Strikes Make Bucks for Diabetes Research (CDT story) - 1st place

Strikes make bucks for diabetes research

By Ann Skomra - University Park

Diabetes afflicts one in 20 persons, or 12 million people. Of this number, which is rising six percent a year, 2 million people have juvenile or insulin-dependent diabetes. This is the most severe form of the disease. From its onset, juvenile diabetes is a major risk factor of heart attack and stroke and shortens life expectance by one third.

Founded in 1978 by parents of diabetic children, the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation is convinced that the disease can be stopped with the aid of research. Alpha Gamma Delta International also believes that there is a cure. In 1979 Alpha Gamma International made the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation its philanthropic cause in its chapters throughout the United States and Canada.

At Penn State, Alpha Mu Chapter of Alpha Gamma Delta is working to strike out diabetes.

The chapter held its second annual Greek bowlers' classic recently at Armenara lanes. With the help of 26 fraternities and sororities the tournament raised over $1000 for the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation.

The downtown merchants were very helpful Prizes and donations were given to the tournament In several businesses. Pepsi Cola and the Penn Alto Bottling Works. Domino's Pizza. Mike's Video and Nittany Hot Springs were major contributors to the success of the tournament.

Also, Alpha Gamma Delta would like to express its gratitude to Arthur DeFluri. owner of Armenara Lanes. Without Mr. DeFluri and his employees' help, Alpha Gamma Delta would not have been able to bowl let alone raise money for the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation.

Awards were given in several categories. The winners were: Theta Chi - Joe Kidda. Dave Noll, Doug Craig, Bernie Kachinko: Sigma Delta Tau Mindy Snyder, Sloane Seiler, Laurie Bennett, Laurie Dunkle.

Mike Collester, Alpha Chi Sigma. won with a series total of 548 and Colleen Quinn, Alpha Xi Della, won with a series total of 544'

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