July 1984 Omegaphone

Below are excepts from the July 1984 Omegaphone, to read the entire issue, please download the pdf to the right

Past President Martini Leaves a Stronger Omega

New Corporation President Urges Continued Support by All Alumni 

I am honored to have been chosen to lead the alumni corporation for the next two years.

I am stepping into the role of president at a time of resurgent alumni interest and participation in Theta Chi. Over the last three years, our organization has grown stronger under the dedicated and skillful direction of brother Lou Martini '54, our immediate past president.

When Lou assumed his duties as president, his immediate goals were to bolster alumni participa-tion in the fraternity and to begin to build the financial strength of our organization. Clearly, Lou succeeded on both fronts. Annual alumni dues contributions doubled over the course of Lou's tenure, and he also successfully inaugurated a capital fund to be used only for special expenditures.

While presiding over these financial advances, Lou never lost sight of the fact that our fraternity is made up of more than dollars and cents. He urged that all brothers--whatever their past experiences or frustrations with the alumni corporation--do their best to take an active role in the fraternity, to rededicate themselves to the goals of Theta Chi. Here again, Lou was successful, as evidenced by the increased atten-dance at our alumni corporation meetings.

Lou's efforts paved the way for a successful tomor-row for Theta Chi. It will be my job to see that the momentum he established is maintained. Toward that end, I will be aided by a group of officers and board members who bring a wealth of skill, knowledge and commitment to their positions. Serving as vice presi-dent is John Wszalek '78; our secretary is Hugh Cadzow '83; and our directors include Tom Hornyak '74, Bill Renton '46, Greg Schlegel '74 and Jim Stalder '62.

Brothers Bob Mooney '78 and Joe Berger '83 declined with regret the assumption of officer positions with the alumni corporation. Both recently relocated to sites thousands of miles from Penn State, and were concerned that they could not fulfill the duties of their positions from so great a distance.

The fraternity will continue to benefit from the insights and guidance of brothers Howard Alter '41 and Lou Martini. Howard, who will step down as Theta Chi's national executive director on July 1, will continue to serve as an ex-officio board member, as will Lou.

Obviously, I'll have quite a supporting cast in my efforts to build an even stronger Theta Chi. To truly succeed, though, the fraternity needs the support of each one of us. Let me take a page out of Lou Martini's book and urge that each of us do all that we can to help the fraternity in every way possible. I believe that each one of us would agree that Theta Chi has had a significant impact on our lives. Let's all try to have an equally significant impact on Theta Chi. 

Thomas W. Butch '78, Alumni Corp. President 

Brotherhood Experiences a Successful Spring

Chapter GPA Leaps to 17th with Further Improvement

Expected Spring semester at Omega was quite successful, beginning with the initiation of six new brothers who, we are sure, will make many contributions to the house. Success was also a byword in Theta Chi academics: the house GPA improved drastically, jumping from spring 1983's 49th place to 17th the following fall. (We expect even further improvement when spring '84's standings are posted.)

This past spring was also a good time for house improvement. With alumni financial support, we were able to purchase a new, red maple tree and eight small shrubs for the front lawn as well as brand new shutters for the front of the house. We also installed a horseshoe pit in the side yard. Visit us soon, the house looks fantastic!

Theta Chi alumni support is growing! Thanks to your help, we now have a brand new red maple tree (and eight new small shrubs) to adorn our front lawn. 

Most of these renovations came just in time for Founders' Day. The traditional tailgate and Blue/White game were followed by a buffet dinner and a corporation meeting that attracted a strong alumni turnout. A jammy featuring the band Press Club left many wondering whether any structural damage had been done to the first floor due to all the dancing. Even some of our older alumni members joined in for some "new wave" dancing.

With the completion of spring semester, most of us are back in our hometowns for a well-deserved summer break. But we'll return in the fall with the enthusiasm and motivation to build Omega even stronger. We hope you, also, will return in the fall for our annual Homecoming celebration. The date has been set for October 20 and our opponents will be the Orangemen of Syracuse. Have a good summer. 

