March 1967 Omegaphone

Below are excepts from the March 1967 Omegaphone, to read the entire issue, please download the pdf to the right

During the summer our Chapter House was renovated, repaired, painted, partly refurnished and a gas heater substituted for the coal furnace. These improvements, a result of alumni action, are very helpful and greatly appreciated. Furthermore, the alumni corp. and the National Executive Office made it possible for Roger Tadsen, a brother from the Minnesota Chapter, to be with us as a grad-uate "resident advisor." Roger has been of great help in getting our rather inexperienced brotherhood operating according to the Theta Chi principles and practices.

We started the year with only 8 brothers and 10 pledges, a dangerously low number, but with financial help from the alumni corp. we hope to obtain sufficient new members so that the Chapter may be able to operate on it's own next fall. 

President's Message

Fall and winter terms were progressive ones for Theta Chi. Most importantly, our house membership, which reached a low of 18 at the beginning of fall, climbed to 38 with the addition of 21 pledges from fall and winter rush. Comparatively, Theta Chi faired very well against the other 54 fraternities as our number of acceptees was among the largest. 

The coming year will again present many challenges to our fraternity, but with the high fraternal spirit that our men seem to possess currently, no obstacle will be too high. During the coming term Omega will be challenged by more stringent academic rushing regulations, a highly competitive interfraternity rush system, and a more liberal visitation plan for women guests in the house. Of prime importance for our fraternity spring term will be to improve our scholastic standing. We also plan to participate in force at this years Regional Assembly at Lehigh on April 15. 

On March 15, 1967 seven new officers were elected. These were: Morris A. Ward, president; John P. Stangl, vice-president; Lee N. Houseknecht, secretary, Jerrel W. Habegger, treasurer; Thomas J. Glendon, rush chairman; Jeffrey Hassinger, social chairman; and William A. Emmett, pledge marshal. 

On the behalf of Omega chapter, I would like to invite all alumni and actives to our Founders Day celebration on the weekend of April 8. I hope to meet as many of you there as possible.

Morris Ward, President 


Fall and winter term rush proved most productive for Omega. Consider-ing the highly competitive rush programs of the 54 fraternities at Penn State, we made an excellent showing. Our newly elected president, Bud Ward, performed his duties as rush chairman in a most exceptional manner and a good bit of the credit for our success in rush belongs to him. 

With spring term rush rapidly approaching, Br. Thomas Glendon, rush chairman-elect, has made plans for a concentrated effort of rush with high hopes, of obtaining a sufficient number of men, who, in addition to the present member-ship will bring the house to full strength once again. The following is a list of the men who became pledges as a result of fall and winter rush: 

Winter 1967 Pledge Class 
Patrick Martin--Chester, Pa.
Mark Johnson—Uniontown, Pa.
Jim Sacks --Allentown, Pa,
Torn Schreffler --Pottsville, Pa.
Torn Kinney--Ligonier, Pa.
Ron Hogan--New Brighton, Pa.
Paul Crossan--Landenburg, Pa.

Spring 1967 Pledge Class
Rich Stiscia—Chester, Pa.
Steve Boocock—Plum, Pa.
Darrel Packer--Pittsburgh, Pa.
Stan Terzopolas--Shenandoah, Pa.
Bob Holland--Harrisburg, Pa.
Arthur Olsen--Levittown, Pa.
Jack McCombs --Blairsville, Pa.
Hank Bellezza- -Philadelphia, Pa.
Jack Weiss --South Hampton, Pa,
Stan Brittingham.--Easton, Pa.
Carl Graybill--Lancaster, Pa.
Joseph Posh--Bethlehem, Pa.
Edward Siemon—Pittsburgh, Pa.
Mike Griffith-Fox Chapel, Pa. 

Pledging Program

The pledge class of Winter 1967 consists of seven men, who will complete their pledge program at the beginning of spring term. The new pledge class, com-posed of fourteen men, was obtained through a vigorous winter term rush. Their pledging period should extend through the beginning of fall term. 

