Spring 1981 Edition of Rattle

Spring 1981 Rattle

The latest edition of the Rattle is available. Read about what is going on with Omega chapter and its brothers.

Inside this edition:

Chapter Update

Greetings from the Omega Chapter of Theta Chi. The 1980-81 academic year here was one of triumph and defeat, but we've come out on top of it all.

The beginning of fall term saw the annual excellent Penn State football sea-son and the tailgates that go along with the games. Also the term saw a massive repair job taken on by the brotherhood, fixing the first floor area. We raised $2500.00 from our faithful alumni and were matched by the alumni corporation to give us a working capital of $5000.00. With this money we removed cracked plaster walls and replaced them with plasterboard. We also repainted the en-tire downstairs and ordered new carpets and curtains. The remainder of the $5000.00 was used to rewire and put a breaker box in the first floor area.

We finished 5th in athletics and 8th academically among the 50 fraternities at Penn State. Our homecoming was excellently attended by actives and alumni and we were complimented on our progress.

We initiated a four-man pledge class in the last few weeks of the term and pledged five men for the winter term.

Winter term had seven brothers and Daughters participate in the 48-hour IFC Dance Marathon. We placed second in a "Fraternity Feud" philanthropic, and three Omegas drove to Rutger's OX, while our pledge class went to the ox. house at Susquehanna.

Our athletics were better in spring term with the softball team finishing third and the soccer team fourth in their leagues. We placed third in an Ice Cream contest and first in the Greek Week Trivia Bowl contest.

Alumni news was sad this spring as Brothers Albert Frey, alumni treasurer for 35 years, and Abe Doan passed away in May. These Omegas will be truly missed. Our new financial adviser, Jerry Kistler, took over this term replacing Ed Keller who had given us so many years of service.

On campus one brother is an IFC executive and another is Chairman of the Board for a Fraternity food purchasing organization.

Hugh D. Cadzow

Alumni News

Vincent Trotta ’51 has been appointed Associate Vice President for Administration and Student Personnel Services at Edinboro State College (Pa.). Formerly Director of Financial Aid at E.S.C., he received his M.S. from the University of Pennsylvania and has completed his doctoral course work in educational