Bob Dunston '85, Chapter President 

Alumni News

One of the few survivors of the North East Club, ALFRED R. BECHTEL '16, sends his best wishes to all his fellow members at Theta Chi. Alfred is still married to Gladys, also a 1916 Penn Stater, and has many fond memories of Penn State. 

"Your Omegaphones are super!" writes FREDERICK T. VANSANT '20. Van is now retired but is staying active. He plans to attend the 64th and 65th reunions of the class of 1920, of which he is secretary. Also, last June, he served on three four-member panels to produce six 30-minute video cassette tapes for showing on cable TV; all had to do with family relationships. "My part was to tell about those relationships in the early 1900s--the great grandfather image," he says. 

WILLIAM T. WINDLE '27 is retired and residing in Ocean City, NJ. 

Retired chief industrial consultant, West Penn Power Company, FLOYD W. FOSTER '31 is spending lots of time on the golf links. He stays in touch with BUD ANDERSON '31, who, we're told, is still active running his own business marketing railroad equipment. Floyd is living in Pittsburgh, PA. 

AUSTIN N_ LENTZ '35, is now retired from the faculty of Rutgers. A former Beta Kappa, he would like to hear about the status of other former Beta Kappas. 

Congratulations to ED GEORGE '45 who became a grandfather for the first time with the arrival of Eric Edward George on April 24, 1983! Ed's publisher's representative business is moving right along with seven business magazines in the stables. Ed often sees WILLIAM H. RENTON '46, and would like to hear from other brothers from the 1941-45 era. Ed can be contacted in Bay Village, OH. 

ALEXANDER MARTIN '53 is now retired and can be reached in Sarasota, FL. 

Colonel MICHAEL P. LAZORCHAK '61 reports that he is relocating from Hawaii to Okinawa, Japan, to become commander of Kadena Air Force Base.

GARY A. RISER '64, is in Oak Ridge, TN, is now a manager of accounting with Martin Marietta Energy Systems in Oak Ridge. Gary says, "I wish to recall the 30-minute-plus open tap during our graduation keg to the '64 grads. I wonder if that group up there now could last today?" 

A new addition to the family for RODER ICK W. DARE '73: Matthew Roderick was born October 4, 1983! Congratulations! Roderick, a field operations manager for Equity Group in Virginia Beach, VA. 

DAVE BEISSWANGER '74 can be contacted in Bridgewater, NJ. 

Just recently moved to Boalsburg is GERALD J. KISTLER '76. Gerald, an insurance agent with Northwestern Mutual Life.

ROBERT J. O'NEILL '76 lives in Margate, FL. 

GARY T. OVER MEYER '78 is now living in Malden, MA. 

A computer interface analyst with Chubb & Son at corporate headquarters in New York, EVAN J. ROSENBERG '80 married Little Sister Joan Marie Heinsinger on March 31, 1984! After spending a week in Aruba, the new couple returned to Edison, NJ. Evan also reports that PAUL V. BENDER '79 has been transferred to Chubb's new Singapore office. Paul also has announced his engagement to Ramona Raiskins. They plan to be married in the fall. 

Congratulations are in order for ROBERT B. BODENSCHATZ '81, on both his marriage to Judith Butler on July 31, 1982 and his recent promotion to lieutenant in the U.S. Navy. 

U.S. Naval officer BRADLEY DAVEY '82, when last heard from, was planning a May 26, 1984 wedding to Jennifer Noble. Congratulations! Brad and Jennifer apologize to all those they wished to invite but couldn't because of size limitations; they were thinking of you, however. Stay in touch with them at their new home in Summersville, SC. 

MICHAEL R. HYDUCHAK '83, writes, "What's new? Nothing! Living in Butler is about as exciting as being in a coma!" 

DAVID C.L. WOOD '83 is alive and well and can be contacted in Montrose, PA. 

New shutters for the front of the house were also added with your financial support. Note how the shutters give the house a brighter, more stately look. 

Thank you to all those brothers that shared their news.

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Download the July 1984 Omegaphone