The existent pledge program is one that stresses manners, the basic graces, and unity among the members of the pledge class. More important, however, we endeavor to instill the pledges with a strong sense of loyalty to Theta Chi by emphasizing Theta Chi history, tradition, The Creed of Theta Chi and its objectives.

As pledge marshal I will try to establish a more constructive, educational, and meaningful pledge training program thereby promoting the general well being of Omega Chapter. 

William Emmett Pledge Marshal 


Activity in intramural sports at Omega has been limited this school year. In the major sports, football and basketball, we limped and stumbled to mediocre seasons. In football we gave a good account of ourselves finishing with two wins and four losses. With a stalwart defense we overcame Alpha Zeta 12-0, and Tau Epsilon Pi 6-0. In perhaps our best showing of the season we were defeated 3-0 by Phi Delta Theta which lost only to Alpha Sigma Phi in the finals of fraternity football. 

In basketball Theta Chi was hampered by the loss of Br. Tom Meade, our top scorer for the greater part of the season due to a knee injury. As a result of various injuries and sicknesses we struggled to an unproductive record of 3 wins and 5 losses. 

Our spirits are not dampened, however, and we are waiting anxiously for next year. With a full house and a little luck, we will give a much better showing next year. 

Jeffrey Hassinger Athletic Chairman 

E. T. Speaks

Hi Alumni. Once again it is time to salute you, and wish you and yours a Happy Easter, with all its joys and fulfillments.

We are expecting to see many of you returning for Founder's Day and when you do visit us, you will experience a new feeling, a feeling of welcome and brotherhood to all.

Years may come and years may go, but memories of your undergrad days still haunt these old walls, and I cherish these memories dearly. Some are related to the new pledges to make them feel at ease, by being molded into shape, to fit their new roles as brothers of Theta Chi. 

The house looks wonderful with new furniture and new decorating, plus a new heating system. The brothers are doing a splendid job of rushing, and everything is looking up again. To most of us, that is very, very encouraging. Therefore, it is imperative that you visit us on Founder's Day, to meet and create new interests among the pledges and brothers, 

Remember, you are as young as your self-confidence and as old as your fears. As young as your desires and as old as your despairs. So come visit us on Founder's Day. Your presence will motivate us to new heights. 

The best of everything to everyone. 
Yours, Giff 


Our Social Calender has been an active and varied one to say the least. For Homecoming this past fall we worked with Gamma Phi Beta sorority in the various Greek activities. Although we didn't win any trophies in the Homecoming competition, we all had a great time just working together. This winter term was highlighted by several theme parties: a New Year's Eve Party (on Feb.4), a French Sewer Party, and a costume party. As always there have been a number of the usual beer blasts topped off with a songfest in the party room. Now we know that you old "Chi's" haven't forgotten the words to the party songs or how to "lift up your glass", so why don't you join us here at Omega on Founder's Day Weekend (April 8 & 9), and help us celebrate. 

Miscellaneous Matters

IFC has put through a new liberalized guest visitation ruling which will go into effect beginning spring term enabling visitation by women above the first floor. This should be interesting. 

Bob Luther graduated fall term and spent a very enjoyable winter in Chicago working for Reynolds Aluminum.

Our Region III Assembly is scheduled for April 15th at Lehigh. From the interest expressed by brothers and pledges, we should take home a man mile traveling trophy.

IFC in another of its swift moves is trying to inact a new food co-op program. We all know what Giffy thinks of this.

It seems like Tim Nelligan and Art Luhman will be acquiring new roommates shortly. After rooming together for a year in Pittsburgh they are both picking out kitchen curtains for a new nest. 

Br. Tom Meade will be leaving us for six months beginning in April when he serves his hitch in the Marine Reserve. 

.Thank you to all those brothers that shared their news.

Checkout past issues of the Omegaphone by clicking here.

Download the March 1967 Omegaphone