1988 Founder's Day Meeting Minutes

Br. Hugh Cadzow called the meeting to order at 6:15 PM
The new Alumni Corporation offices were installed:
  • President: Br. Hugh Cadzow
  • Vice President: Br. Edward Brown
  • Secretary: Br. Steve Spinazzola
  • Treasurer: Br. Dave Ferro
SECRETARY'S REPORT: Br. Steve Spinazzola read the minutes of the 1987 Homecoming meeting. The were approved as read. 
PRESIDENT'S REPORT: Br. Hugh Cadzow reported the following: 
  • No alumni officers were present for the meeting.
  • Br. Cadzow stressed the importance for the alumni corporation interaction with the active fraternity. 
  • The bylaws are in the process of being rewritten
  • Br. Hugh Cadzow outlined 10 goals for the future.
    • 1. Develop a five year plan for the fraternity.
    • 2. Prioritize repairs to the house
    • 3. Complete the corporate by-laws and get them up and operative.
    • 4. Involve more alumni through the use of more committees.
    • 5. Have a summer corporation meeting August 6, 1988.
    • 6. Monthly letters will be sent to directors.
    • 7. Help the active repair house.
    • 8. Evaluate re-absorption of the 0megaphone by the corporation.
    • 9. Get more alumni involved at Homecoming and Founders Day.
    • I0. Make the corporation a model corporation. 
  • It was recommended a more personalized letter be sent out to get more brothers back to the fraternity. 
ALUMNI TREASURERS REP0RT: Br. Dave Ferro gave the following information: 
  • The Stewart Howe bill is $4,000.
  • Alumni dues collected is $3,200.
  • The rent has been raised to $14,500/Year.
  • The capital fund has raised $5,782 since September 30, '1987.
  • Project expenditures for repairing the bathrooms is $6,000/$7,000.
  • It was proposed to bring in an out of town contractor to evaluate the bathroom renovation.
  • A preliminary estimate for repairing the 2nd and 3rd floor bathrooms is $46,000.
  • The house will be open this summer.
  • There was a motion to have an Architect hired to evaluate the bathroom and write a report by June 1, 1988. The motion was passed.
ACTIVE PRESIDENT'S REP0RT: Br. Philip Katchur presented the following: 
  • There are 12 new brothers, and a full house in the fall
  • There is a new pledge program that is 9 weeks long, and no hazing. "Hell Week" is now 5 days.
  • Theta Chi has a good name on campus.
  • There is a new wall in the pool room.
  • A new dumpster was purchased.
  • Finished in the top l0 in athletics.
  • Took 2nd place in The Greek Games during Greek week.
  • Brothers are very active in IFC.
  • The house cum. was 2.57 which is above the all men's average. 
ACTIVE TREASURERS REP0RT: The undergraduate Treasurer presented the following: 
  • There is an outstanding balance due the house of $11,309.45 on house bills, and $2,691.00 due on house fees.
  • Consideration is being given to having parents co-sign on house bills.
  • New fire doors are needed and new curtains are being considered for the living room.
  • It was proposed brothers be required to pay their house bills within two weeks after moving in. 
OLD BUSINESS: Br. Gary Hicks proposed the following for the Omegaphone: 
  • Mailing #1
    • Four-page tabloid Omegaphone - (including one photo) - $154.00
    • Envelope - 34.80
    • One-Page Supplement (2-sided) - 46.80
    • Reply postcard - 52.00
  • TOTAL - 287.60
  • Mailing #2
    • One-page notice (2 sided) - 46.80
    • Envelope - 34.80
    • Reply postcard - 52.00
  • TOTAL - $133.60
  • Mailing #1 x 2 - $575.20
  • Mailing #2 - 133.60
  • P.O. Box Fee - 28.00
  • * Yearly Bulk Mail Fee - 60.00
  • Postage- 1800 @ 8.4 cents - 151.30
Grand Total - 948.00 *plus one-time $60 application fee
  • Four-Page Loose-Leaf Omegaphone instead of Tabloid (includes one photo) - 94.00
  • Savings Per Mailing - 60.00
  • Savings per Year - 120.00
  • New Grand Total - 828.00
Postage comparison
  • 1800 @ 25 cents - 450.00
  • 1800 @ 8.4 cents - 151.20
  • Yearly Fee - 60.00
  • Total - 211.20
  • Savings - 238.80

  • Br. Cadzow proposed the corporation by a PC for Br. Hicks to use to prepare the OmegaPhone.
  • Stewart Howe's contract may expire in August of 1988.
  • It would be helpful to send out a letter early to the alumni on the changing of the Omegaphone to get good input.


NEW BUSINESS: Motion to have Br. Hicks prepare the 0megaphone. Motion passed. 

  • The national convention will be August 17-20, l98B in Atlanta.
  • Meeting was adjourned at 7:45 PM.