State College and the university community has recently taken to some negative attitudes towards fraternities. This has been spurred on by some incidents (none by Omega) that has raised questions on alcohol and hazing at PSU.

It has been related to me by some people familiar with the situation that there may be a need for alumni to take a more active approach to the chapters. We would serve as guides and as counselors to prevent unnecessary incidents and accidents. Also we can act as intermediaries in tricky situations that arise between the school and the chapter. Many schools across the country are eliminating their greek systems and we don't want that to happen at PSU. 

Much knowledge and experience exists among us and we should not hesitate in extending the helping hand to the undergraduates. This will be needed so our chapter and the fraternity system as a whole remains strong at PSU. 

2) House Repairs: As I am writing this article we have been approved by the National Board of Trustees for a $20,000 mortgage so we can make improvements as outlined in the 1988 Architect's Master Plan. Specifically repairs will be made to meet code so the house will be a safer more efficient place to live. 

The most noticeable "repair" will be interior fire walls that will separate the middle staircase. How this thing will look is anybody's guess but all efforts will be made to make it look as best as possible. 

3) Alumni Attendance: Founder's Day 1989 was more of a gathering of undergrads than it was of alumni. I was the "oldest" member of the fifteen person contingent that had showed up. What gives? Why the poor attendance? What incentives do we need to get alumni back? Do we need to trash the meeting or just get better events scheduled? 

All these questions have buzzed through my head and I can't seem to answer them. Can you? If so please send comments with the enclosed ballot so we can get ideas for a better turn out at both Homecoming and Founder's Day. And by the way Homecoming is November 4, 1989 this year so plan now! 

In closing I have to say the chapter has looked strong this past year and they should keep their place in the greek community. All they need now is a little help and guidance from us so they can maintain that place. Fraternities are facing a challenge as we go into the 1990's and us men of Omega should face it together. 

Undergraduate Report 

Spring 1989 has been a successful and busy semester for Omega Chapter. While our brothers have participated in many Penn State activities, we have taken great strides in improving our brotherhood. Omega brothers participated in many philanthropies this semester, including the IFC Dance Marathon in February. Theta Chi, working together with Alpha Xi Delta sorority, received the "Three Diamonds" Award for dancing, raising money and working on the staff of the Dance Marathon. Theta Chi has also become well represented in fraternity government with eight brothers serving on the Interfraternity Council. 

Our own philanthropy, KICKS, which benefits the Big Brother/Big Sister Program of Centre County, has been rescheduled to September so that we may expand and change the theme. Instead of this event, we held a "Soccer Classic" tournament in which both greek and independent teams participated, Ve raised money for this by selling Tee Shirts and by canning. 

One Friday afternoon near the end of April, the entire brotherhood attended a retreat which was held at Stone Valley recreation area, It proved to be very beneficial in lifting up everyone's spirits and we decided to put the Chaplain in charge of organizing retreats in the future. 

Next semester we planning a Parents' Weekend sometime in October. And don't forget that Homecoming is the first weekend in November! 

Chapter Eternal  

We received notification of the following brothers who have passed away: 

  • Glenn O. Aumiller '30

  • Raymond J. Ritz '48 

Alumni News

Frederick Vansant '20 writes "I am in reasonably good health, but my age (92) is slowing me down a bit". He enjoys playing bridge and visiting his son, Keith '58 in Stone Mountain, Ga. 

Conway Paden '27 notes his brother, Harold '29 has been feeling under the weather. 

Dr. Peter Marvel '29 is in the good company of Forrest Thompson '30 and Thomas Jackson '31 at their retirement village in Greenville, De. 

Franklin Pritchard, Jr. '37 is "still hanging on !" in Roanoke, Va, 

Edward George '45 is now retired in Lake Wylie, S.C. 

Dr. J.F. McElwee '47 was recently designated Manager of Independent Research and Development, and of New Business Funds Administration at General Dynamics/Pamona Division. 

Walter White '48 is still running competitively in marathons, and plans to enter several triathlons this summer. 

George Chapman, Jr. '49 is enjoying retirement with travel, skiing, sailing, and volunteer work. 

Joseph Jackson '50 congratulates the actives "for the great things you are doing." 

Michael P. Lazorchak '61 retired from the Air Force in May after 28 years of service. He now joins Hay Systems, Inc. as a Project Director and Management Consultant. 

John Swift '64 is Vice President of Finance, Treasurer, and Secretary of Mohawk Carpet Corporation. 

John Weiss, Jr. '70, Mike Velmer '70, Dave Johnston '71, and Dick Teodori '71 reunite for annual golfing weekends in Atlanta, Ga. 

Dr. Randal Betz '73 is with Pediatric Orthopedics at the Shriners/Temple University Hospital in Philadelphia. 

David Straka '77 is currently working as a field engineer on a $5 million dollar U.S. Navy office building on Whidbey Island, Washington. 

Steve Putterman '78 celebrated the birth of a new daughter, Kimberly Anne, last August and recently moved from Connecticut to Cincinnati, Ohio. He also notes that his brother Randy '82 has moved from West Virginia to Columbus, Ohio. 

Paul Bender '79 is in Hong Kong with the Federal Insurance Company. His brother Phil '82 is in Tokyo as a captain with the U.S. Army. 

Kurt Rohrbach '79 just built a "real nifty" new home in Fleetwood, Pa. and still enjoys Iggy Pop in concert as often as possible. 

Richard Cole '80 reports that Tristan Stancato '80 and his wife Robin recently were blessed with their second son, Brendan Robert. 

Donald Smith '81 and family moved to a newly-built home in Columbia, Md. in April. 

Gary Hicks '82 and his wife Kathi are restoring their two-century-old log house in Myerstown, Pa, 

Hugh Cadzow '83 and wife Tracy celebrated their 6th anniversary and Tracy's completion of her 1st year of law school. 

David Ferro '86 recently passed his CPA exam. 

Sean Tirney '88 will begin medical school at Jefferson University in Philadelphia in September.

Thank you to all those brothers that shared their news.

Checkout past issues of the Omegaphone by clicking here.

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